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Game chat


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Hey, I coming up with a little thing, for lots of us it's maybe unimportant, becouse we used to it...

I'am speaking about game chat and the way it's working. I think that pressing Enter to chat would be better than 2 buttons for opening 2 different chats. Switching between "All" and "Team" chat would be possible with pressing Tab key.

Enter would open this small chat window as we know it, but this will be written in, without a possibility to delete it.

[TAB] All: _

and when you press Tab, chat switches

[TAB] Team: _

After you close, or send the message, the Enter would open the last used chat.

Enter is used for chatting in many games, and I think this way it would  be more esthetic and clear. Sent messages would look the same as they are now. Current chat key buttons could be used for something else in the future maybe (maybe team fund? Or whatever). What do you think?

Edited by Axesor
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