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Building Windows


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Not sure if that has been reported, but the HoN windows will not break when a tank shoots at them. Just tested with the MRLS and light tank. The HoN does not take damage at all, even if the user is aiming at the inside of the HoN through the window. This also goes for the airstrip windows, so I guess it is just windows in general.

I'd also like to point out that shooting the doors gives you a red reticle and then a hitmarker when aiming at the floor on the other side of the door, but it does no damage.

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This is because windows break client-side only I think

Could be it, just join a game on a marathon server when already 1 hour is played. You'll see the Hon glass still being there, but after 1 hour play, you'd guess the glass is damaged by people jumping out.

Old Ren had the same thing where glass broke client-side.

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It broke client side, yes. But the direct damage from the shell broke the window. Splash damage was calculated server side, but the direct hit damage was determined client side. So you couldn't break the glass with splash, but only a direct hit with a warhead.

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It broke client side, yes. But the direct damage from the shell broke the window. Splash damage was calculated server side, but the direct hit damage was determined client side. So you couldn't break the glass with splash, but only a direct hit with a warhead.

Problem solved.

I've heard devs talking about this as well.

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