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Fact or fiction

Guest once upon the time

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Guest once upon the time

Fakt oder Fiktion
Persönliche Kritik aus Sicht eines ehmaligen Veteranen.
Es interessiert mich nicht was andere jetzt eventuell darüber denken und ich werde darüber auch mit Sicherheit nicht diskutieren. Ist wie eine Buchkritik nur halt auf Renegade x bezogen.
Teil 1:

Das Veteranensystem ist definitiv eine Implementierung die ein Ungleichgewicht in der Spielbalance bewirkt, warum:
Neue Spieler oder auch welche die erst seit Wochen spielen fehlen oft folgende Grundkenntnisse:
A: Welcher Charkter hat welche Eigenschaften
B: Kenntnisse über die Maps
C: Fahrzeuge und Eigenschaften
D: Umgang mit den Charakteren
E: Spielmechanik
Es gibt noch mehr aber ich nenne nur die aus meiner Sicht wichtigsten.
Das System kommt nur den erfahrenen Spielern zu Gute, da diese die oben genannten Punkten definitiv erfüllen.
Einige behaupten zwar die Chancen wären für alle gleich, was aber nicht der Wahrheit entsprechen kann da die oben genannten Punkte ein klares Gegenteil beweisen.
Erfahrene Spieler werden immer schneller mehr VP erspielen.
Die Spielbilanz gerät dann nach längerer Zeit immer mehr aus den Fugen, auch wenn manche Spieler und auch Devs behaupten es wäre nicht der Fall.
Höherer Level bei VP= bedeutend bessere Character/ Fahrzeug  Eigenschaften.
Diese Änderung macht klar einen Eindruck das erfahrene Spieler bevorzugt werden und neue Spieler es schwerer haben.
Wer also sagt oder behauptet das VP System wäre gerecht, sollte vielleicht auch mal sich Gedanken machen und nicht nur wie ein Schaf der Herde folgen. Ändern wird sich zwar nichts, aber eine andere Sichtweise kann nie schaden.

PS:  Agent lese bitte mal meine PM, danke.

Google (no guarantee)
Fact or fiction
Personal criticism from the perspective of a former veteran.
I am not interested in what other people may think about it now and I will certainly not discuss it. Like a book review, it's only related to Renegade x.
Part 1:
Veterans system.
The veteran system is definitely an implementation that imbalances game play, why:
New players or those who have only been playing for weeks often lack the following basic knowledge:
A: Which character has which characteristics
B: Knowledge of the maps
C: vehicles and properties
D: Dealing with the characters
E: game mechanics
There is more but I only name the most important ones in my view.
The system benefits only the experienced players, as they definitely fulfill the points mentioned above.
Some claim that the chances would be the same for everyone, but this may not be true since the above points prove the opposite.
Experienced players will earn more VP faster and faster.
The game balance then gets out of joint after a long time, even if some players and Devs claim it would not be the case.
Higher level at VP = significantly better character / vehicle traits.
This change clearly gives an impression that experienced players are preferred and new players have a harder time.
So if you say or claim that the VP system is fair, you should maybe think about it and not just follow the herd like a sheep. Nothing will change, but a different perspective can never hurt.

PS: @Agent please read my PM, thanks.


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Newbies have a hard time with a new game, well aren't you an oracle of state the obvious... and last I checked in you are part of the herd. Let new players learn how to play the game, become better and then with more experience become better players. Everyone gets vp for the same things and everyone benefits according to their level. We're not supposed to be trying to make it so everyone must always be on the same level, that defeats skills and doesn't reward anyone for becoming better at the game. And because you're clearly so up your own... this feedback doesn't matter, but let others speak anyway.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Isn't it a motivation to play even better when you get rewarded with more VP and abilities? It stops some people (like myself) from being useless the whole game, because you get major disadvantages if you don't  do something useful for the team.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Like it or not, the VP system is here to stay.

It gives a small sense of progression within the game. It adds another layer of strategy to the RealTime -Strategy- / FPS Hybrid


Even the original devs of WestWood understood the importance of a veterancy system. (Tiberian Sun had it)


even if OP doesn't want a discussion, I think it is an interesting subject. Because there is always room for improvement and development 😃

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The VP system isn't perfect, I agree - but it serves (mostly) its purpose which is to help offset 'stalemates' or at the very least help to offset them. Before the VP update stalemates were pretty common and although rare, some games would drag on for 6+ hours in some cases.

I suppose you could argue that this was a better alternative (to promote stalemates) as statstically the server tends to stay full for longer - but on the other side of the coin people tend to leave these games unfulfiled which means they are less likely to play again tomorrow.

VP does scale though, and it is easy to aquire through repairs or kills -- and it scales with everyone else so it should be fairly easy to 'catch up' my only issue with the system is it further punishes the losing team and makes it x2 harder for them to pull back from, an effect mostly noted on maps like field or under where one team holds the map and the other is base bound.

I don't think much needs to change really in regards to VP, but it does highlight another issue - the steap learning curb for new players.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

This honestly is more of a Renegade X thread, but I'll say this.

VP system is a good stalemate breaker, but it also adds to the whole snowball problem on top of the Tech Building, Base destruction, Base locking, etc. etc. Yes, skilled players should benefit, but they already benefit from many other things in the first place. Field control will earn them

1. Base locking and harvester denying, which will earn them ...
2a. Crate Control and Tech Building, and...
2b. More money than the opposing team, which will earn them...
3. More vehicles and infantries, which will...
4. Allow them to destroy building, which will...
5. Deny enemy team more armaments to work with, which will...
6. Allow them to easily destroy more buildings, which will.... you get the idea

In all honesty it's not that VP system is problematic. It's the combination of the entire thing that's becoming a problem

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