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Creating your own character ! UPGRADES SYSTEM !


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Hi, i was thinking about creating own character. I mean every body should have account with passoword and have there his character wich is for free to use in any server. I think it should looks like this:

When you created an account, you starting for 1 of 4 free classes and can take 2 weapons wich they have. You get points for killing infrantry, vehicles and builds. You have other characters in nod and gdi, so every points you get by playing in gdi you can upgrade with them only your gdi character (same as nod). When you have enough points you can buy:

SKIN: you can buy for your character every skin from fraction - nod can buy nod skins, gdi can buy gdi skins. You can buy every skin and just switch in your upgrade menu.

UPGRADE YOUR WEAPONS: you can buy 2 weapons from fraction where is your character and select what you want to use ! (for example: sniper + laser chaingun). You can upgrade also some levels of:

-Range in weapons like laser chaingun, carabine, raveshaw weapon

-Damage in all weapons (not very high to original wont be weak)

-Poison in tiberium weapons (longer poison + more damage)

-Speed of reload

-Capacity of magazine

Special for snipers (expensive) termovision in telescope (like a nightvision, activate by clicking "M")

You can buy also a enginer repair gun and upgrade it to tech/hotty reapir gun (it will be so expensive)

BACKPACK AND STRAP: you can buy a backpack where you have slots for: 1 airstrike, 1 beacon, 1 refill, termovision glasses. You also upgrade it to have 2 airstrikes ! (termovision glasses and refill in end of theard). In strap you have slots for 1 emp grenade and one 30-seconds c4, you can upgrade it to 2 emp grenades/2 anti-tank mines and to 2 c4's !

STEALTH TECHNOLOGY (nod): You can buy for so much points a stealth suit and be invisible ! you can upgrade it to have faster disappearance and be more invisible! (enemy will must be closer to see you) - but remeber, its soo expensive !!!

HEALTH AND ARMOUR: you can upgrade your health to maximum 300hp ! (10-15 levels) and buy a armour wich can give you max +100armor(5-10 levels) so total 200 ! (but remember, damage is still same, 1 headshot by sniper and insta, same like an get under buggy ^^)

CONDISION OF YOUR CHARACTER: you can upgrade time to you can longer run, faster regenering of run, and you can run faster.

TIBERIUM MASK: you can buy for soo much points mask, wich will defend you from tiberium poison from tiberium field and tib-weapons !

ANTI FIRE SPRAY: you can buy a anti fire spray and became your self anti-fire, so flames and lasers wont burn you ! (you just wont fire, damage is same)

I HAVE A SATELITE! (gdi): nod have a stealth technology... so in gdi you can buy a device wich conneting to satelite and: when you spottet any enemy infrantry/vehicle, you can see it in something like wall hack (you see contours after walls and envirmoment) for 20 seconds, and you can upgrade it by 3 levels to 40 secs and 60 secs ! you can spot a 1 enemy per 2-5 seconds.

other ideas wich should be cool:

Termovision glasses: you can buy in nod and gdi a termovision glasses wich with them you can see all infrantry and vehicles(stank and sbh too), but its wont be something like you click one buttom and you see all sbhs, it will be somewthing like that:


AND: you cant shot when you wearing it ! it should be in items for 650 credits. (you wear it and disable after 2 seconds)

Refill chest/box: you can take with you 1 refill create (c4 slot) wich you can refill only your health,armor,ammo (like a normal refil), its for 400creds in items and too use you must wait 1.5 time of planting beacon. (hotty wont take it to enemy base and destoy 2 builds, it taking c4 slot, and in maxed char it wont refill c4s because then you would be able to destoy build.

I thinks its really cool ideas, but i know somewho will say: we wont in game all players have stealth suits with reapir guns and c4's.. SO: to have upgrade all of this things, you must play over 0.5 year farming to have all of this, so only pro players can have it ;) and you cant destoy build because you have only 2 c4's, or he will plant and take there 2 air strikes... he wont, your own air strike will hurt you like enemy. OR: somewho have that maxed character and going to destoy enemy base when game started: so in start you have full ammo like normal char, but its for free because its your, but you starting with 1 airstrike, 1 emp grenade, 1 refill, and 2 c4s, you must buy beacons, emp grenades etc.

Guys, say your opinions about it and own ideas to it, LETS MAKE RENEGADE X BETTER THAN BATTLEFIELD !


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  • Totem Arts Staff
I thinks its really cool ideas, but i know somewho will say: we wont in game all players have stealth suits with reapir guns and c4's.. SO: to have upgrade all of this things, you must play over 0.5 year farming to have all of this, so only pro players can have it and you cant destoy build because you have only 2 c4's, or he will plant and take there 2 air strikes... he wont, your own air strike will hurt you like enemy. OR: somewho have that maxed character and going to destoy enemy base when game started: so in start you have full ammo like normal char, but its for free because its your, but you starting with 1 airstrike, 1 emp grenade, 1 refill, and 2 c4s, you must buy beacons, emp grenades etc.

...I was just going to say 'no' as well, then If Lund something worth responding to.

Renegade already has it built in to give teams advantage by destroying buildings and letting better players access higher-tier units faster. This is naturally in game already, and the last thing we'd need is something that artificially FORCES players who've been playing longer to suddenly have better options.

Renegade is a natural in-game grind from round-to-round. We've got 14 freakin' classes already; if anything we just need to vary them more, which I've already made topics about.

Also...you would have to rebalance some of EVERYTHING with this. Suddenly we'd have OP builds...and let's just...

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No to skins. Part of what I love about renegade is that I can easily identify what I am facing and choose how to handle the threat.

As yosh said, I think it would be better to work on further diversifying the factions and characters. Give me more reasons to think about what class I should grab. Not just Engi/Advanced Engi, Sniper, or whatever damage class fits my budget.

The glasses idea is silly. There's no need for any item to spot stealth. This already exists through brute force. You damage the stealth unit and they flicker. That's why you use mobius, chaingunner, and even normal soldier to spray around. If anything I would love to see the humvee get a slight bonus to seeing stealth. I believe original ren was like this.

I would rather see more reasons to use what already exists throughout the length of a match than add new stuff. Chem Troopers are a great example. Cool niche unit that can be used for interesting things like on Volcano.

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