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Servers all have no ping


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Help, I Dl'd the game today and when i try to connect online i cant join any games. nothing happens when i hit join. all servers have no ping and all the map icons to the left of the server have a cirlcle with a cross through it. i can play skirmish just fine. Need help for connecting online pleasew


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It shows as no ping in my screen too, it's no problem, unless you want to know what your ping is and choose a server accordingly.

Problem is though, you'd be able to choose between 2 servers as they'd have the most people. Why want to know ping if there is no one on it?

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when i first installed i didnt get a launcher it just loaded straight into the game, after re-installing it updated and im able to connect, now problem is theres only 1 active server with 40/40. kinda hoping it would be more active. Renegade had so many servers to choose from. makes me sad to see only 1 active server

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You are right, it is regrettable that there is only 1 or 2 active servers at any given time. Our community is very small.

Peak times are when a patch has been added or a new beta version came out, but even then it's only 4 full servers or so and a handfull servers with very few in them.

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What we need is our members to advertise.

Add renx to their sigs on their fav forums. Post videos on youtube etc etc, Ive been posting info about the game on Gaming forums recently But i cant recommend this game to my friends until the major bugs have been fixed. Last time i recomended the game to people was beta2 and that didnt go well.

But dont get me wrong i love the game. Wouldnt be hosting a server and doing my best as a CDev / Mod around here otherwise.

Im positive for the new patch and hopefully will bring people back.

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Beta 2 was a poor choice of time. It's better than ever, a lot has been fixed. I'd recommend it in the current state.

Still could use many things, don't get me wrong. I'd love q-spotting to display radar locations and be able to spot crates and timed c4. But that really is a quality of life feature.

I did get one talked about bug, about not being able to join a server. It happened recently after a server crashed (rare) and it seemed half the people were unable to join until server went off and on. But that I presumed may be rental server built in ddos prevention, I read that unreal games hosted from servers sometimes do that among a gandhi of other things.

I am more excited about hopeful upcoming modding community content.

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False, C4 Bug. Floating Bug, Client crashes Goldrush mainly, Floating C4, Vech drops dont work if you join after strip/wf down.

I could go on.

Once the issues have been fixed with this next patch then its time to get advertising and promoting.


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Afaik none of those will get fixed with the next patch. Not by me atleast and i dont think by anyone else. Why ? Cause i think those are minor issues that new players will hardly notice. Fixing any of those to me is a waste of time. We fixed other issues before and it never made a difference in player numbers. From my point of view its proven by now that the game mode is just terribly outdated and boring and i am certainly not playing the game cause of Floating C4 or some shit. I am not playing the game cause the game mode too often is too boring with lack of progression compared to other games. The game mode in general needs to get better progression mechanics to become more fun for a bigger audience. The next patch will get the building armor idea (viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75217&hilit=building+armor) cause thats arguably the most promising and not too complicated progression idea we had so far (thx again to BroTranq again for taking some effort to make good suggestions instead of just blaming the devs and minor bugs). If that or other ideas for the game mode doesent catch on i am most likely done with this for good (well im already 90% gone at this time but if i would see some new hope for the game mode i might have a reason to invest more time again, else i just have more reason to leave this behind).

Fixing more bugs is NOT enough. I wish more people would think like that and would try hard to come up with ideas to improve the game mode.

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Don't give me any credit. I also hope you aren't that cynical about it, there are a lot of things that a lot of games do over the last 14 years.

A metagame doesn't hold true longevity as it is just initially grindy (works for the yearly ea/activision installments), a variety of weapons and weapon combos might hold prolific gameplay a bit, and games being more reliable in their match duration regardless of how it is done would do the most to fix the entertainment value of the game on the match-by-match basis. The match duration is probably one of the strongest advocating factors of the original rise of the Moba and League of Legends.

He is right about bugs. I am sure I could look up why floating 1st person arm models occur in 3rd person view, but that has never once gotten me killed or caused my game not to play.

Balance however is another story. Server administrators luckily can do a lot about balance themselves, it is already 2fold better between Rypel's mutator and the adjustments made to his mutator by others after the fact. Maps however, like Canyon getting another exit from the hon through the rockwalll to match GDI's to access the silo and alleviate Nod infantry bottlenecking against GDI vehicles, is a REALLY good balance change despite how minor it may appear. I think some thought could help Complex and Under in the same regard, as they are 70% gdi win maps.

Lastly, features are honestly more important than bugs. Releasing a launcher with a community mod list or something, would be more prolific than fixing some cosmetic bugs.

On the note of bug fixes however. I thought someone suggested Agent may have fixed floating mines next patch. Those affect gameplay fairly much, not always decisive but sometimes the difference between otherwise building dying or living. That would be one of few examples of "this bug hurts the game". The other being the humvee glitch that lets you move around while having your character model stuck elsewhere so you can shoot players invisibly, which was also patched promptly. I appreciate how bugs that matter are being prioritized. I understand spelling may never be a strong suit, but since half the community is german it at least half goes unnoticed I reckon.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Also, you might wanna fix the tiberium cave in Lakeside now. That's quite a glitch now for drivers who forces themselves into the forest. I guess you can just open the forest for vehicles since their movements are restricted anyways but as of now it should be solely infantry and aircraft path

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