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So far I think its only English. But it should be really easy to have some guy mod the game to support the wide array of languages that humanity has to offer.


This is interesting , why so many brazillian people refuse to learn english ?

( i've met so many brazillian players on so many games which dont speak a single english word, why is this and why only brazillian people ? ) Its not like Renegade X has so much text to read ....

This is no hate, its just a big mystery for me....

  • Totem Arts Staff
This is interesting , why so many brazillian people refuse to learn english ?

( i've met so many brazillian players on so many games which dont speak a single english word, why is this and why only brazillian people ? ) Its not like Renegade X has so much text to read ....

This is no hate, its just a big mystery for me....

This really reminds me of that one time in a local (Indonesian) hospital. A Brazilian family was having an appointment with the doctor, but immediately cancelled it when finding out that the doctor can (naturally) only speak English and Indonesian. We can only stare in confusion at the scene.

Back to the topic. I believe guys who knows the language AND understand English can help with the localization. Just ask the dev how to do it, but I think it has something to do with the .int files


I think its a bad idea.

Not to be the bad guy here, but just learn English! Geesh! It would do you good to survive in the entire world!

But more importantly though, what do you think will happen if you make localization mods? Different servers running different langagues, hence you get fragmentation within the community! Less people populating servers and only filling up 16 out of 40 slots.

People who love the 32+ games would stop to play because of the lack of players, and you get even a lower community.

Whats next? German mod for German players? (No offence) And Russian? French?

If 1 gets their way, the others would want it too, because it's "easier" for them to speak their native language than to learn friggin English!

Playing online games is the BEST way to learn English imo. It's a fun environment and when you have fun, you learn easier!

  • Totem Arts Staff
I think its a bad idea.

Not to be the bad guy here, but just learn English! Geesh! It would do you good to survive in the entire world!

But more importantly though, what do you think will happen if you make localization mods? Different servers running different langagues, hence you get fragmentation within the community! Less people populating servers and only filling up 16 out of 40 slots.

People who love the 32+ games would stop to play because of the lack of players, and you get even a lower community.

Whats next? German mod for German players? (No offence) And Russian? French?

If 1 gets their way, the others would want it too, because it's "easier" for them to speak their native language than to learn friggin English!

Playing online games is the BEST way to learn English imo. It's a fun environment and when you have fun, you learn easier!

No no, Truxa. That's not how it works. Localization changes the text locally. It means, server can freely set their language but would not affect the client's language at all, unless the dev hardcoded all the UI text. Do you ever notice those files ending up with .int? It's the default English localization file. UT3 also had .esn (Spanish) and others as well besides .int.

Basically, localization and modding is a different thing. You don't need to mod your game to change the language

Problems arise in chatting. Localization does not cover chattings

I think its a bad idea.

Not to be the bad guy here, but just learn English! Geesh! It would do you good to survive in the entire world!

But more importantly though, what do you think will happen if you make localization mods? Different servers running different langagues, hence you get fragmentation within the community! Less people populating servers and only filling up 16 out of 40 slots.

People who love the 32+ games would stop to play because of the lack of players, and you get even a lower community.

Whats next? German mod for German players? (No offence) And Russian? French?

If 1 gets their way, the others would want it too, because it's "easier" for them to speak their native language than to learn friggin English!

Playing online games is the BEST way to learn English imo. It's a fun environment and when you have fun, you learn easier!

No no, Truxa. That's not how it works. Localization changes the text locally. It means, server can freely set their language but would not affect the client's language at all, unless the dev hardcoded all the UI text. Do you ever notice those files ending up with .int? It's the default English localization file. UT3 also had .esn (Spanish) and others as well besides .int.

Basically, localization and modding is a different thing. You don't need to mod your game to change the language

Problems arise in chatting. Localization does not cover chattings

World of Warcraft did it too, what the end result was is the following:

In trade chat, people selling items, right? Well, a German player with the German language mod linking his items, but globally it's seen IN GERMAN! Even for me, when playing the USEN version is forced to read German.

Then the thing of voices, "Keep em coming!" is like what? "Es geht loss!" nvm if it's client side, but its a defenite NO to server-side.

Furthermore, the people would read German in the PT's and EVA console messages, instigating to type German/Portugese/French/Russian when trying to organize rushes or teamplay.

Even though I missed the point of how it would be realized, I'm still against it!


The problem with people who can't understand the game without localization is, that these same people can't be contacted by others if there is a problem. (Ex. Overmining)

Also they don't understand when people are trying to organizing a rush, which leads to a disadvantage of the team they belong to.

As long as there are not more players (and therefore servers for every region/country) i also consider this idea very problematic.

  • Totem Arts Staff
World of Warcraft did it too, what the end result was is

the following:

In trade chat, people selling items, right? Well, a

German player with the German language mod linking

his items, but globally it's seen IN GERMAN! Even for

me, when playing the USEN version is forced to read


Then the thing of voices, "Keep em coming!" is like

what? "Es geht loss!" nvm if it's client side, but its a

defenite NO to server-side.

Furthermore, the people would read German in the PT's

and EVA console messages, instigating to type German/

Portugese/French/Russian when trying to organize

rushes or teamplay.

Even though I missed the point of how it would be

realized, I'm still against it!

Again, that's not how it works. In your example, player who has German localization will hear "Es geht loss!" while player who has International localization will hear "Keep em coming!". Same goes with the PT example. International localization will keep it English for the corresponding clients while clients with other localization will translate it according to the client's localization

Of course, it all depends on the UI and such. If it's set to English in... say the SWF file, then nothing can be done to it

We can also establish that World of Warcraft does not use Unreal Engine 3's language systems

But yes, as I said, chatting from players are still going to be in the same.

This is interesting , why so many brazillian people refuse to learn english ?

( i've met so many brazillian players on so many games which dont speak a single english word, why is this and why only brazillian people ? ) Its not like Renegade X has so much text to read ....

This is no hate, its just a big mystery for me....

I had a Brazillian foreign exchange student. He learned 4 languages and said that was semi-common. Portuguese, Spanish, English, and German. 3 of those are distinctly different. He said Spanish was interchangeable for French and German was interchangeable with Cantonese in his curriculum...

No no, Truxa. That's not how it works. Localization changes the text locally. It means, server can freely set their language but would not affect the client's language at all, unless the dev hardcoded all the UI text.

Now, the game CAN translate on the viewers end to whatever they want it to say. And arguements like player communication would be down, well you got lemmings already. They could learn a few words sure. They could even be kicked if they do overmine or whatever, that is a rule and regardless of their circumstance the server operator can handle that however they want (if it were a smart server owner, they would open their other monitor and pull up a translator in like less than a minute).

However, Localization can be a comfort, that they can enjoy, so not every single interactive word is a chore.

Outside of a fan project, dub is really unlikely, albeit not that big an issue anyway given the shortage of speech in this game besides warnings. The text warnings being issued in another langauge, entirely possible with UE3 both simply by fans themselves as well as by the devs if submitted to them. If someone wanted a dub, I think I can do Havoc's voice :D

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