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Renegade Ascension Guide


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This not an ion cannon in this case, it's about learning to game with love and so I've put together this players ascension guide for Renegade-X. Ascension is a real mystical process and is not merely fictional, in part it depends upon continuous self-improvement and getting recognition from your own God in order to move vertically up into a higher level of reality by rising in inner vibration and frequency. Light comes down from above usually in response to positive actions, good skills and helpful deeds.

The following points have the added benefit of helping to prevent you from becoming bi-polar depressed, particularly at weekends if this is when you play. I've updated this guide to include some points about developing your gaming skills. Ignoring, neglecting your spiritual expectations is what will give you a heavy depression, i.e. bipolar-depression.

The Science

The human mind generates a parallel psychic experience similar to a VR environment, you can move around and visit people and places 'in the mind' like the Matrix movie, this happens independently of normal space, time or distance as thought and its near instantaneous if there's enough intention to interact with someone. Ascension usually takes place after a few quick flashes of psychic light - you can only see this if you've de-calcified your brain's pineal gland and activated the inner psychic eye. I never used to see this when I was younger, but I see it all the time now. Sometimes you may see soft washes of white light emanating from above you. People are sharing and exchanging energy with each other all the time in response to positive or favourable interactions both in your thoughts and during in game or pre-game chatting.

General Life Areas

  • If you like to play in PUGs, watch how many weekdays you also playing Renegade (or other games) as the risk is you may get marked as being game addicted and this is the nemesis of gaming as it creates depressions, jump on for a game here and there to practise and enjoy playing.
  • Working hard - if you want to be a gamer you must balance the expectations of needing to do real world work during the week with periods that you like to watch games, television or media recreation. It's also likely going to mean you'll have a higher quality partner and you'll get to flirt more, this will help prevent you from becoming depressed or overly isolated.
  • If you have a partner wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend or partner you can't simply ignore them in favour of playing games. You need to balance your time and doing activities with them as well, else this will be a bipolar-depression trigger.
  • Don't allow your room or space to become really filthy - tidy away those pots, clear your cans/bottles, clear up your socks, put away clean clothes and empty your bin. This sort of thing actually contributes to your 'work cp' so you have more game time/spiritual credit.
  • Cheating - don't consider or even think about or entertain the idea of cheating or hacking - this will get you karma and will even make you depressed.
  • Don't be that douche-bag who tries to take down a gaming server through denial of service attacks.
  • When you're playing games don't incessantly moan or complain, don't hog the comm channels with your speaking, don't deliberately keep speaking over others, be sure you're listening to the people you need to listen to, keep insults civil or proportioned, do your best not to think disproportionately hostile thoughts about irritating players you may experience. You can actually get into psychic fights in the mind, think of this as Neo and Morpheus sparring - but too much harm or aggression in the mind will introduce harm into your physical body as bad energy, stress and tension.
  • Don't put off important things you need to do first, like fixing or washing your car, looking after your pet, watering plants etc.
  • If you find you've got a headache and a compressed head and you constantly keep hearing the words "must suffer", this usually means you've violated someone in some way, sometimes its a game thing and sometimes it's a mind/psychic reality thing. If you want to un-do this post game, you need to ensure you work hard at something like a chore, clean the house, wash the pots, do some yoga and you'll lift it eventually.
  • If you've got a serious alcoholism problem it's likely also going to interfere with your use of mind, your thoughts and intentions.
  • Sort out as many of your disagreements and inter-personal relationship problems as you can, if you don't this will sap your time and energy and can put you into a mindset of seeking revenge and can make you depressed, especially if it's a disproportionate response.
  • When you make mistakes, be honest with yourself and others, don't try to hide things as this can foster resentment and lead to unrealistic appraisals of yourself.
  • Don't spend all your time inside your house, seriously this is something I used to do too often, it will actually make you ill.
  • Take care of personal hygiene, washing/showering, grooming and dressing well or properly, if you don't already... it improves the quality of your mind interactions, so don't think you can sit and play in your underpants.
  • After each game or pug you play, you need to release the muscle tension, these muscles contract in response to particular thoughts, like say you're too fearful of attacking a good player, or you make a mistake like blocking the tank path for someone. You can do something different to relax or meditate, else otherwise this stuff will naturally bleed out into the mind/body when you go to sleep next.
  • Be nice to the new players and help them with areas you spot where they are unlearned or making obvious mistakes.
  • Don't pirate or steal your games or software - this is a definite source of vampire karma and it will even change how you look as the mind applies tension to shape your muscles and features.
  • Don't expect to be able to avoid your family and have a smooth time without developing some sort of chronic health problem in turn - call them on the phone, go and visit, write them an e-mail. etc.
  • If you own a pet dog, cat etc, you need to walk them, feed them and give them some attention as else you're going to become depressed and emotionally depleted.
  • Attitude, mind and personal disposition in game makes a real big difference, don't be overly defeatist, pessimistic or otherwise drag your team down.
  • Don't expect to be able to buy a bunch of different games and then not finish any of them, I usually make this mistake with books although occasionally I buy indie games that I can't be bothered to play. Don't buy or try to play too many premium games at the same time as you won't have time or really appreciate the game.
  • Common problem themes include things like addictions, drug addictions, porn addictions, sleeping-in-addicts, sexual perversions, racism, lack of morality, psychopathy when it comes to not respect fictional violence versus real life violence. 
  • If you're a man, don't become a 'wanker' or masturbation addict, you lose energy when you do this, doesn't really affect women for some reason. if you use porn, be careful about what you think, as often you're creating a psychic connection with someone to interact with in mind and if bad things happen here or something goes wrong it usually affects your physical health. Don't expect to be able to use porn and keep a secure relationship going with someone unless you're happy for them to become sexually loose with other people they like to hang around with.
  • Learn to sit back and appreciate the media you view and consume, appreciate the food that you eat, it's about not becoming a mindless unconscious consumer as this irritates most people, including gods and higher beings that oversee everything.
  • There are actual spiritual expectations about upgrading your stuff like your PC and graphics card, don't expect to be able to sit and play with that 10 year old computer, purchasing things you need is part of what keeps other people in jobs and ensures they produce future content and means developers don't get bogged down trying to support old legacy machines.

