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Test Night/Day?


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  • Totem Arts Staff

So yeah, the Official Map Testing Server is probably the most underrated server around here due to a lot of issues about custom maps, and that some ppl seems to look it down. I propose we have at least one day or at least one night to fill up the test server, just so we can see how map plays out for real

Download the maps in the second post of this topic : viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75116

For installation instruction, just follow the ones included in the zip files. If problem persists, post in this topic

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Once we have a proper download system for custom maps inbuilt to the game. I will be happy to host loads of custom maps on the EKT server.

But when i tried to join with coastal or something my game just went >.< so i got bored n gave up.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, I do know that Ruud's map are gonna take forever for the first time... but then that would be it. I have no idea how to import the shader of the map though

Pickup is Saturday night right? How about Sunday then? The idea about it came in Sunday anyways, but it's still up to everyone

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  • Totem Arts Staff

That will be awesome! All these Maps need an real "Test" where way more Players play the Maps like 20+.

These Rounds on such Maps will show how good it works! Bots will dont find Gameplay Breaks like Glitches or Bugs.

I think - Test Days/Nights are important to create good Maps

Like the Beta Testers for the Orginal RenX Maps.

I will be there if some Date for these Days/Nights set!

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I guess it's official now. We're going to start the event to each Sunday afternoon in US Time, which means the start of evening in Europe (but you can come in later if there's still more peeps). Our last Test Night got us up to 8-9 in Eyes and Training Yard. Here's a compilation of Screenshot taken by SuchConquer/EWandelart

http://www.thematrixren.net/index.php?/ ... p-testing/

Of course, it's open everyday so you can come in outside these dates

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  • Totem Arts Staff

While first Test Night was quite a success, today's event was really deserted. We've only managed to get up to 6, and it didn't even last long. It's safe to assume that today's quite a failure

I hope we can get the server as crowdy, and even crowdier than last week. Remember, we're doing this every Sunday. Hop in when you feel like it

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, looks like we nailed the Test Day for the week . Also, Prediger has managed to record our successful 8-man Coastal assault against the bots (you know, without anyone falling overboard).

Special thanks to Goku and SilentKnight for their contributions.

PS : Too bad no one recorded Natalie trying to transit 2 mammies to the Nod base with some help from another guy (forgot if it was General or Phoenix), that was rather hilarious

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