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At beta 3, moving forward to beta 4, here is my list of feedback for the game.

As per usual, I played old Ren and this Ren, and although not a huge amount, I suggest things that should make the game that much more fun for anyone and everyone.

I have a list of discussed improvements, comment on them:

Problem: Like last time, Secondary Weapons feel unbalanced, benefit engineers more than combat classes, overused and win a lot of encounters. Tied in slightly with this, there feel like there are more credits in RenX than Renegade so spending should be amped.

Solution: No changes to my last suggestion, I think this has a chance to greatly increase the variety in-game instead of decrease it. I extend my suggestion to include recent item additions.

1) Add a variety of secondary weapons. Rapidfire assault, steady antiarmor, single shot high damage infantry, repair.

2) As stated above, in fact add a repairgun to secondaries. Repair classes will ALWAYS choose very-strong anti-infantry secondaries, give classes who already have powerful primaries to have a secondary repairgun. That way, the game isn't 90% repair classes with secondaries, but at least half good primaries with a repair secondary.

3) adjust price, where to go secondaries constantly, is almost as expensive as going with an actual class. With the current carbine and a repairgun secondary, I would say price them at 350.

4) The AT Mines and the EMP Nades should go in items with the Beacon and Airstrike, and take the same slot in the player inventory. For simplicity sake of knowing what replaces what. Also, proxy mines should be "items" as well, meaning a beacon or airstrike removes proxy c4 from a tech.

4-Optional) Remove proxy mines from a tech, add them to items, reduce cost of tech to 200. Because techs laying and disarming mines are just about as overnecesity a utility in a single class as possible, which is why I suggest other classes also being able to disarm and lay them. GRENADES: would replace timed c4 as they already do, or remotes for a tech (they have an additional special slot for timed c4 that other classes always empty)

EFFECT) The above would address overuse of repair classes (an engineer can use a free repairgun with a costly secondary, a costly primary can use a costly repairgun secondary, a costly repairgun can use a costly secondary). It would also address where an item you purchase will go, as all items go to items slot and all secondaries go to secondary slot, instead of currently finding out AT mines replace actual proxy. It would also address secondary overpowered by adding cost and variety so a number of secondaries would be viable depending on what you want to supplement on the primary, for instance I would like a choice for a strong single-hit to go along with assault rifles or a carbine to go along with marksman rifles.

Problem: Snipers and infantry in field have a pretty big penalty if they run out of ammo.

Solution: 1A)The easy fix is give primaries more clips in reserve.

1B) The interesting fix, is to add a new item to the beacons, emp-nade, airstrike, ect. A supply pack or ammo box. Cost 400. Used like a beacon, takes half a beacon plant time, it refills ammo upon completion. If beacons took the timed c4 slot this would not be a problem because it trades timed c4 and on engineers it exchanges a timed for 2 more remotes and such would not quite instakill a building IIRC, nor could you use any with airstrikes and beacons and each other and such.

Problem: Too big a restriction when losing a structure.

Solution: What if a destroyed building still worked at half ability?

1) Air/WF destroyed, vehicle cost +100%.

2) HON/Bar destroyed, infantry cost +100%.

3) Base defense destroyed, it takes twice as long to aquire a target and does half damage. Oblesk could be ran and agt could be ran, and both could be survived if taken a hit. Their absence is a constant siege, their partial presence would at least keep "base integrity"

4) Ref destroyed, credit income -11 and harvester removed from play.

5) PP destroyed, HON/WF/Bar/Air costs +50% (stacks with structure loss), refinery income -1 (stacks with structure loss), base defences double target acquisition and half damage (stacks with base defence loss to 4x delay in target aquire and 1/4 original damage)

EFFECT) A loss of WF/Bar/HON/Air would not be game ending, but would strain credit usage and reduce vehicles/infantry durastically. A loss of PP wouldn't be the worst structure to lose anymore but would still debuff whole base. A loss of PP and structure would double the debuff. Losses like these would still be massive enough. It would equally nerf Nod's lucky nukes, as well as buff Nod as they depend more on structures.

Problem: Stealth visibility.

Solution: I hear the white effect is being turned red next update. Good.

Other good to see ideas:

1) When sprinting, stealth is visible for 5x farther away.

2) When crouched, stealth is visible from 1/2 as far as when normally standing or running.

Problem: Emp Nades are very specific right now, also questionable in balance in creating stalemates.

Solution: Give it multiple effects. I like the following:

1) Emp area slows all units, tanks and infantry, by 33%

2) Emp disables hud, including unit hover-over box.

