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I have a laptop with an i7, 2.2Ghz, 6GB, and integrated intel HD 3000.

I managed to search the forums to find all the answers I needed to figure out the multitude of installation and game issues I had, and can now run the game.

I start the game at maybe 25-30 fps, but as soon as I get near anything, anybody, or any action I drop down to 5 or so fps. I tried all the solutions I found on here, including updating drivers, cleaning air vents and fans, replace the contents of the .ini file, and limit my fps with Afterburner (which wouldn't matter anyway).

So where do I go from here? Given my hardware, do I have any other options, or is that as good as I can expect it to get?



Are you sure your laptop is not in power saving mode or something ? You should have solid fps with that hardware. If not try lowering video settings.


My laptop tends to be on another setting than 'maximal' and than uses another GPU than my strong one. I guess you shouldn't only look at the power saving mode, but also check if it's not on normal mode, it has to be on something like maximum although I can't remember the exact name.

I believe that Ryz is talking about "switchable graphics". I relatively powerful GPU and one energy efficient GPU.

But I think your best bet is this: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75074

I only have the integrated HD 3000 graphics, no other GPU, so that part doesn't apply to me.

I followed the instructions on that thread prior to my original post, and it helped a bit, but not really playable.


Besides ultra-low settings, and the thread below, and maybe a few other tips like I hear you could rightclick on your desktop, click "graphics properties", and move the "3D" slider to performance, as well as making sure your computer isn't running 500 background processes by pressing "alt-ctrl-del" and open "task manager" and see what "processes" are eating how much cpu during an idle before you even launch the game...

...I think that's about all you can do. I won't promise you a total reboot will help, as I can't guarantee your computer is simply running too much background junk. I can just tell you, if your computer was in my hand, i'd be checking how much background junk it is running, and disabling them if it's an endless number of them, as I am too lazy to reboot myself.

Rule of thumb is, at idle, system idle process can use high cpu, but for efficiency sake, not many other programs should be on perma-run that use a combined total of 20% of the CPU. 20% is even a bit much, Mine uses 8% CPU at idle, and has 2.8ghz cpu with 4g ram.

Either way, I agree with RypeL, while that computer can't run vanilla GTA4 or Fallout3, it can easily run them with low-res texture mods and various mod-files to reduce settings, so it should be able to run an old UDK game like this or even Mass Effect 3 on low-mid graphics.

http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id- ... -3000.html


I keep my background processes as trim as I can; using between 2-5%.

I'll try that 3D performance slider. I didn't know about that.

My laptop originally came with Windows 7 + Acer bloat. I installed a fresh Windows 7 and just installed the acer stuff that I needed for things to function, and then eventually upgraded to Windows 10. I'm not entirely convinced that everything is running seamlessly on Windows 10. I am going to try a fresh install of Win7 or the OEM Win7. I'll see if that makes a difference. I'm thinking it might help since laptops are finicky about being setup just right it seems.

I'll report back with results!

I believe that Ryz is talking about "switchable graphics". I relatively powerful GPU and one energy efficient GPU.

Exactly, sorry couldn't come up with the word, thx!


So I tried a fresh install of Win 7, updated drivers, etc etc. Changed the .ini to get that awesome "crappy look". I got slight improvement, but not really playable. If I get in a shootout with someone I am lucky to hit them once or twice, launching rockets or grenades at anything moving faster than a crawl is hopeless. :(

No Ren-X for me I guess...


Hmm hope someone has suggestions for you, very odd. I am willing to have a look at this via Remote Desktop / Teamviewer or whatever if you want to. I am in no way a Ren-X expert, but I used to work at a IT support department for a large company, so I know my way around and who knows what I might find.


From the reviews I have seen of the Intel HD 3000, it doesn't look very promising.

Even older games seem to be only just playable in low settings and a low resolution like 1280x720 or even lower.

So I don't think you will get a better performance anyway then you got now.

From the reviews I have seen of the Intel HD 3000, it doesn't look very promising.

Even older games seem to be only just playable in low settings and a low resolution like 1280x720 or even lower.

So I don't think you will get a better performance anyway then you got now.

that makes me sad :(


An update:

I uninstalled some 3D CAD software (Solidworks). I loaded an aftermarket BIOS that let me set default dedicated video memory a little bit higher and tweak fan speeds. I got a driver and software to run my fans full speed while playing. And I shut down the Dropbox client while playing.

None of these items should really cause an issue, but I am able to play now. It's not amazing gameplay by any stretch of the imagination, but I can get through a few games with some enjoyment. I haven't checked my fps, but I'm guessing it's around the 20 mark.

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