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Everything posted by dtdesign

  1. There is an annoying barrier from the lower field to the GDI hill path (bunker <-> sniper spot/base entrance), it blocks movement when trying to squeeze through from the field. When trying to walk through it from the hillside, it'll cause the player model to be stuck midair as seen on the screenshot. In general, I would love to see this particular area being (partly) reworked, the movement is quite difficult during to various obstacles and scattered rocks with collision detection, making it significantly harder to flank sieging tanks.
  2. Increasing the timer does not really address the issue of one-shotting buildings by a single tech/hotwire. While it does aid in defusing the C4 on time, it still requires the intrusion to be both detected and actually pinned down. Especially in public games, there is a significant delay between disappearing mines and someone actually noticing it. Let's face it, more than often a building bursts into flames and you can read the entire team spamming "how?" in the chat because nobody noticed that 2 missing mines. I'm also strongly against taking the PUG into consideration at all, this is about improving the overall gameplay and experience! PUG games might be cool, but still are like 5% of the time, compared to 95% spend on public games. The main goal should be to reduce the level of frustration that affects players and can effectively kill off the experience for new players.
  3. One thing I would like to add to @Quincy's list are the dozens of obstacles scattered around inside the GDI base. This is fine from an infantry perspective and adds quite a lot of detail, but once you sit in a mammoth it's basically like navigating through a minefield. At some point I was basically bumping my mammoth through our base, there was no way you could call this driving. In general, navigating around GDI base in a tank is rather unpleasant due to the difficult terrain, especially considering the ref sitting on an own level. That said, I love the level of detail of that map, but the GDI base could really benefit from a marauding steamroller
  4. There is a small issue with the GDI footpath that leads from the backside to the power plant. The path consists of two tunnel segments with one open segment connecting them where you can see the WF/AGT. The screenshot below is taken in the outer tunnel segment facing the back path eventually leading towards the GDI bridge. If a player walks through the right tube, there is some weird clipping going on which blocks the player's movement, as if there was some kind of wall. It only happens at roughly the point where my crosshair is pointing, if you look closely, you can notice that the texture there looks quite odd. This is the best I could describe it, let me know if you require more information on that
  5. Thinking twice about the original suggestions and the concerns brought up in the current discussion, it effectively boils down to two separate issues that possibly should be addressed: Replace the heavy pistol with the basic silenced pistol, significantly reducing the offensive potential. Remove their 2nd timed c4 and leave them with the same amount of C4 as an engineer. Reducing the timed c4 means that hotwire/tech cannot instakill a building within a second, but still bring it down to like 30%. Combined with a second player they can still blow it up, but they can no longer go from zero to hero by taking out a 100%/100% building on their own. This change is less effective if they keep the heavy pistol due to the significant damage against the MCT. From my perspective, this is the least obstructive change. Neither does it cripple the defensive aspect, nor does it introduce the need for an additional class. @Fffreak9999 I would definitely appreciate a nerf to the early crates. I've seen the poi/boi duo rushing towards a money crate and instantly suiciding to buy a humvee. On Walls, this means that the harvester is still approaching the tiberium field and you already see them pushing the pedal to the metal to take out PP or any other target. Following the example, I have seen them taking out the ref this way before the first harvester was able to unload his cash. It goes without saying, that this has completely sealed the deal and especially on public (where you cannot expect the same level of coordination when it comes to defense) this creates a significant amount of frustration among the players.
