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Ren-X Devs really need to fix the AI


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I remember one time in the very first open beta of Ren-X. Guess what? The AI was far better than what Open Beta 4 is right now. Vehicles don't cross each other much and that time, I remembered using a order key just like Unreal Tournament to "Assault/Attack the Base" and most of them responded rather than sticking to one area doing nothing. But now things are different and players have commented about these:




The good news now is that Ren-X can be modded, but so far I don't see anyone attempting to re-modify the AI and release a working code(s) back to least where Open Beta 1 had.

That is disappointing. :(

But it would have been funnier if a Mammoth Tank controlled by a friendly AI crosses over an allied tank so it can crush and destroy as so-called friendly fire. :P

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  • Totem Arts Staff

As much as I'd like to have decent AI, I'd like to inform you that doing a decent... efficient AI that is both smart and not memory-consuming, will take time. Even I still don't quite understand the whole AI commands other than moveto(), IsAimingAt(), and similar things. This is not Unreal Engine 4 where you can simply use the AI tree, and even that is not simple if the game is this complex

And with people usually playing online, this really is not a high priority. Game balance will always come first before spices such as AI (I call it spices because even OldRen doesn't have decent bots anyway and I read that originally there would be no bots)

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From what I know AI hasnt changed in the game since the start. Before the bots could just drive over the other tanks and not get stuck.

If you know someone who is epic at AI coding for this engine maybe get them to contact the devs?


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The good news now is that Ren-X can be modded, but so far I don't see anyone attempting to re-modify the AI and release a working code(s) back to least where Open Beta 1 had.

That's because nearly everybody sees human players as who they want to play against and with.

Bots are sufficiently coded for most players, since they just serve as either a character to test something with or fill the server until a decent amount of human players have joined.

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lol my bad.

Could probably trick the bots into thinking the beacons need repairing? Bots will sometimes repair buildings / vechs when they feel like it?

Would be cool if the bots could be made a bit smarter.

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Trying to make it a bit like it but it hadn't been working yet

Is there a way to make bots think that vehicles and beacons require more health than their max health, or that they can over-repair it for overshield? That way, they would try to repair it doggedly even at full health.

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The RepairCloseVehicles() function in Rx_Bot contains the logic about vehicle repairs.

In it

&& VSize(V.location - Rx_BuildingObjective(Squad.SquadObjective).GetShootTarget().location) > 2500 ) {

defines that when its a defending bot they should only heal vehicles that are within a 2500 radius to theit BuildingObjective (wich is the building they are currently assigned to defend). Basically bots are separated in attackers and defenders. If they are attackers if they heal a vehicle depends on if you are visible to them. They will repair the closest visible vehicle that needs healing. If a vehicle needs healing is defined in Rx_Vehicle.NeedsHealing()

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