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Everything posted by scrin-124678

  1. To be honest I give SilentKnight right, that guy seeks for attention and gets it here while in his real life he wont get any from other persons otherwise he would got over it what happened in the past instead of remembering it and getting pissed over and over again. And about having faith in people, I lost it a long time ago where I was a moderator in a other game, lonelyness make dull brains. But well I guess that comes when people go on youtube, facebook,twitter or other social media to pose around on their profile instead of living their life without being stuck alone on their cellphone or computer.
  2. All we need is a ice cream truck 😉
  3. When its 99% and you stop it it should load the stuff you already downloaded and beginn to try to download the remaining 1%. At least that was how it was for me But when its 99% you should wait, in my case it needed around 30 min to finish that 1%
  4. I find healing in tiberium good, but it should be 1 hp every 2 second or even slower, making then heal too fast would be too OP ( also considered that they have veteran levels witch heal them up too)
  5. amazing to see how things change .. From maps that are much less datailed and took my computer to load 3 second to maps that has many nice details, funny there are pics that I wont belive those are the same maps lol The only thing I like about old snow maps is that they had this fog effect witch gave them the freezing cold effect.
  6. To be honest Am I the only one who think turret/guard tower/AA are aktually weak? I mean when a commander use cruise missile strike then the support structure is almost dead and needs only a few shot to be taken out. Even ingame some people laugh why technicans/engineers keep repairing them when they are useless (example taken out when I played at hourglass) At least that is why I dont like medium sized maps that have more than 1 entrance path (for tanks and infantry) and is only guarded by turrets and guard towers, because those turrets/guard towers seems like they could defend your base but they are actually taken out that fast that you cant react to that fast enough, and even then nobody is all the time there to repair it and sometimes nobody cares about them at all. In my opinion those support structures should play a bigger role than just base decoration, like in Walls where it actually do because it cover almost the half field from helicopters.
  7. 1. ofc no one will go on a empty server the past told us. Before the 60 player servers was re-implemented there was only a 40 players server and all other servers was empty. means all players just waited till they was able to join that 40 player server. So no point there this will help community. And about why i dont join the CT server with 64 players, because the ping goes bad at that server when 64 players on it (maybe to that fact because the vehicle limit got raised there idk), on fairplay it was compared to that server very good. 2. I stated the point already out in my post you answered. (btw rank and leaderbord are 2 different things.) And silent, about that tank question as a stated there there is no need make tanks more weaker. And ofc i dont care about people opinion because when there nothing to fix, then dont fix it. I just want to point out that when someone dont like it how it is you will only hear his opinion, not the opinion of those players who liked it how it was. (i mean nobody would post a topic how good that feature is). And its also funny to see that someone is reading my old comments just to find somthing to hurt me, sorry if my last post was offensive to people (for real) but to be honest when i come from work I dont want to waste 10 min on hoping to join a full 40 player server and then join a 10 people server in the hope that it will reach 20 players. And before I go off I just want to say I agree with kaunas at most, he finds better word to explain the whole situation that the most of us.
  8. After i saw that the fairplay server is now a 40 player server, I guessed the reason in 1 sec. again people that try to change somthing.(maybe for a advantage?) There are 40 player servers, why dont you go play there. Instead of that people play on the 60 player server and dont like 60 players? hows that? Ok enough of logic questions, In my opinion 20vs 20 servers was quite empty, in fact when i saw back in the day a server where it was like 36-20 players i never jointed because it was just a match where player sneaked into a low defended base and made recommendations like crazy (Maybe thats why you guys want that back..), and yeah thats unfair why you ask? lets look because there is a team that does good teamplay and locking down a base with tanks and then suddenly your buildings blow up! why? because someone sneaked in. 10 players lock up a base and there are no defenders. perfect for a ego sneaker. And this is why it sucks lol this game only helps people that are egoistic and dont do teamplay while the other team that do teamplay getting fucked and that is frustration for those who do teamplay. And saying things like 60 players are bad, you cant do a rush there because nobody listen to you is just stupid. the last days shown us that teamrushes ended games, you guys are just frustrated because when there are 60 players you cant sneak easily in a base without getting seen. In fact i see only this suggestion is just made to make it easier for people to sneak in and getting many recommendations because you want to see your name very high in the leaderboard. So, what are we learning today? people suggest something and try to hide up the real reason because they see they can change a game and the community believe them,but then in some years its the community that is asking whats wrong why there are no players here? Try to learn from C&C Reborn mod.
  9. yay just make tanks weaker, whats the point of buying tanks? Trust me the beta 1/2 was the best. people wanted to buy tanks because they was somthing to rush enemys, and it was possible to kill infantery units easily with it. Now you want to make tanks weaker so that people buy infanterys? and then cry when a sniper comes that only gives you headshots? But ok thats why all of your maps are build so that people can win it with infantery rushes .. and when the map isnt like that you just place the obelisc/AGT so stupid that you think that enginner team that build the base was drunk. Trust me thats why only 1 server is full and not like in the beginning every third server. And this is a complete waste of time here nobody is going to make it better, why trying to suggest something when a little group of people say what would be the best. Just like tiberian twilight people told EA what was annoying and they cutted it out, and then you wonder how a bad game like that can happen? Trust me when a game makes no fun just leave it, dont waste your time to change somthing, when nothing will happen. (To people that will comment my post i will just say try it i dont waste my times to read your explainings why was that good or why i dont like you, you can go to a place where no sun shines in.)
  10. Read carefully to understand. Like in the past where new maps where put ingame allways some people screamed: this map is shit, who is that retard that made this map?, and some other stuff, its understandable that he think people would not appreciate it.
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