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The newly released Renegade-X: Black Down has stir up a wave of popularity in China’s video game community. As the Chinese website only dedicated to this game(http://www.renegade-x.net), there is great responsibility for us. We were glade to earn support from the Chinese’s largest game community, 3DM, for publicizing and make the game available for all who are interested. Since the release of this game, download frequency has spiked to several hundred thousand in numbers. Following that, other major Chinese game community such as gamersky.com is also helping us providing download mirrors.after then, many more game communities Reprint our threads and provide the download mirrors ,too.

Being a part of the most loyal CNC fan boys, I’m glad to take the first hand on the game and discuss it with others. There is nothing happier than watching the words about renegade-X flowing around the community. We are looking forward to the exciting multiplayer release. Thank you Fobby, and all others who dedicated themselves into the development of this game. Here are some pictures taken when this game is released in the Chinese game communities.






there are so many Chinese players joined our [Dragon] CCR communities at the Renegade-X: Black Down release day.







The number doesn't seem to be that far fetch considering China's massive gaming communities. Especially when one of them supports the mod, it can be big over night. Lots of Chinese are addicted to internet gaming.

100,000 downloads out of 1.3 billion is only .00007% of total population. I bet some of those downloads were multiple attempts as well. China is a great place to get a game noticed....that's for sure.


yeah, theres probably quite alot of English speaking gamers there, maybe more than in the USA :P

But internationalization/localization would be sweet, i just dont know how feasible that is for us..


I’m sorry ,guys .As my English is not good, i ask a clan member who is good at English to help me write a post above, i just want to say that tens of thousands(several 10K) downloads.maybe he taken a misunderstanding on it. 

But in fact,its turely that there is a huge downloads in China. I’m gathering data these days.most Chinese game communities take kinds of ways as their download mirrors.such as: torrent\http\ 115 file sharing(115.com)\ xunlei file sharing( kuai.xunlei.com) etc.

And the 115 file sharing (115.com ) takes the main part of the downloads,but it hasn’t the download count function.


Now here is the download pages list what I found in Chinese pc game communities. (expiring on GMT+8 3:00 PM feb 6th 2012)

1. http://www.renegade-x.net

download page:


download mirrors: renxgame.com \ 115 file sharing

downloads(Estimate): 2,000 at least

2. http://www.3dmgame.com

download page 1(full:3.9G):


download mirrors:3DM Torrent \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing\ renxgame.com

downloads:Torrent 2,917

other: unknown

download page 2( compressed:3G):


download mirrors:3DM Torrent \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 4,491

(I asked 3DM admin,he said the actual downloads may between 11,000-18,000)

3. http://www.gamersky.com

download page 1(full:3.9G):


download mirrors: gamersky Torret \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 6,078

download page 2( compressed:3G):


download mirrors: gamersky Torret \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 15,648

4. http://www.pcgames.com.cn

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 4130


Now here is the download pages list what I found in Chinese pc game communities. (expiring on GMT+8 3:00 PM feb 6th 2012)

1. http://www.renegade-x.net

download page:


download mirrors: renxgame.com \ 115 file sharing

downloads(Estimate): 2,000 at least

2. http://www.3dmgame.com

download page 1(full:3.9G):


download mirrors:3DM Torrent \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing\ renxgame.com

downloads:Torrent 2,917

other: unknown

download page 2( compressed:3G):


download mirrors:3DM Torrent \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 4,491

(I asked 3DM admin,he said the actual downloads may between 11,000-18,000)

3. http://www.gamersky.com

download page 1(full:3.9G):


download mirrors: gamersky Torret \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 6,078

download page 2( compressed:3G):


download mirrors: gamersky Torret \115 file sharing\ xunlei file sharing

downloads: 15,648

4. http://www.pcgames.com.cn

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 4130

5. http://www.czgamer.com

download page(High-Compressed:1.6G)


download mirrors: torret

downloads: 14575

6. http://www.3234.com/zhuanti/RenegadeX/

download page(Compressed:3.44G)


download mirrors: http

downloads: 2853

7. http://www.doyo.cn

download page:


download mirrors:http

downloads: 839


seems like edit thread failed, pls delete 15#

Renegade-X:Black Dawn‘s translation in Chinese character is :变节者:黑色黎明 or 变节者:黑暗黎明 (the word Renegade use to be offical translate to be “叛逆者”,but now most Chinese communities named it “变节者”)

Fobby,you could serach the "变节者:黑色黎明 or 变节者:黑暗黎明" on Chinese "google"site http://www.baidu.com,will find more infomation you want.


Whoa, there's actually a Chinese website dedicated to RenX? :o

I'm sceptical about the "heavily compressed" mirrors, though. As far as I know the Black Dawn installer package is already compressed; it might be possible to trim off a little more by using an impressive compression algorithm, but certainly not something in the magnitude of hundreds of megabytes (even tens, probably).


8. http://www.sopopo.com

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 755

9. http://www.yxdown.com

download page


download mirrors: http

downloads: 216

10. http://www.4391.com

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 182

11. http://www.btz.cn

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 62

12. http://www.91danji.com

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 791

11. http://www.down.uuu9.com

download page:


download mirrors: http

downloads: 316

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