get-a-grip Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 (edited) I have been patiently defending RenX against naysayers for a while now but I have been led to believe by a recent outburst from a dev that it is a futile effort. When a dev says that they don't care if a game has any players then there can't reasonably be any hope that it will be revived. It looks to me like this is as good as it gets right now and its only going down hill. Sorry to be so gloomy, but I haven't been given any reason to come to a more positive assessment. Edited June 16, 2014 by Guest
CrimsonMoon Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Wait for Stream Release then lets talk about its dead
get-a-grip Posted June 16, 2014 Author Posted June 16, 2014 Wait for Stream Release then lets talk about its dead Maybe I missed something but I didn't think Steam would be interested in a free game that can't be monetized because of the UDK non profit clause. Do you have news about a definite Steam release?
itjo4u934875 Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 We will see if its dead, when they release a stable version with more maps and 0 nuke glitches/freezebugs. But i think its frustrating to invest much time and get only a few hundred players.
CrimsonMoon Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Wait for Stream Release then lets talk about its dead Maybe I missed something but I didn't think Steam would be interested in a free game that can't be monetized because of the UDK non profit clause. Do you have news about a definite Steam release? Sry my English is not so good. but. 1. The Game uses your Steamname if you loked into steam 2. ... 271932956/ 3. Hope dies last ^^
Generalcamo Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Are you simply posting this because of what the dev said? Yes, it was slightly uncalled for, but you are taking it out of proportion. He meant that the dev team does not want to attract players from the lowest common denominator that play CoD and buy EA games even when they protested against them. And I for one support his opinion.
get-a-grip Posted June 16, 2014 Author Posted June 16, 2014 Why are you still playing a dead game then ? And no, i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not. For the most part we rather not have all the cry babies. The more players the more insults etc are posted in the forums. Its just not worth it dealing with a large crowd for free. Thats one of the reason why the game might never come back on its feet again. I think I will let the people who have been faithfully visiting this forum when they can't even play the game decide for themselves what these words mean.
RoundShades Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Are you simply posting this because of what the dev said? Yes, it was slightly uncalled for, but you are taking it out of proportion. He meant that the dev team does not want to attract players from the lowest common denominator that play CoD and buy EA games even when they protested against them. And I for one support his opinion. Ditto. All that is said, is that "making a game" comes first, the players should come naturally for that. I too am waiting for a less crashy version, but I just decided to start doing twitch, I am about to kick up a shitstorm in my old clan forum to get some attention as a twitch caster (yes I am an ass, but it is literally not my fault so it is what I am getting in return for it), and then I might play some dis. Be more fun than the wait for a bugfix or volcano has. I have no patience for this waiting, even knowing it can be months between patches. One cannot blame the devs given their outstanding work given their payment for it.
SFJake Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Why do you waste your time pointing your fingers at one developer? I can easily imagine how frustrated I'd be in his shoes, and I'd be frustrated as hell that the simple mistakes of too early a release of the beta has destroyed the game's population. They brought enough attention to themselves to be bashed from every corner and I've even bashed it on a few occasions too. The game still has hope, but its not where you believe it to be. I think if they could get it together and release it on Steam, without the crashes and having fixed the biggest balance issues, it could maintain a sizable enough population for Renegade to remain alive. We're passed all this drama that was caused by the game having way too many "casuals" get in this game at the wrong time. I hope the remaining developers will find it within themselves to fulfill at least that. I don't want Renegade, the best kind of FPS multiplayer (literally the only kind by now) that I even enjoy. It can still live. And its only worth it if its still Renegade by the end. I hope they try, but I can't and will not blame any of them if they decide to quit either.
AkillerNXC Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Lol, I lost hope in this game when they screwed up all the units. I mean I'll give it a go when they fix the game again, but I'm not expecting anything fantastic.
get-a-grip Posted June 16, 2014 Author Posted June 16, 2014 Lol, I lost hope in this game when they screwed up all the units. I mean I'll give it a go when they fix the game again, but I'm not expecting anything fantastic. Congratulations sir, you win the only sane person around here prize, lol. Most of the time I feel like I accidentally wandered into the headquarters of some kind of cult.
