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Everything posted by triggerhippy

  1. yeah, theres probably quite alot of English speaking gamers there, maybe more than in the USA But internationalization/localization would be sweet, i just dont know how feasible that is for us..
  2. Not to discount the work that was done on the UT3 version, but we need to make it extremely clear that the UT3 mod is NOT related the the upcoming standalone release. It seems like some folks are assuming that the UT3 "beta" is a beta for the standalone MP.
  3. I also wouldn't be opposed to doing a full on cover/remix of a C&C track or two... I actually used to listen to the Red Alert 2 soundtrack pretty regularly.
  4. I can contribute intro music (definitely with NO vocals), if you're looking for something original. I've done a few demos for tech podcasts etc, though nothing that ever was used, as far as i know Here's a couple links for reference: Podcast intro, dubstep/chiptune/glitch style: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41960272/TechPodcastIntro.mp3 A metal groove I recorded the other day, kind of similar to say Meshugga, with low guitar tunings, mean tone, and polyrhythmic elements. Here it is: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41960272/MetalGroove.mp3 I could also do something clean and chill with clean chords, and even a soft guitar lead... check out this quick cover I did for a sample: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41960272/Ending%20Credits%20Cover.mp3
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