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A way for appeal on bans/mutes or just to get some better understanding why

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Goodevening all, 

Today I found out I am muted permanently (?) for racism, homophopbia, general toxicity, bigotry (dr manhattan / NLM ). 

I have looked over the forums for some way to understand better which comment of me was the one that got me muted. I do not wish to grief, I wish to learn. 

Because (exept for the toxic part) I dont understand which aspect of my chat would have been racist or homophobic. I really do not understand. If you look my profile up on instagram or other social media you'd understand that I  have been an advocate of equality for years! This is my first mute and I think permanently is a bit harsh, but with a bit of context I could grow to understand why. As for toxicity, I can get that. Especially towards Xphase yesterday, but he really got on my nervers and my bloodsugar was really, really low (3.2). 


Please educate me dear mods, for I am at a loss. 


Hey there @AgentPigleton,

It looks like by bad luck, you're being affected by a chat ban that was intended for a different player entirely. I've added an exemption that should allow you to play normally, as long as you're using Steam. Please feel free to shoot me a message on here or (preferably) Discord if you run into any issues.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

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Having modded some pretty fringe places before (where you would be banned for being the complete opposite of the above rules kek), trigger happy moderation isn't good for a community.

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