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Tipp: How to get about 30 - 50 % better performance

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How to get about 30 - 50 % better performance with only a minor impact on visual quality:

Disable "static decals" in the advanced video settings.

There seems to be an issue with decals in Beta 3. Deactivating this option most noticably removes the tank threads markings on the ground, but can give you a huge performance boost without really having an impact on visual quality besides the tank treads.

For me if i enable "static decals" they consume about 40% of the rendertime of a frame on my GPU even though its a 780 GTX. So i get 40% less performance drain on my GPU just by deactivating that setting.

Note: This will not have an effect right away when you change it in the ESC-Menu settings. It will only take effect once you loaded another map or restarted the game.

  • Totem Arts Staff

That's just it. I've checked the setting long time ago. The power plan was set to Balanced... or was it High Performance? Instead, battery power plan is set to Power Saver. I don't know man, this laptop is weird. It runs smooth again when the power is full

That's just it. I've checked the setting long time ago. The power plan was set to Balanced... or was it High Performance? Instead, battery power plan is set to Power Saver. I don't know man, this laptop is weird. It runs smooth again when the power is full

And that is why I have a desktop.

I can't test this myself, but wouldn't that also remove the target painter for airstrikes? Or am I confusing that option with something else?

Airstrikes are dynamic decals which are a different option.

  • Totem Arts Staff
And that is why I have a desktop.

Meh, yeah. I need my laptop for Uni too. Besides, don't have internet at home, so I can only play online with wifi

And we got three laptops already, including this one. The rest are just low-end leftover from past few years, so desktop? Won't happen anytime soon

That's just it. I've checked the setting long time ago. The power plan was set to Balanced... or was it High Performance? Instead, battery power plan is set to Power Saver. I don't know man, this laptop is weird. It runs smooth again when the power is full

And that is why I have a desktop.

My laptop runs the game at a steady 60 fps with everything maxed out. You just need the right laptop. Desktops are best but I like to game where ever I feel like gaming whether that be in bed, a different room / location or on the couch.

  • Totem Arts Staff
My laptop runs the game at a steady 60 fps with everything maxed out. You just need the right laptop. Desktops are best but I like to game where ever I feel like gaming whether that be in bed, a different room / location or on the couch.

Ah, yeah, that's the best thing about lappies

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