General Game Points

  • Be careful with the amount of time you spend 'dicking about' in public games or competitive games, read the mood, don't hamper the team deliberately, careful about exploiting bugs that you're not meant to be able to do.
  • Clearly, alcoholism also affects performance in game, this isn't the same as having a few drinks during a game, it's more like downing half a bottle / whole of tequila, gin or vodka etc. I doubt you will get away with this during a pug, you need to be at a party.

Player Skills

  • Keep developing your chosen skills, develop situational awareness, learn to aim properly and track or lead your targets instead of waving your mouse in the general direction of the enemy player. Seriously, I do this more often than I should, if you focus your mind and track your target diligently, this is often what makes the difference of getting your kill in a one versus one.
  • Balance your role and play style - don't expect to be able to just tank every week or just sit in a mammoth tank all game whilst others repair you. Take up repairing someone else for at least some of the time. The same also seems to apply to being a sniper all the time, too many wasted attempts at things like sneaking with hot wires as this undermines the team in competitive games. If don't ever repair buildings, you probably need to do some of this, if you never defend, you probably need to do some of this also.
  • Overwhelming Strength - most of this is about being competitively fair and allowing everyone to enjoy the game, if you persistently 'gang rape' other infantry players you might get a depression. If you run into a team mate engaged in a balanced fire fight, it's not always sensible to try and support by targeting down the enemy player. This isn't the same as protecting someone as weaker character like a hot wire.

How will I know when I ascend?

Usually before this there's an abrasive energy around you and you probably create a lot of fear vibrations, when you ascend this will disappear, but for now you need to make sure you shower every day, change your clothing, open windows, keep any unreasonable anger in check, limit your swearing. Usually the gods go over things like performance at the end of the day or a particular time of the week, but initially you need to keep up a good consistent record in your life. To be able to see spiritual light, I had to do a practise of meditation for quite some time, but I see it as a soft wash of light that sort of pours down gently when eyes are closed. The opposite of ascending is falling, and this happens when you create too many problems, hostilities or don't take care of the other areas in your life that you need to. Some people have to go through spiritual crisis before they can ascend, this is when you confront an entity known as Satan that tempts you into toxic choices... only once you can resist this sort of stuff and it becomes inwardly conditioned are you allowed into the inner plane's Christian's call heaven. If you have deficient skills or problem areas in your life, people often inwardly hear and share this information with one another through the mind and it goes directly into your soul/consciousness.

Anything else I can do to speed things up?

There are about 3 prayers I use regularly, and I try and mix them up and listen to the inner feedback in mind. These beings include Archangel Michael/Raphael, the traditional Lord's Prayer and a prayer to Jesus. You can find variants online if you google them. Sometimes I get immediate thoughts as feedback in the mind, other times it's soft impressions or gut feelings from the body. Occasionally prayers will produce a specific type of dream that goes straight into your consciousness. What happens more rarely is someone will speak back to you in a none corporeal voice. 

If you're not spooked by paranormal or supernatural stuff, you can pray directly to Satan asking it to 'test you, but often you will get Jesus come instead as this show a clear and deliberate effort to remove the blocks that are influencing your life. You can also pray to the evil Serpent, the purpose of this entity is to be able to directly to see into sources of evil in your life, so be prepared for some blunt or honest feedback.

Being able to respond to feedback enables you to grow and ascend more quickly.

If I think of other things I'll come back and update this post.

Edited by Mystic~
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