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In most modern games now, does require an entirely new bit of code to be added, thought I would request it. Specifically, being able to pick up any equipment you lay belonging to you, proxy, remote, timed, anti-tank. In case of accidental usage, which is pretty damning in some circumstances.

Especially when someone will lag/suck and throw a bad c4, rendering it worthless and possibly botching it all up.

Cons, would be remote c4 would have an exploit for starters, where you can place it on a teammate, both go to a building, and recollect your c4 off your comrade, but really c4 on comrades is a bug in general that probably needs removed, possibly make it stick to vehicles but not infantry (preferably enemy vehicles).

If it didn't stick to infantry, it could be placed on allied vehicles, but one would need to get out, place c4, go back to vehicle, collect c4, go back and place that too. Much harder, and again, negated if c4 could only stick to enemy vehicles, which may not be necesary anyway especially if c4ing your vehicle becomes a tactic just to carry c4 / self destruct it if necessary.

Other exploit, is it would allow you to pick up the "c4 deathcrate" c4 but what you could do is render that one neutral (or belonging to a non player in GDI like "harvester"?), and then you can at least have the risk-reward to allow teammates to diffuse it if you can get to one (there already exists an exploit where if you get into a vehicle you are fine and dandy for some falcon reason)

Honestly, sounds like a lot of work for very little gain. I can probably count the amount of times I would have used this on one hand.

I ALWAYS said this was necessary in Modern Warfare 1 and 2. When introduced in 3, I have used it probably in over 50% of games.

This is different, but I would still say it may be a worthwhile system for proxies, let alone anti-tank mines, remotes, and timed. If it were available, you might even use it to some degree of insurance against vehicle-jacking (place timed c4, repair, then remove), or the MCT (remove one remote if nobody interrupts your c4 until timed goes off), or even overkill-c4 (taking timed's off a mct if enough remotes were available to detonate immediately).


Eh, just had to put it out on the table though. To be fair, it is possible that it is something I could do by looking up in other unreal games how they collect equipment back. Probably make the equipment itself like a "weapon pickup" of itself and limit it's pickup to the person that laid it...

Honestly, sounds like a lot of work for very little gain. I can probably count the amount of times I would have used this on one hand.

Even though you see these "small" things worthless due to difficulty of coding, this things positively changes overal view on the game.

I'd much rather see a pick up mechanic in the game, instead of defusing/removing your own c4/mines with repair gun.

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