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Did they change the fire time with havocs how is that even remotely fair, were sniping against chars that seriously can kill us within 0,2 seconds?! like comeon, it was good like how it was.. Just remove the snipers already please, its not fun anymore.. thanks.. PS The Chem sprayers and the LCG are fucking OP, you should focuss on that

- I dont wanna be a bitch but seriously it's not fair how it is now. :(


Snipers are still a nuisance especially when in the right hands. It wasn't fun for anybody when they could dominate the map with their instant ttk and infinite range (and they still can).

Chems and LCG are easy to take down with bullet weapons, ex. officer, farland, humvee/apc. LCG is also super slow, meaning he can't run away during a fight and he can't dodge much.

Snipers are still a nuisance especially when in the right hands. It wasn't fun for anybody when they could dominate the map with their instant ttk and infinite range (and they still can).

Chems and LCG are easy to take down with bullet weapons, ex. officer, farland, humvee/apc. LCG is also super slow, meaning he can't run away during a fight and he can't dodge much.

I used to be pretty decent with a sniper, but it just feels so bad and slow now, tbh it does not feel like a sniper anymore...

and the LCG and chems might be easy to take down but the damage output is crazy insane.. i still think it's not fair at all for people that like snipers and snipe a lot.


It feels very much like a sniper. Once inf gets close to you, you're at a disadvantage (slow speed), and there's punishment if you miss frequently (low RoF). Snipers are meant to be a support class, not a kill everything in the tunnels just by yourself.

Patch has nearly the same damage output as LCG against inf. He's also 37.5% faster. Chems are nearly obsolete to me because of how similar they are to flame troopers except they got a price tag on them. Just zig zag and you'll dodge a lot of chemical.

It feels very much like a sniper. Once inf gets close to you, you're at a disadvantage (slow speed), and there's punishment if you miss frequently (low RoF). Snipers are meant to be a support class, not a kill everything in the tunnels just by yourself.

Patch has nearly the same damage output as LCG against inf. He's also 37.5% faster. Chems are nearly obsolete to me because of how similar they are to flame troopers except they got a price tag on them. Just zig zag and you'll dodge a lot of chemical.

But it felt like a sniper before aswell if you missed twice you were pretty much fucked vs decent players, why are you guys changing things that were nice before. and why not the things that needs attention? i know that 80% of this community hates snipers and that they dont give a shit about snipers whatsoever.. But that doesn't mean you have to make snipers garbage.

And earlier i was playing with a friend and trust me i zig zag because i know how to dodge a LCG seriously killed us in 2 seconds. BOTH in no time. dont you think that's a little OP? did you even play the old renegade? why did they call this Renegade X if its nothing like Renegade whatsoever..

If you aren't good at noscopes, don't get close - or just practice.

and lol

Because it's Renegade X, not C&C Renegade. This game takes the original as a base line and expands and improves its flaws from there. Snipers included.

Sniping was never really easy only for some people, it was not needed. and it's unfair.


Snipers are fine as they are now. They aren't garbage. Just aim good from a distance and you're fine. Do know that snipers aren't close-ranged.


Don't point-blank snipe (oxymoron).

They still totally dominate anything in the field from their signature perches. Especially LCG and Engis, which are what they were designed for in cost.

Otherwise, they need faster rate of fire but they need to lack actual instant-lethality on full-health enemies. They can't have both. Most people prefer map-wide lethality against engis and especially LCGs, and can settle for slower ROF.


Ok. I see it wont get changed anyway. I came back from a pretty long break from renegade-x expecting it to be a bit the same. I was just shocked when i kept clicking to earlie when i was about to kill a few people in a row.

i still do think its not fair to nerf the snipers this much.. But i will try to get used to it :D


Why do good snipers should be super rewarded with insta kill anybody if any other char canno't be rewarded like this too?

OK let's analise the issue:

-They have to have more ttk than 0s

-They are meant to be support class

In my pure infantry mutator where average ttk is 0.5-0.7s, snipers cannot kill in 1 hit becouse I remover head shot multiplier from them AND it was working fine!! I played him myself! Most effective for long-very long range. He was still useful same way as he is right now, but he couldn't kill with 1 hit. Skill was rewarding same way as any other character but he was much more specialised this way. He could hit the target and quckly switch to the pistol and finish target off with 1-2 hits so he could defend himself even in close range but he wasn't so OP anymore.

Same way it could work here with original TTK. Just remove headshot multiplier from sniper rifle, ramjets, ion gun.

Sniper rifle: 2 hits to kill free infantry. 3 hits to kill T2+ characters. 100 damage

Ramjet, ion gun: 1-2 hits to kill anybody. 190 damage (RIP marksman and engis...thats what he was meant to be, right? engis killer)

Remember-for close range, they can hit the target and quick swithch to the pistol.

-so ttk is no more 0s but more like 0.5-1s in hands of good sniper.

-ALSO he can still be able to 1 hit kill BUT only with help- Target needs to be tagged. This would make from him good "finish off" character.

I think this would be fair.


I think that the current problem is is that the current snipers are thrown in maps that are not built for them balance-wise.

So far any unit in this game has a counter to them which makes them balanced, Snipers on the other hand have insane burst damage potential which is quite difficult to beat in the right hands.

If every weapon had the same skill cap as a sniper would have (or the other way around), i would not complain but in it's current situation it's too powerful in too many situations in the right hands, and i don't see this getting properly balanced anytime soon.

Either way i'm not going to really complain about snipers though as there are other factors to this game that annoy me much more. Things like tank-combat (IMO) is a completely unorganised chaos due to "vehicle-sprint", which is supposed to have drawbacks but it's drawback is irrelevant when all you have to do is drive forward and backward to dodge properly and turning would slow you down too much.

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