3) Emp disables repair gun

4) Emp delays all c4 triggers. Timer c4 will not detonate in one, proxy c4 will not detonate, remote will not detonate, all will detonate normally after the EMP is over.

5) Emp uncloaks stealth, stealth will have to recloak afterwards as if they had just got done firing their weapon.

6) Increase range to the size of 2 mammoth tanks across, and 10 seconds of effect

7) Cost 500 credits.

Problem: Ramjet is weaker than original ren but still too strong, chem sprayer was overbuffed and kill infantry megafast, mcfarland was mildly overnerfed, volt rifles are some of the weakest situational for 1000.


1A) PIC/RAIL used to have 1 shot a clip and 30 shots, ramjets used to have 4 shots a clip and 28 shots. I think Ramjet should now have 1 shot a clip and 40 shots, and PIC/RAIL should keep 4 shots a clip. That way, ramjet can still 1 hit basic infantry but not lots quickly, it suffers from misses more than other weapons, it loses 1/2 DPS against light-armor but still damages it plenty, and 500 snipers have pros/cons.

1B) GastuFox suggested decreasing both snipers basically by 20. That way, it takes both an extra bodyshot. Tbh, that sounds nice if fire rate is returned to old renegade, because the important part of the nerf is removing the instant kill upon contact.

2) Decrease chem sprayer damage vs infantry. IIRC, every individual pellet of the chem sprayer does damage and has a large volume of hit area. Well, keep that, but make it where 1 pellet does full damage and multiple pellets don't do "more" damage, and reduce the damage to 2x the damage of a single pellet. Keep current vehicle damage. What would be neat, is also adding tiberium poisoning x2 to an enemy, possibly also adds poisoning to a surface it shoots that an enemy touches within next 15 seconds, or a lingering effect in the airspace it shot through where the projectile remains floating for several seconds.

3) Give MCFarland a large AOE range on his flak splash grenade but low damage like 18 a shot. His shotgun is alright. Flak is supposed to be a unique role in any game, that can hit from wall to wall in a tunnel and hit every enemy in it, but does weak damage per second to a single enemy.

5) The volt rifle has a secondary with 8 beams. Well, give that to the primary and make it a 100% of the time kind of deal, tighten it's spread to about 2x the width of a torso of an infantry at max range, make it do 100% damage whether 1 or 8 hit it does the same, make that damage it's current damage, give it's secondary ADS with a holographic sight like PIC/RAIL, give it 20% more range and 33% ROF. It should be able to hip fire sweep on enemies, easily track and remain on enemies to damage them, steadily damage tanks, and be threatening as a 1000 weapon. Currently, it is the least threatening 1000 weapon, less threatening than laser chaingun.

These suggestions are in fact from a pub level, not a clan wars, but it shouldn't buff anything too much in a clan war.

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff
1) PIC/RAIL used to have 1 shot a clip and 30 shots, ramjets used to have 4 shots a clip and 28 shots. I think Ramjet should now have 1 shot a clip and 40 shots, and PIC/RAIL should keep 4 shots a clip. That way, ramjet can still 1 hit basic infantry but not lots quickly, it suffers from misses more than other weapons, it loses 1/2 DPS against light-armor but still damages it plenty, and 500 snipers have pros/cons.

2) Decrease chem sprayer damage vs infantry. IIRC, every individual pellet of the chem sprayer does damage and has a large volume of hit area. Well, keep that, but make it where 1 pellet does full damage and multiple pellets don't do "more" damage, and reduce the damage to 2x the damage of a single pellet. Keep current vehicle damage. What would be neat, is also adding tiberium poisoning x2 to an enemy, possibly also adds poisoning to a surface it shoots that an enemy touches within next 15 seconds, or a lingering effect in the airspace it shot through where the projectile remains floating for several seconds.

3) Give MCFarland a large AOE range on his flak splash grenade but low damage like 18 a shot. His shotgun is alright. Flak is supposed to be a unique role in any game, that can hit from wall to wall in a tunnel and hit every enemy in it, but does weak damage per second to a single enemy.

5) The volt rifle has a secondary with 8 beams. Well, give that to the primary and make it a 100% of the time kind of deal, tighten it's spread to about 2x the width of a torso of an infantry at max range, make it do 100% damage whether 1 or 8 hit it does the same, make that damage it's current damage, give it's secondary ADS with a holographic sight like PIC/RAIL, give it 20% more range and 33% ROF. It should be able to hip fire sweep on enemies, easily track and remain on enemies to damage them, steadily damage tanks, and be threatening as a 1000 weapon. Currently, it is the least threatening 1000 weapon, less threatening than laser chaingun.

