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About This File


  • .upk file goes into Renegade X > UDKGame > CookedPC > RenX > Environments
  • .udk goes into Renegade X > UDKGame > CookedPC > Maps > RenX ]


Fantastically designed map created by DaKuja, CNC-Glasses pays homage to CNC-Eyes as a re-rendition.

Each base contains the Primary defensive structure as well as two GT's. (Guard Tower/ Gun Turret)

Multiple routes for players to venture on as either infantry or in a vehicle! 

Work alone or alongside your fellow players and engage in all-out-warfare! 

This is CnC-Glasses.

Map Contents:

  • Advanced Guard Tower
  • Obelisk
  • Barracks
  • Hand of Nod
  • Weapons Factory
  • Airstrip
  • Powerplant(s)
  • Refinery(s)
  • 2 Guard Towers
  • 2 Gun Turrets
  • Crates
  • Two vehicle routes
  • Two Infantry routes

"Let's rock!"

What's New in Version


1st Amendment

  • Nod arty can no longer hit GDI Harvester from the Nod base Entrance.
  • Gunfire will no longer pass through the Tiberium meteorite at the TibField.
  • Gawdy snow bunker material changed. (snow pretending to be sand in this map looked too pixelated, standing out in a bad way)
  • Obelisk moved an inch closer to reach to the same extent as the AGT.
  • RollerCoaster Endgame-Camera added

2nd Amendment 

  • Fixed Nod Harvester path-finding due to the added rock
  • GDI Weapons Factory now has Vehicle RolloutNodes

3rd Amendment

  • Fixed the lighting issue 
  • Fixed AGT spotting areas
  • Extended Obelisk range to reach as far as the AGT
  • Fixed pathnode issues
  • Remade Nod main entrance rock overhead [Original one was not appearing due to non-uniform scaling]

4th Amendment

  • 'Gaps' have been filled with rocks
  • AGT has been masked from Infantry Silo route
  • Obelisk has also been masked to balance AGT masking at Infantry Silo route
  • All vehicle blocking volumes have been increased in height to stop vehicles climbing over into Infantry paths
  • Moved blocking volumes at bridge locations to allow infantry to jump over the railings into vehicle traffic
  • Moved blocking volumes at GDI side of main Infantry route which prevented infantry from volleying over the walls onto the rocks below
  • Gaps at GDI side of main infantry route by the containers where it looked like you could fit infantry no longer look like they can fit infantry
  • Covered gap between containers at GDI Main Infantry route with a box
  • Spot where obelisk couldn't shoot at you if you were in a specific location is no longer a location you can shoot the Obelisk from
  • Overpass of the main infantry route above the tib_field where AGT could shoot infantry has been masked from view
  • Obelisk has also been masked from view for balance reasons
  • Fixed lighting issues that were plaguing the beauty of the map
  • Map is now not as bright

5th Amendment

  • Brightness of map tweaked
  • Map has been balanced out for both teams;
  • GDI Refinery was completely exposed to rocket soldier and Arty spam quite unfairly, this has been rectified
  • GDI PP was ridiculously exposed from multiple routes, the number of exposure points has been reduced
  • Infiltration of bases (in particular the GDI base) more balanced
  • Nod PP has a one-way dead-end route for vehicles, now the GDI PP does as well as part of balance changes


6th Amendment

  • Fixed EndGameCamera which flys into the Rocks near GDI Ref.
  • Redone Tank/BlockingVolumes around the whole Map.
  • Fixed places where player can get stuck (Thanks to DarkSn4ke)
  • Replaced the floor areas or the bridges with bsp's to save alot of resources
  • Added some Particle Effects
  • Massiv culling work done (Remove collisions from many meshes at the background or not visible for Players)
  • Added some Lights at the Tiberium Field
  • Added Spotting Areas

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May i suggest you build this zip file to include and automatically extract its self to the proper directories?

You did all this work on making a great map and couldn't take the 5minutes to make a self extractor?




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