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this happens to me now a few times on different servers in different situations.

First TS3-Bot Server (Map Field):
I was in MRSL and got out of the borders near the comm center and couldn't move back. After my vehicle exploded and I died I stood there but on the minimap I was in the AGT. Also I was able to buy sth. The suicide button had no effect so I suicided myself with C4 and then I was back to normal.

Second Renegade X Server (Map Lakeside):

I was in Chinook and tried to go over the place where is normaly the comm center in LakeSide without Flying. After I spied a Bot-Havoc I went on the chain-guns of the Chinook. After I switched there I was in 3rd Person Mode and couldn't go to the 1st-Person Mode. Even switching to the pilotseat it didn't work. After I got out the vehicle and got later in it, it was normal. After I rushed to the WF with the chinook and died, I had again the "Ghost"-Bug. I was in their base dead, and on the minimap I was in HoN and could buy sth. etc.


Hope that helps. If not, I try to record a video from it.

6 hours ago, Kaiser739 said:

The same thing happened twice to me yesterday. Some weird new bugs are popping up lately :P

I had something similar on Paradise and mentioned this in the topic created by @DoctorAnubis. Guess it's not map related, but maybe related to some other changes and the (now fixed) parachute / permachute bug? Today a new update was released. Let's see if this fixes it.

1 minute ago, ilmelp said:

I don't see any new update. Maybe as Beta Tester?
It happened after installing 5.285.

That is the latest update, so my theory is wrong.


I had a similiar experience on Islands the other day, I was inside a mammoth when I switched teams to Nod. I ended up "being" in the Nod ref and could even use the purchase terminal, but I was both invisible and the camera (3rd person) was offset in a weird way.

  • Totem Arts Staff


Also your actual unit isn't invisible... the camera just isn't connected to it... I killed the Refinery  while on the ground, but the camera was literally 500ft in the air.. Kinda' cool. 

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