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Posted (edited)

idk much about GCard setting and stuff ..but since few months im lagging a lot in Renx when recording ..thing that wasnt happening before ....no recording im kind of ok.

Trying to find the reasons like record setting or programs running on back ground ..cant find really something ..but Now i suspect my Graphic card been the problem.

I notice some Spikes with this Afterbunner program while im idling and i think its the cause of my lagging ..can someone watch this little video and tell me if what he see is normal ? to me isnt normal and think i will have to change my card :(




Edited by Xtractor
Posted (edited)

Can you post kind of the same video with the GPU-load below instead of the GPU temperature and maybe also a video under heavy load? Besides switching to the high power state and back for some reason I don't see any unusual behaviour by your graphics card here or any sign of it dying.

Edited by Denuvian
Posted (edited)

I presume that this also shows the idling state, regarding that it looks perfectly normal to me. So it would be interesting to see now, how it looks under heavy load like your gaming and recording scenario. Maybe the graphics card throttles itself there.

Btw what recording software are you using, nVidia shadowplay?

Apart from your graphics card I would check the video settings of Renegade X and the settings of your recording software, whether something has changed there due to an update. Maybe there is a setting, which your already older graphics card can't handle.

Edited by Denuvian

I rooled back to my previous Driver version and spikes are gone very stable now and temp when down also :)

I tweak more the ingame setting ..before i had a smaller monitor when i changed it for bigger Id go for better resolution an now i think my Gpu cant handle higher .

So Id lower my setting 1280 x800 or 1280x700 and few other things to medium .

seem much better now will have to test for a while and see if its doing the job ok

we will see by my future  videos..but looking good ..so far


On 26-2-2017 at 2:48 AM, Denuvian said:

Maybe the graphics card throttles itself there.

Yes it is throttling here, you can see it going from load to idle very fast.

On 26-2-2017 at 4:16 PM, Denuvian said:

Alright, sounds good. Yeah, I also don't think that your GPU can handle much more, if you don't lower some other settings at the same time.

Fraps is based upon the CPU, not the GPU. By lowering the settings in RenX you mostly unstress the CPU as the UE3 also leans heavily on the CPU..

On 26-2-2017 at 2:55 AM, Xtractor said:

I always use Fraps ..for the rest i will try to see what i can do ..thanks

You're best of using OBS (Open broadcaster software) because it has AMD VCE Support, this is similair to Nvidia's shadowplay.

Link: https://obsproject.com/

It takes away the CPU overhead and is completely open source and 100% free! It's awesome. Check out this video;


4 hours ago, Ruud033 said:

Yes it is throttling here, you can see it going from load to idle very fast

About my first post video :

Later on I'd notice that its was spiking like that when RenX Launcher was open and the mini video preview was playing between each video loops GPU was going down to 405 Mhz

As for OBS: I got it install but wasn't recording video for now ..your Youtube^^, the guys says in the description ". It utilises the hardware encoder (VCE) on the AMD Radeon HD 7000 and newer series of GPU's." and I have an GTX 580 ..mb my GPU is too old


After watching your Youtube video about OBS ,I'd download and install the program .tested recording a game on OBS default setting and the result was an all black video (no picture but sound ok) I'd didnt go further investigating why ..

Posted (edited)

Yes, looks like you were right about your graphics card then.

Unless it's just an overheating issue due to dust or something like that, you can plan on getting a new one now. :/

Edited by Denuvian

Already bought one ,a ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition 8GB GDDR5

should received around Friday :)


I might open my GPU when The new one wil be installed and check if anything could be fix like the thermal paste ..never know 


You can always try to 'bake' the GPU in an oven for +- 10 minutes @ 200 degrees Celsius. Make sure you remove all the fans, heatsinks etc... Only the PCB should be left. After baking, let it cool down and re-attach the heatsinks and fans. Then, try again in your pc!

I've done this once with a GeForce 8600GT and it ran for 1 year again. Then it died permanently...

Then you could sell the card to get some money for your new one :P 

11 minutes ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

You can always try to 'bake' the GPU in an oven for +- 10 minutes @ 200 degrees Celsius. Make sure you remove all the fans, heatsinks etc... Only the PCB should be left. After baking, let it cool down and re-attach the heatsinks and fans. Then, try again in your pc!

I've done this once with a GeForce 8600GT and it ran for 1 year again. Then it died permanently...

Then you could sell the card to get some money for your new one :P 

Are you serious 😃?

Guest Gliven

It only works in Easy-Bake ovens though. Big people ovens will turn your card into a cake. you dont want to turn your card into a cake.



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