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I'm a long time fan of Ren and have been playing Ren x ever since it went open Beta. Now I know that server bans are necessary for cheaters but the ban option can easily turn a player who loves the game away. This can ruin a game if it is a ban from the most popular server. Right now you' re lucky if you find 1 server full and another at half. Most of the time it's usually only one, at least when I'm on. This would most likely not be a problem if it was a game like BF4 (imagine that the servers are run like Ren x) and being banned from one server doesn't mean you can no longer play. I don't really know how to stop good players from being banned because this system is also necessary for cheaters, but it has stopped me from playing a game I love. Might lose more players like this, especially if admins misuse it.

BTW, I was banned for accusing an admin for cheating/not following server rules.


You can say it however loud you want you're not giving any solution.

In the old Renegade Jelly ruled the scene too, and it got its fair share of ban drama.

Its just how it is when a game like this has so few players.


Badmins are an inevitable byproduct of giving players control of a game's servers and however irritating they are, the alternative is actually worse. A lot of retail games retain complete control of any player's access to their servers so by comparison a few player badmins is the lesser of two evils.

The only sure way to avoid badmins is to start your own server.


Or accept the fact some admins are jerks and do not confront them, atleast not at that very moment.

Here is what you should do:

When you see a server admin abusing his admin rights, issue the RecordDemo command to record it. Other server admins/owners can look it up and review your findings.

If e.g. you are talking about the TmX or EKT servers, make an account on their websites and PM a server admin or clan leader with your findings, say you got it "on tape" through that recorddemo command and they can look it up. Most likely they will unban you as a result and the culprit will have repercusions, amongst them losing the admin rights (unless he's the actual server owner ofcourse)

You see, I bring these 2 up because these 2 are the most active servers I find. And both clans have their good and bad people, but BOTH of them are respectable clans. If one steps out of line, he'll have to answer for it.

If you were talking about any other server, geesh, go play TmX or EKT servers, they are better communities anyway :P and more activity.

PS: afaik both TmX and EKT do not perm ban anyone, most likely 24h. Unless you are a cheater/hacker/very obnoxious/presistently rude/cursing/spamming or any other legitimate reason for banning.

If one steps out of line, he'll have to answer for it.

Reporting a badmin is a waste of time by definition. Just get together with some buddies and start your own server. That way you will be the one who has the power to eject anybody you choose instead of begging clan members to punish one of their own, lol.

Don't settle for scraps in life when you can sit at the head of the table.

If one steps out of line, he'll have to answer for it.

Reporting a badmin is a waste of time by definition. Just get together with some buddies and start your own server. That way you will be the one who has the power to eject anybody you choose instead of begging clan members to punish one of their own, lol.

Don't settle for scraps in life when you can sit at the head of the table.

And then you get to play on a server without players. Hurray.

EKT and TmX servers are already full, why not get good relations with their members/admins as thats easier, cheaper and uhm, more logical?


This game allows anybody to start a server so why would suggesting that be so upsetting?

The more somebody protests, the more they draw suspicions that they have a vested interest they are hiding, lol.

"Curioser and curioser." -Lewis Carroll

This game allows anybody to start a server so why would suggesting that be so upsetting?

It's not necessarily a practical solution. Not everybody wants (or is able) to actually pay for a decently spec'd server.

I am curious which server Skethicus is referring to, though. I assume TmX since he was last seen there ~19 hours ago (around the time of the original post)?

(Root Administrator)":2xo3ragm] (Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:09 pm)

In this topic you will find instructions on how to set up your own Renegade X server.

Things you need:

- The latest Renegade X release, which you can find here: http://renegade-x.com/download

Step 1: Download and install the latest Renegade X release.

Download the latest build from the following link:


Verify that the filehash of your downloaded file equals with the following hash:


The installation is pretty straight forward, double-click the downloaded executable file and follow the instructions on your screen.


Hit [Next]. On the next screen you will be asked which components should be installed, check the [server profile] box and hit [Next].


Hit [Next]. You will be asked where to install the Renegade X server. Specify your installation folder and hit [Next] and [Next] again. [Wait until the Renegade X server has been installed...]


On the next screen, uncheck [Play Renegade X] and [Create Desktop Shortcut] - you won't be needing these for your server.

Click [Finish] and browse to your Renegade X server installation folder.

Step 2: Starting your server.

In the root of your installation folder, create a new file called server.bat and edit it with a text editor. Populate your server.bat with the text found below and change the variables with your values:

The path to your server installation. (e.g. C:\RenXGame\)

Explains itself, used for adminlogin console command. (e.g. AdminPassword=password123)

Tells the engine to use a specific port number. (e.g. -port=1337)

Do NOT use 7778, as it conflicts with another UDK port.

Code: Select all

@echo off

cd /d "\Binaries\Win32"

start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=?maxplayers= -port=

Here's an example server.bat with filled in values:

Code: Select all

@echo off

cd "C:\RenXGame\Binaries\Win32"

start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=password123?maxplayers=40 -port=7777

You can find more command line arguments right here: https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Command ... ments.html

Save your server.bat file and run it. You're server is now up and running!

Actually its pretty simple.

Curioser and curioser.


I meant getting decent hardware to run the RenX server, and paying for bandwidth/space at a datacenter, not the setting up of the actual server. Setting up a server is fairly basic. Unless you're suggesting it be hosted on their home computer (which wouldn't really attract anybody outside of directly invited friends).


(for some reason I can't quote)

Truxa: I didn't know he was an admin at the time I accused him. Normally I drop things like this right after I point it out, just to let them know "Hey I caught you", but everyone kept asking me what he did and every time I explained it he got pist.

Agent/TmX: Ya it was the TmX (Matrix right) server. I'm assuming I am banned because every time I try to join I get kicked back to the main menu. This account is not my main, I used it to see if it was an IP ban or name ban.

This is the only incident I could think got me banned and it happened over a week ago.

TmX: Don't know who it was, sorry.


Ok, that sometimes can happen.

If someone uses steam to connect to the game, the clantag is added to the name, if for some reason steam doesnt connect correctly, his name might be different.

I saw that when I was playing with some TmX guy, between map switches his name got changed but he didnt do anything, so I understand why you didnt know if he was an admin.

If it was the TmX server, I assume Sean will take care of it because TmX doesnt "just do that"

Don't worry, it'll be fixed

(for some reason I can't quote)

Truxa: I didn't know he was an admin at the time I accused him. Normally I drop things like this right after I point it out, just to let them know "Hey I caught you", but everyone kept asking me what he did and every time I explained it he got pist.

Agent/TmX: Ya it was the TmX (Matrix right) server. I'm assuming I am banned because every time I try to join I get kicked back to the main menu. This account is not my main, I used it to see if it was an IP ban or name ban.

This is the only incident I could think got me banned and it happened over a week ago.

TmX: Don't know who it was, sorry.

Firstly, I can assure you that you definitely wouldn't have been banned for accusing someone of anything, you may have been vote kicked by player majority (I've seen it happen) but a moderator certainly wouldn't do so, without a good reason.

I have searched extensively and i have been unable to find any record of you being kicked or banned at TmX.

Was Skethicus the nick you used when you played? If so, I can find no information regarding any ban placed on you.

Please feel free to either pm me any further details, post in this thread or visit our forums and post a new thread here: http://www.thematrixren.com/f40-rx-kicked-or-banned

I'd very much like to get this resolved for you, if I can.

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