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64-bit, Soundbug & PT hanging


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  • Totem Arts Staff

So on 64-bit RenX the Purchase Terminal hangs when on Char/Item/Veh select screens HOWEVER this completely stopped the moment the sound-bug occurred

Downside is I had no sound but the upside is the Purchase Terminal screens worked flawlessly [no hanging]

So could this possibly be an two-birds-one-stone scenario? Fixing one potentially fixing the other? [Ideally] 

Food for thought

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Yes these are definately the kind of patterns we're looking for.

Is this reproducible on-demand?
Or is it more like a suspicious coincidence ....

The two-birds-one-stone sounds like music to my ears, yet also like waaay too early to get our hopes up.
This bug has been quite stubborn so far.

Edited by DugeHick
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