Aircraftkiller Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Why are you still playing a dead game then ? And no, i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not. For the most part we rather not have all the cry babies. The more players the more insults etc are posted in the forums. Its just not worth it dealing with a large crowd for free. Thats one of the reason why the game might never come back on its feet again. I think I will let the people who have been faithfully visiting this forum when they can't even play the game decide for themselves what these words mean. That's an unedited quote? Wow, how unprofessional. It doesn't matter if it's free or not. They chose to release something for public consumption. Expecting people to adhere to some antiquated notion of Internet civility is just going to bring people in who will purposely troll just to watch this place burn. 1
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 Why are you still playing a dead game then ? And no, i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not. For the most part we rather not have all the cry babies. The more players the more insults etc are posted in the forums. Its just not worth it dealing with a large crowd for free. Thats one of the reason why the game might never come back on its feet again. I think I will let the people who have been faithfully visiting this forum when they can't even play the game decide for themselves what these words mean. That's an unedited quote? Wow, how unprofessional. It doesn't matter if it's free or not. They chose to release something for public consumption. Expecting people to adhere to some antiquated notion of Internet civility is just going to bring people in who will purposely troll just to watch this place burn. That is so pathetic it is laughable, lol. The quote is UNEDITED. Do you even know what the word unedited means? The quote was not edited, it is an excerpt genius. Learn the difference before you write such nonsense again. The remaining few sentences were about player movement and were not germane to this post topic. To awnser your question more directly: The movement is supposed to be fast like in the classic. If you dont like it then this game isent for you. And again: no we dont care about beating a call of duty or something in playernumbers. Just leave us alone if you think the movement isent for you. Thank you. Besides the fact that those sentences were full of spelling and grammatical errors, they have no bearing on the topic of the implied desire of the dev to abandon the project. Furthermore, the dev brought up CoD when it was never mentioned by me. Just because people around here immediately scream "CALL OF DUTY" if anybody mentions unrealistic player movement, it has nothing to do with anything I wrote. This is a classic case of projection. (If you don't know what projection means, look it up for goodness sake.) The dev's quote shows so much antipathy that it can only be explained as an attempt to excuse the decision to abandon the project by scapegoating the players. Let's get a grip on reality here. 40,000 people downloaded this game and only 100 remain to play it. It's not because of intermittent crashes or any other technical reason. Only 0.25% of people liked the game and 99.75% of people hated it. A reasonable person would conclude that something needs to be changed when there is such an overwhelming rejection of a game. If the devs prefer to watch the game go down in flames rather than make changes which might save it, that is their prerogative of course. However, pretending that the players are to blame for the game's failure is just silly. 2
RypeL Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 I see you are having fun concluding whatever out of what I posted. Good for you. Getting me popcorn to watch what you will conclude next
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 I see you are having fun concluding whatver out of what I posted. Good for you. Getting me popcorn to watch what you will conclude next "Concluding" is about all I can do since there hasn't been a patch released or even an update from the devs, lol. I call them like I see them my friend. A person would have to be willfully blind to avoid seeing something so painfully obvious. Nevertheless, I am glad that you are getting your jollies out of raising the hopes of the players and then apparently pulling the rug out from under them. It would be selfish of me to suggest that a dev shouldn't get something out of this fiasco, even if it is only his own perverse amusement. Do what you want. No harm, no foul. Perhaps we will meet one day and I can buy you a beer. (On second thought, you might be an angry drunk so I better make that a steak instead, lol.) 2
Truxa Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Or you could just place trust in the devs who have been busy making this game as is, for the passed couple years (starting with the UT mod leading up to the standalone) to come through. Even if this game is doomed to fail, the core, the people who love renegade, they will play untill the last server goes offline. And even then, they might revert back to the original renegade for gameplays sake rather than playing graphically enhanced, next gen shit games, which are "generated" by moneygrubbing conglomerates, to make money and appeal to the masses. Yeah, 99.75% of the people reject this game (according to you that is, who else sais it's true...) but this isnt a game made for the masses by a money grubbing conglomerate to make money, now is it? So sit back, relax and come back in a year. If the game is viable to live during that time, most likely updates and newer versions have come out, if not, then and only then you can say: well, tough luck, i'm moving on. It's like waiting for a game in alpha state. It takes atleast 1-2 years to properly develop it into a beta and then some more years to develop it into a full bug-free release. That is why it is a BETA game and not a full release. Devs are doing a great job without getting paid but still investing a load of time and effort. Why do people want to talk down on people beats me ... World is much better off with some positivity
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 Yeah, 99.75% of the people reject this game (according to you that is, who else sais it's true...) Umm...I assume you can count can't you? Current players=100/40,000=0.25% People who downloaded then quit the game=39,900/40,000=99.75% Of course these are just round numbers. If you aren't satisfied with those numbers then you can publish your own, presumably more accurate results. Don't let me stop you. So sit back, relax and come back in a year. Are you seriously suggesting that people should hang around for a year to see if a dead/broken game will pick up? Why do people want to talk down on people beats me ... World is much better off with some positivity Great, let's all hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome" while we wait for a year. Everybody can make up their own minds what they think is the best course of action but I think even the die-hard C&C fans aren't going to wait much longer. That isn't being negative, its being realistic. Sorry to bring so much un-positive energy to the planet. 2
Kil Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Well since you've said the game is dead, there is no longer a point for you being here. Good day.
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 Great, a dev! Give us all the details about the patch updates/fixes and the e.t.a. P.S. Call me superstitious, but an apparently dead game that has a dev named Kil can't be a good sign. (Just kidding dude, lol.) 2
Kil Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Oh so now it isn't dead? Then don't say it is and then berate the others who don't agree with your bold negative statement that isn't backed by fact, no one appreciates it.
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 (edited) Does that mean you don't have any news about a patch to share? P.S. The way the bulletin board is set up, it knocks posts off the main page when new ones are created, right? The only way this post keeps popping up on the front page is for other people to keep it alive. I am just responding. Edited June 17, 2014 by Guest 2
get-a-grip Posted June 17, 2014 Author Posted June 17, 2014 To someone like you? No. Go away. Seriously? The devs aren't toying with the players are they? 2
Kil Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Well since you appear to be incapable of realising I'm addressing you directly, not the players as a whole, there is no reason to continue talking nor continue this thread that is based on an incorrect statement. Locked.
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