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Why is this happening when we have the highest number of players during the week-end. We are just separating the new players from the veterans, why not keep it open for everyone to join. I know people can just get discord and get the password, but don't underestimate how lazy people are, they'll just play something else.


The PUG has restrictions on players joining, to allow for a much more competitive game session, and this can be rather daunting for newer players, especially since we expect both a level of knowledge and the willingness to listen to instructions from the appointed commanders.  

An individual player's skill isn't a major factor since the commander will give instructions to all the players on their team. This obviously requires a player to be listening to the instructions given and if we have random people joining this will potentially disrupt the team since you may have 1 person+ doing something that is the complete opposite to what the team wants. 


However in the general situation, games will not normally be locked, barring the odd individual server (such as a test server, or a private clan server). Since the server owners will want people to join their server that they are providing. 

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