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Field -X | Mission impossible


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  • Totem Arts Staff

Right now on the current match on EU server,
I play as NOD . this is an almost full server capacity.

GDI just holding us with their mammy and med tanks inside the base, along with their good snipers.
Also at tunnel small squad of mobs and patch and repairs, 
Add that rush from time to time and we lost few buildings.

it's not that we didnt try to break free, pushing out with tanks just impossible because they stand in the path side and front entracne with large firepower.
cassual players think "oh such wide and large space i should get arty" but it always ends up the same result - barely does damage due to attacking gdi heavy tanks which also have repairs, and MRLS ability to lock on arties with their paper weight armor. 
tunnels are the same, lcg, officer, what ever we try with a group doesnt help, if you fall with enough new players or just average players then you might or not take tunnels but for a breif momoent. 
those MRLSes tanks that each one guarding perfectly the tunnel doesnt help either, one mrls kills all our rushes.

So, once locked in , no way out but F5 > exit.  this is unbareable that there isn't a way to break free and just really really bad experience.
currently i have no idea how to improve , really nothing come up to my mind but im sure many other players would suggest few stuff - better listen to them.
i'm just thinking - there must be a better way to play this map. 
#help #gdiBlock #saveus #praiseKane #holdYourWeaponsHigh 

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My observations are that Nod mostly wins this map with a Dozer tunnel rush, but people need the economy to be able to afford it, rockets work if it stays clear in the tunnel. If Nod takes the outside route with artillery, lights and occasionally a flame tank backed with repairs, they can repel tank armour easier than GDI can hold ground and torment them from afar. Once GDI has map supremacy from the field with tanks it's very difficult to take it back because they've been likely getting harvester dumps for most of the game and can replenish their tank numbers again quickly. See my thread on manually mining tiberium without a harvester if you want to address the economic disadvantage on maps like this. If a change was made to the map, I would suggest there needs to be more cover at the base entrances like Reservoir and steeper gradients on the hills on the central battlefield to provide earth mounds to hide tanks behind, something lacking on the Nod side.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Call me Tom Cruise but I really felt Nod could have easily won. 😂

Biggest reason I saw Nod failing was due to lack of common goal.

I came into the match 40 minutes in, tried to rallied the team with organized rushes. But there was only so much we could do.

It wasnt a total loss we took out the barracks around 1hr15min mark, but we focused too much on offense and not enough defense.


I realized sending the team to go field and not telling anyone to stay to defend (assumed too much) is what ended it.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I think Field X is in a good spot in terms of balancing, it is very possible to win with Nod on this map. The problem is mostly, that the players, especially the newbies, don't really understand how to play on Nod on this map. Furthermore I feel like ppl on Nod are mostly not ready to be Field repairs and that will result in loosing the tank and economy battle, no matter how good the tankers are performing.

So what are the objectives for Nod to win on Field X?

1. Kill Harvester, save your own if you can

2. Take Silo and keep it

Many people underestimate the impact of the additional credits the Silo provides. Especially if both teams are unable to secure the Harvester, and that's often the case on Field X, the Silo gives your team an edge in the economy war.

3. Take long path

Ignore the main field. It is just a huge exposed space with long sightlines. The enemy can shoot you and sit in save positions, nearly impossible to accomplish anything there.

Focus your recourses on the long path, it is very easy to get some progress there, since the big slow GDI tanks are struggling in this small space, especially on the bridge near the comm centre. Control over the long path will also grant you control over the main field, since all tanks there are pretty exposed and easy targets if you manage to flank them on the long path.

4. Don't get tunnel rushed

I know it is a pretty frustrating thing for the enemy, but I always appreciate some camping artys. Loosing Hond to a gunner rush will reduce your chance to win to 1%.

5. Late game

If GDI is locked in, just do usual Arty bombardment, Infantry and stank rushes are also  some good strategys.

Follow those steps and you have a pretty good chance to win. In my opinion changes to this map are not necessary.

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On 8/28/2020 at 6:00 PM, kira said:

I play as NOD .

Hey bubs it's Nod, as in the Brotherhood of Nod. Nod is not an acronym, unlike GDI, which stands for Global Defense Initiative. So you don't capitalize each letter in Nod.


Just kiddin, you good.

EDIT: lol rowboat quit pretending to be confused and vandal wipe those tears, have no fears, leave no beers, and do a cheers.

Edited by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr
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