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Posts posted by Agent

  1. Regarding player limits:

    What do you guys think about raising the max players allowed to 64, and leaving the default max players at 40? This would eliminate the need for servers to run a mutator.

    In addition (and arguably much more importantly), what do you guys think about adding a "soft max players"? Basically if MaxPlayers was set to 64 and SoftMaxPlayers was set to 50, and there were as an example 60 players, the server population would be split into two separate servers at the end of the match with 30 players being in each server. There would also be a check so that players will only be sent to other servers with the exact same mutator and level list; if there's no matching server, then the population is not split.


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  2. The actual verbiage relating to Steam was this, @Fffreak9999:


    · Totem Arts may use Command & Conquer IP for Renegade X on the www.renegade-x.com website only, and not on any other platform, including Steam;

    This is a huge part of why we've built our own delivery network, rather than simply using Steam, Origin, GOG, whatever.

    We're also restricted from monetizing the game in any way.

    • Like 1
  3. Other than seamless travel, it is absolutely impossible to transfer anything that extends from Actor between levels, because an Actor exists on the level itself. I've been passing certain non-Actor variables such as the connection to the server list through Rx_GameEngine lately, but this isn't at all intended to be used by modders since including an Actor in there literally crashes the game client. I'm sure I could create some sort of interface for this though if it's genuinely useful -- just be aware that however I implement it, it wouldn't accept Actors in any way.

    The options available to you are:

    • Write variables to a config file -- this is probably the most straight forward way to do what you want
    • Pass variables as a server travel parameter -- this requires extending Rx_Game and using a config file would generally be cleaner
    • Use seamless travel -- this is not recommended or supported in any way, and could have screwy results since we haven't tested anything with it in a very long time.
    • Like 1
  4. I'm probably going to actually remove RenX.Ladder.Web at some point; I just need to change the underlying database structure is all.

    In the meantime, here is the config for RenX.Ladder.Web that the official leaderboard uses:


    ; File: RenX.Ladder.Web

    ; Name of the leaderboard table page (Default: )

    ; Name of the search table page (Default: search)

    ; Name of the profile page (Default: profile)

    ; Path for the pages to be reached at (Default: /)

    ; Name of the file that is prepended before every page

    ; Name of the file that is appended to every page

    ; Name of the file that defines the profile page layout

    ; Name of the file that is prepended to leaderboard tables

    ; Name of the file that is appended to leaderboard tables

    ; Number of entries to display per table page

    ; Minimum number of input characters on the search page

    ; Defines the layout of the leaderboard table rows
    EntryTableRow=<tr><td class="data-col-a">{RANK}</td><td class="data-col-b"><a href="profile?id={STEAM}&database={OBJECT}">{NAME}</a></td><td class="data-col-a">{SCORE}</td><td class="data-col-b">{SPM}</td><td class="data-col-a">{GAMES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WINS}</td><td class="data-col-a">{LOSSES}</td><td class="data-col-b">{WLR}</td></tr>

    ; Defines the layout of the 'previous' button on profiles
    EntryProfilePrevious=<form class="profile-previous"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{WEAPON}"/><input class="profile-previous-submit" type="submit" value="&#x21A9 Previous" /></form>

    ; Defines the layout of the 'next' button on profiles
    EntryProfileNext=<form class="profile-next"><input type="hidden" name="database" value="{OBJECT}"/><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{VSTEAM}"/><input class="profile-next-submit" type="submit" value="Next &#x21AA" /></form>


    And attached are the files in the html directory.

    HTTPServer is bound to on port 80.

    ForceDefault is set to true on RenX.Ladder.All-Time.

    The plugins loaded: IRC.Core CoreCommands PluginManager ExtraCommands RenX.Core RenX.Commands RenX.Logging RenX.ModSystem RenX.Listen RenX.Ladder HTTPServer RenX.Ladder.Web RenX.Ladder.All-Time RenX.Ladder.Yearly RenX.Ladder.Monthly RenX.Ladder.Weekly RenX.Ladder.Daily RenX.ServerList


    Hope this helps,



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  5. Are you trying to set bTestMode on every Controller? If so then you're not having a replication issue; you have to iterate through every controller and set the variable on the server, which then replicates to the client for their respective controller. Every player has a separate Controller.

    I'm sure you can find an example of iterating through AllControllers in Rx_Game somewhere.

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