  6. The disarming speed needs to be decreased and on top of that: Why not make it an "all or nothing" job: Stopping the disarm procedure cancels it entirely, reverting the mine back to 100%. Walls is a good example for death by running, it takes bloody ages to reach buildings, especially on PP where both doors face the void rather than the base (it makes sense considering all these lame snipers, though). Another good example is the map "Fort" on public games, usually, there are only 1-2 active defenders (if lucky), it still takes ages to check buildings. Combine that with the lovely strategy of putting up defensive mines as an attacker and you won't defuse the C4 in time, even if you acted the second the mine counter decreased. General speaking, Renegade is and has always been a team-focused game, where the teamwork and coordination should be the goal to achieve victory. Having a single hottie/tech sneaking into your base (*cough* Eyes *cough*) defeats this entirely, as they can bring down crucial infrastructure with the blink of an eye. Seeing similar discussions while playing, I often hear people stating, that a coordinated team can easily defend against that and it just takes a "skilled" defender to take care of the base. While this may be somewhat true during PUG (where single hottie/tech rampage is still a thing), it's like 98% of the time people will be playing on public without any significant coordination taking place. Oh and please, do something against these "spawn->crate->humvee->remote-c4" tactic, it is just super cheap and a hit on ref usually means the other team can pretty much surrender from then on. How about having buildings in some sort of reinforced mode in the first 5 minutes that prevents permanent damage (you can still farm money by hitting it's "shield"). Would also prevent flamer/chem rushes on Snow
  7. Oh boy, that was a real mess, especially considering we were preparing an Apache rush when GDI arrived with their rush (which we defended quite well with that Apache spam). But instead of immediately countering it, we were sitting there waiting for a trash-talking SBH (I'm almost at WF with my nuke - minimap shows him barely out of NOD base), giving GDI all the time to stack hotties on each MCT. Seriously, wtf?!
  8. This surprises me even more. Honestly, do you think there is any fun walking by feet for ages before finally seeing anything you can engage? The original maps were medium sized and allowed for infantry to get into position in a timely fashion. Personally I like to split from the group and flank enemy vehicles with Sydney/Raveshaw, which can have a surprisingly large impact on the battle, because all of sudden there is a secondary attack vector. Surely as a tank you barely care from where these shots come from, but your Tech/Hottie will find itself pants down, facing a railgun. Due to the different attack directions he/she can no longer hide behind the tank and must make a decision: Be the hero repairer that sacrifices itself to keep the tank intact or get into the vehicle, risking it to get popped in no time (funny enough, they chose to get into vehicle, which just delays their death a bit). This has pretty much always been possible on the old maps, but the newer ones make it significantly harder due to inconsistent foot paths that ideally go side-by-side with vehicles paths every now and then. This is a real issue on Tunnels and the only other option is to play as a sniper, but then again tech/hottie can hide behind vehicles, also this makes the game pretty static as you create a single frontline instead of having ongoing dynamic fights. Just consider Under which can be a really camp fest with vehicles, but if your infantry gets the upper hand on tunnels, they can easily backstab the camping tanks and turn the whole game around. To me infantry aren't just slower, less armored vehicles, but the second half of a whole. I remember a great game on X-Mountains where the GDI team thought it doesn't have to bother these two raveshaws because they have fat meds and mammoths. Like 10 seconds later the hotties were dead and their tanks started melting like ice cubes in the sun. The dozens of artys couldn't do anything but barely stall the frontline. Two highly motivated Raveshaws attacking them from their flanks turned out to be the nails in the coffin. This is the power of infantry!
  9. I basically just fell in love with Sydney/Raveshaw back in C&C Renegade and these are still super strong bonds. Nothing feels better than haunting down a med tank on your own or show that Patch what a real gun looks like (unless I'm Patch myself, because it is op as hell). Then get killed by a Havoc scum camping at the farthest edge of the whole map and spend 5 minutes sneaking up behind them. Finally enjoy killing them with a pistol because they can't hit anything up close and personal, proving once again that sniping requires little to no skill. There are only two instances where this isn't fun: Infantry-hostile maps that are very large and either have no real infantry fights (Lakeside) or provide no real cover against vehicles (Tunnels). I'm quite surprised at how little map creators walk through their map with infantry, I mean what is the point of running for minutes with infantry before even reaching the center of the map? Also I want Glacier back!
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