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Is always the servers empty?


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Saturday is probably the best day, as servers are more often attended and the weekly PUG is held as well starting 2:00 pm EST (so 11:00 am Pacific time). See the following topic for more details on PUG in RenX.

http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewto ... 13&t=75419

If you attend the PUG, please be sure to download and use the TeamSpeak software.

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^ Quick addition to that, even if you can't use a mic, being in TeamSpeak helps a lot because you can hear what the team commander's plan is.

Actually, it is practically mandatory because of that. Exceptions are few and far between, for people who naturally are "good", have "full map awareness at all times", and are exceptionally good at text communication and q-spot.

I opt to Teamspeak just because the benefits are huge and I am a chatty douche everyone hates because he is distracting from the game, and I bring a friend occasionally who can't Teamspeak but we use external mics over XBLive believe it or not, but as good as I am, from years of Ren and MOBAs, I'd trust someone equal or better than me to function without TS3 (as low as me, up to Yosh, Vertiso, and Jeff).

Otherwise, you actually need Teamspeak3 to get the password to the server. Don't need to talk, but listening is important as verbal communication is instant and much easier to muster up the team to coordinate 12-man attacks simultaneously with an 8 man team to double-jeopardy the enemy base and crack 1 of 2 structures from smorgasboard-distribution of repair. Yeah, fancy tactics basically.

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well i opened 2 times the ts and was empty too... i really dont know if the server wheare i always plays is a normal or is a "ranked" game.

All servers are basically "normal" with stat-tracking. And TS3 is anytime you want, but I was talking about Saturday 7pm-UTC 2PM US-Eastern when we do Organized Games, that TS3 channel is where you meet to get the password. There is a Public Server running at the same time, and there are almost always public servers running from 8am to 4pm my time, so basically 2pm-9pm UTC

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Well personally I normally find about 2 full servers and one server with about 12 people. I live in the UK and normally play around 7-10pm and saturday-sunday around 1-5pm and that normally has at least one busy server. Shame it ain't populated like it was on the first beta because every server was busy! Hopefully the playerbase remains loyal otherwise we will end up with a dead game :( *Knocks on wood*

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As a US player, I can tell you it's definitely picked up steam here in the last couple weeks. Used to be 11pm my time the server would be empty, but now there's almost always 10-20 people on.

It's a very dedicated community we have here; personally I worry about how many new people there are to educate on the proper way to win a game of RenX :) Those mines/rushes don't do themselves!

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