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Posts posted by Agent

  1. Hotmail / Live / Outlook users should now be able to receive emails (most notably, activation emails).

    As far as I'm aware, every relevant service accepts our emails now.

  2. The width of the forums is now described as:

    body {
    	width: 1200px;
    	max-width: 100%;
    	min-width: 60%;

    Which means the forums shouldn't be tiny on, say, 4K monitors (which sadly I do not actually own and therefore can't see how it looks on -- if someone could take a screenshot of the forums on their 4K monitor and post it that'd be really nice).

    • Like 1
  3. We're not paying $30/month -- that would be if we wanted them to host the website, which would impractical. I already had a self-hosted license laying around, and the renewal fee is $50 every 6 months for updates and support (which really isn't much).


    And yeah, phpBB was tied into the front and download pages as well. I didn't even realize that until I put the forums in maintenance mode and nobody could reach the downloads.

    • Like 1
  4. Just throwing this out here, why not tie ownership of com center, to purchase of jammer? That way, you have to capture center, to get jammer, so when you lose center, you can still infiltrate, and just need to recapture to get another jammer in case you die.

    That's a terrible idea; the communications center already gives more than enough. The primary reason I particularly want a personal radar jammer is to allow for potential infiltration, while also removing the current wonky mechanic of not seeing enemies in your own base.

    I was thinking the cost could be 200 or so, but I'm pretty not great at pricing.

  5. I was thinking it just wouldn't occupy a slot, and would only apply to the individual to hide them from radar; the communications center would then be reverted to show within your base (essentially providing a very false sense of security). This probably wouldn't apply to vehicles. So far everybody I've ran the idea by seems to like it.

    An actual item though that jams a radius would also be neat, though I still tend to lean in favor of the individual jammer.

  6. I may work on lobbies (and possibly other social features) at a later date, I just haven't gotten around to it (and honestly probably won't). If I don't get around to that, then yeah, tossing a quick IRC client to connect to the #RenegadeX channel should be relatively trivial.

  7. Packages placed anywhere in UDKGame/CookedPC should work. The example mutators are in the RenX_ExampleMutators package.

    For compiling mutators, you should download the SDK.

    The wiki page could use some additional content if anybody feels like contributing.

  8. The solution freak mentioned should work, which would add the configured bot counts on match start. That's also how the Skirmish menu adds bots to the match. The skirmish menu also tacks on the following value, though I suspect it's currently unused.

    "?Numplay=" $ (SelectedMap.GDIBotValue + SelectedMap.NodBotValue)
    Example: ?Numplay=6?GDIBotCount=3?NodBotCount=3

    @kenz: There's already a bot-side plugin that regulates bots, though to be frank I haven't tested to see if it still works. It's perfectly possible that it may have broken with the recent RCON updates (but would be easily fixable). The plugin's named "RenX.MinPlayers", and what it actually does is regulates the bot count to enforce a minimum number of "players" (bots + humans). This means that as players join bots get naturally be phased out, and as players leave bots gradually get added. It's imperfect though.

    Honestly though if you're just setting up a small server (i.e: a LAN server), it's not really worth the hassle to setup an administration bot for just one plugin.

  9. Honestly I hate that mutator myself as well and have avoided playing on that server as a result. Giving shotguns to engineers is just silly and somewhat game breaking; I feel similarly about pretty much all of the weapon modifications on that server.

    But yes, in general servers are permitted to run any non-malicious mutators.

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