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I'm not good at going into detail on things so I will just toss my thoughts out onto the table.

Money crate is alright, but if you're already loaded its kinda lame.

The "speed upgraded" crate should be changed to just "unit upgraded". Include a few other small upgrades and only stack them to 3 max. Should show the chevrons on your characters selection box to indicate why you're running so fast. If you're maxed out and get another one, just convert it to a money crate.

The nuke crate should be removed, its distracting/annoying and punishes players that just happened to be nearby. Wasn't it removed a while ago? Why was it brought back? Just change it to a bomb. Perhaps it could call in a airstrike?

C4-on-head crate is ok I guess, but you can just get in a vehicle and live. Same with C4 tossed onto you by enemy players.

Vehicle crates should only happen when your team has lost their vehicle purchasing facilities. The vehicle should also be locked to the player who got the crate for at least 10 seconds.

Refill crate is fine, and maybe this has been fixed, but it takes away any speed upgrades you had.

I haven't seen the alien abduction crate lately, is it still around?

There should be some thought put into discouraging players hopping out of their vehicle to pick up a crate. Perhaps if you recently exited the drivers seat of a vehicle, the bomb crate chance should go up? (and it should blow up your vehicle)

Vehicle crates should only happen when your team has lost their vehicle purchasing facilities. The vehicle should also be locked to the player who got the crate for at least 10 seconds.


There could also be crates giving you additional weapons or EMP/smoke grenades or maybe even airstrikes to have more variety in the game.

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