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Posts posted by Agent

  1. 4 hours ago, TheOlsenTwins said:

    where it starts when x amount of players are interested in joining another server

    This is the kind of feature you would want in the game, not the launcher. Keep in mind that the launcher's primary purpose is to update the game, and for bonus points it has a server browser.

  2. Re: Theme:

    There is a default theme which comes with the software suite that is much brighter than this one, but many items on this website are not setup to correctly utilize said theme. If you have any specific suggested on how I might make the current theme more readable, feel free to make a post including CSS changes alongside a screenshot.


    Re: About Me page:


    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

    EDIT: I'm a little bit slow today, @Agentalready fixed that. (I didn't know that that param was a thing? I though that only -nomovies was present at that time, and that blocks all movies. Ah well)

    It's a change that @ShrewdTactician made actually, and you're correct that it's the same as -nomovies.

    I do agree though that the volume of the intro should definitely be normalized. @Havoc89

  4. You can login as an administrator in-game and forcefully change a player's team. You can open the console with the '`' (~) key, or the single-line console with the F5 key. The commands you'll want to execute will look something like this:


    /login your_admin_password
    /team player_to_move

    To get a list of commands (excluding /login), type /help or look here (might be slightly out of date): https://renx.wiki/wiki/RCON#Commands

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  5. In my experience, audio issues were caused by a sound device being disconnected or having a poor connection for a short period of time. My issues were actually resolved by replacing my headset.

    On 5/12/2017 at 0:26 PM, Mr.Dynamite said:

    First is when i tried to use the purchase terminal, had about a 10-15 second freeze when I switched to the engineer from the soldier.

    This has been a long known problem, and was actually one of the original reasons the x64 binaries were never publicly published prior. This issue also potentially extends to the front end and escape menus. For the sake of information, can you say how the Win64 binaries perform on the front end menu, settings menu, etc?

  6. I haven't really read the majority of this thread, but bots are assigned their character in 'Rx_Game.SetPlayerDefaults' in this segment:

    		if(PurchaseSystem.AirStrip != None) {
    			Rx_Pri(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).CharClassInfo = Rx_Bot(PlayerPawn.Controller).BotBuy(Rx_Bot(PlayerPawn.Controller), true);
    		} else if(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_GDI) {
    			Rx_Pri(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).CharClassInfo = PurchaseSystem.GDIInfantryClasses[Rand(15)];
    			`LogRxPub("GAME" `s "Spawn;" `s "player" `s `PlayerLog(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo) `s "character" `s UTPlayerReplicationInfo(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).CharClassInfo);
    		} else if(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_NOD) {
    			Rx_Pri(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).CharClassInfo = PurchaseSystem.NodInfantryClasses[Rand(15)];
    			`LogRxPub("GAME" `s "Spawn;" `s "player" `s `PlayerLog(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo) `s "character" `s UTPlayerReplicationInfo(PlayerPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo).CharClassInfo);


  7. Based on a quick play test with a slightly lesser MBP model (A1398) with Windows 10 running in Parallels, it's playable (30 FPS, 1440x900, Medium graphics preset). I'd strongly recommend not playing at native resolution though. This is far from the optimal test though -- I'm not even sure if Windows has the correct drivers installed, for example.

    I can probably get better details if you like; just let me know.

  8. @yosh56: clearly I was hoping for more context, I know how to read (most of the time). If I'm going off of only what he said, then I suppose he's aiming for some sort of CNC-Classic mode in an effort to be more faithful to the original game.

    5 hours ago, zunnie said:

    How would you set up something like this?

    Now, the actual important part from the above thread is this:

    On 2/17/2017 at 0:38 AM, ShrewdTactician said:

    Which is included in UDKEngine.ini. By default, RedirectToURL points to http://cdn.renegade-x.com/site/gamerepo/ . Everything else is already more or less configured -- you just have to point RedirectToURL to your own HTTP server. You basically just throw files into a flat-hierarchy directory, which might look something like this:


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