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Really Guys. A Rocket Soldier thread before this? Really. I am going to have to be the one that makes this thread... Sigh... Okay then. Click. And... Discuss!

I just think it needs a 100 round clip, little less damage and little more rate of fire, and some kick/spread that makes it impossible to 100% hit someone with every bullet mid-range but more bullets hit the closer you get.

Mainly cuz I think you should buy a massively overpowered shotgunner, and it should be effective at point blank range and not midrange. He would go back to being the autorifle at autorifle range, but he would be much more effective against light armor, perhaps anti air, and he would be much better than autorifle at closer range.


Then the RoF should be increased to compensate. Officer DPS wasn't the problem, it was the balance between rof/base-dmg/DoT, combined with it being difficult to strafe/move properly because of the acceleration issue.

atm the officer is in a sweet spot where it does good damage, the damage remains high over time, and missing shots is not punishing at all. If you're going to reduce base damage then increase the RoF, people will burn through their clips faster and spend more time reloading (less DoT) and targets at longer ranges will be less attractive because you'll end up missing more shots overall. Missing shots at close range becomes less punishing for the first target but you'll need to reload sooner making it less effective against groups or over extended periods, without decreasing clip size.

Then the RoF should be increased to compensate. Officer DPS wasn't the problem, it was the balance between rof/base-dmg/DoT, combined with it being difficult to strafe/move properly because of the acceleration issue.

atm the officer is in a sweet spot where it does good damage, the damage remains high over time, and missing shots is not punishing at all. If you're going to reduce base damage then increase the RoF, people will burn through their clips faster and spend more time reloading (less DoT) and targets at longer ranges will be less attractive because you'll end up missing more shots overall. Missing shots at close range becomes less punishing for the first target but you'll need to reload sooner making it less effective against groups or over extended periods, without decreasing clip size.

I suppose it all depends on how much the base damage is reduced. As a number figure is not currently out there, I will ask. The general consensus was that the chaingun was vastly OP, and so a base damage reduction and a headshot multiplier reduction is logical. If this amount is too much though, then the RoF could be adjusted to compensate. We can't assume anything until we put a measure to it.


"It killed me too fast make it do less dmg" is a very reactionary/shit way of balancing. Changing attributes is pointless if you don't know what role you want the char to fill, what skillset should compliment it, what point(s) in the game it should peak, etc


Your argument isn't with me; it's with everyone who agrees that the chaingun is OP.

In my opinion, the balance comes down to relativity. For its cost, is it relatively too strong, too weak, or just right? When you compare it to the mobius which has a very similar role, I think that the chaingun is far too effective. 175 credits can be almost as effective as 1000 credits, and to me that screams imbalance. Apparently I'm not the only one neither, as many others have shared the same concern.


I heard the officer is hitscan? That should be changed to projectile ASAP.

If he is projectile (I aimed like he was and I was hitting targets ok) then he's probably fine. He's a cheap anti infantry class and he fills the role while being a semi-counter to light armor vehicles. The only class we can compare him to is the LCG and LCG > officer by far. Seems fine to me.


I think he is fine antiinfantry class but without delay before it starts to shoot (like was in b3) its more like op assault rifle and it shouldn be like that-this isnt his role. So I would return delay (1). Like 0.3-0.5sec.

The second thing is the fact that he has too many bullets in magazine and he is and would be very dangerous even with delay (1), unstopable killing machine, stops shooting untill he kill everyone in front of him. So the second suggestion is: edit magazine capacity 200 ->100 (2).


I don't think the magazine size should be lowered. It's a chaingun. We need weapons to feel different.

I like canucck's idea of raising the rof to compensate. I don't think just nerfing the damage and headshot multiplier is the best way to balance officer. Going back to non-hitscan might be something to think about too.

I've always thought that officer is a missed opportunity for an interesting class. The name screams teamwork to me. It would be fun to see him get something other than a really strong gun even if it meant increasing the classes cost. Ammo drops and/or some type of buff would be awesome.

Passive buff: Restore 1 armor per second when near officer.

Active abilities: Ammo drops, Rally (something like fill nearby allied sprint bars and sprinting costs no stamina for 5 seconds)

Those are lame examples that I didn't give much thought to, but you get the idea.

Your argument isn't with me; it's with everyone who agrees that the chaingun is OP.

In my opinion, the balance comes down to relativity. For its cost, is it relatively too strong, too weak, or just right? When you compare it to the mobius which has a very similar role, I think that the chaingun is far too effective. 175 credits can be almost as effective as 1000 credits, and to me that screams imbalance. Apparently I'm not the only one neither, as many others have shared the same concern.

It will probably still be OP, just not blatantly. If it isn't OP, it'll likely be useless.

It clip will still kill a whole arty no? It's 200 rounds how can't it? It is still more accurate than the autorifle, which it'll act identical to. I'm just going to call it the double autorifle...

I'd rather it act more like the laser chaingun in how it fires, but not do heavy armor damage (and do less light armor than lcg). It'll be worse at long range than autorifle, because autorifle actually hits where you aim without a giant spread.

By the way, why isn't the bullet for autorifle being sped up? I'd love for it to be as fast as old marksman rifle, not hitscan but near instant at all but longest range.


I'd like to see the rev-up and rev-down times return, combined with a slighty higher spread. As it's stands, it's about as accurate as an auto-rifles, but packs at least twice the punch. The increased spread will only nerf the chaingun against infantry, where's it's needed the most. It's not really OP when talking about the chain-gun as an anti-vehicle weapon.

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