Thought about 1-shot Ramjet from Renegade. It could be something to look into. Would have to still make it better than the 500 though, as if you can just pop head shots then the 500 would always be a better choice.


Chem-sprayer is quite OP right now, but I don't think it needs to have any lasting effects added. Damage-over-time is just rage inducing, nothing else. DPS just needs to be looked at since it's a hell of a lot easier to hit people now.


McFarland having wall-to-wall tunnel splash just sounds annoying. Even 18 damage stacks up over seven(?) shots of not bothering to aim. You should still need to be somewhat close to hit, but we already know how easy it is to let splash-weapons get out of hand, (I'm looking at Gunner in tunnel fights).



Umm, have you ever used the Volt rifle? Obviously not the same one I have. The last thing it needs is any kind of help with aiming, as if you put the Volt rifle on someone's head for a split second they almost immediately lose half, if not more, of their health. You literally MELT infantry health bars away. It's faster time-to-kill than the LCG to the head, and almost the same to the body.

I didn't feel like they needed a range buff in beta 2, but they got one anyway. At no point does the VAR need any further range boost from anything. It's not built to replace the PIC at all ranges, and adding to its ROF anymore basically throws it well over 100dps towards vehicles which starts to become a bit rediculous, even for 1k. I'm not sure what the point of the secondary ever was, unless it was just to look scary. If anything it could be removed and nobody'd really miss it.


EMP's vs mines would suck.

Repair gun would be epic but make it 3/4 the power of normal engies as really you dont want repair class to be useless.

Would be cool if certain maps had a small power plant or maybe solar panels so if you get this when power is down at least it will make the base defences work or if you already have power could make base defences faster / reduced costs?

Don't agree ref the wf being dead that you should be able to buy tanks from it but how come if the air strip is blown up but the runway is ok you cant get still drop things off? Could make it i suppose that teams can still buy buggies / hummers at high cost and they get air lifted in via transport hele with the chance the enemy can shoot it down n ruin your day? But really i do feel if you loose a building its tough luck deal with it.

Would love EMP's to have vech side effects like if your mrl got emp'd randomly it would lock onto another tank or misfire.


Would love to see some kind of weapon/tank air drop you can use if wf/air is destroyed. You buy them in the terminal with increased price ofcourse. Should be somewhat limited, but gives the team some possibilities. Maybe only light units (hummer, apc, arty) enough to push somewhat back and do some apc rushes, but not enough so the winning team cant finish off the losing team.

And nerf the carbine or even remove it. It breaks the entire infantry tier system.

Guardtower @ xmountain

Removal of the EMP grenade, I prefer something with smoke.

Are AT mines ever used? not sure.

Ramjet should do 99% hp dmg to free inf with 1 hit (hs is kill ofcourse).But the dmg vs light vehicles shoudnt be nerfed too much. It may be annoying for aircraft, but otherwise the game will turn in air domination.

About AA.. Once you lose bar/hon its very hard to defend yourself vs air units. There needs to be a way for somewhat decent AA. Heavy pistol works decent, but people never buy it.

Detroying buildings should give more points.

Farming buildings should give less points, expecially for arty. 10min of farming give a MASSIVE point lead that is almost impossible to match. And farming is pretty comming.

And ofcourse keep up the good work :D


Points really should come closer together, a structure kill versus a matchlong farming.

Idk about volt rifle, unless you are literally magnetically tracking the head it literally doesn't seem to match up to it's two 1k brother classes. Perhaps this is "situationally" as you said in another thread, the first hit of the others lands you dead on your ass as you are turning the corner before you get 2 shots off which add up to maybe 40 damage. They should trade that secondary for ADS, but the secondary does very rapid damage to a vehicle for the servere negative that it can't sustain and it is super glitchy on clip end. Definitely replace with aim down sight. BTW, technically, I am basically advocating 20% more bodyshot damage, clip empties faster, a small chance of sweeping multiple close enemies in tunnels and hitting at same time, and removing headshot damage (as a multi-bullet weapon hitting with same damage on any contact wouldn't reliably headshot like a flamethrower or chem sprayer)

AT Mine: Watch Kenz3001 play, notice he dies all the time. I die all the time. You place one in center of door, instakill. You can clear them, but that takes "knowing better" and I apparently "dont" and that makes me "bad at the game" or something.

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