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I found one little issue myself, walked around the 'mountain' and suddenly went up, so i had a clear advantage there



Could walk (picture to the west) pretty far and ended up behind the fence :P

Other just happened now, the barracks was mined like crazy but somehow a sbh still managed to sneak inside. (dont ask me how)

However this also happened:


You cant see it really good but there are 2 missiles comming from behind the rocks, a Stank got there. (on the right side of the pic are the barracks)

I dont know if i missed something but the sbh getting inside of a heavily mined barracks is odd and i have no idea where that stank went :P

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Double post for more screenshots!

You can't really see much but when looked at close up you see a stank inside the rocks


This one was from further away, could see him show up but he was inside the hill. I think he couldn't get hit there..


I'll try it out myself in skirmish :P

Edit: Tried it out and found the place where you can drive up the wall! Stank,, apc, medium tank and mlrs are all capable of getting up on the hill, even driving all the way to Nod! (havent tried it with artillery and such though)



and i know how he shot the barracks:




Medium tank


Mrls(at Nod's base, drove all the way around the map lol) Can actually get out of the vehicle and jump down into Nod's base.


It should get fixed asap, if needed i can show the glitch ingame since i havent posted a screen of the place where you can get up. :P (So people have to search the map by themselves if they want to know this)

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Havent thought about that :P Normal people wont exploit this and play normally, the people who do should get kicked. Now server admins know this could happen :P

And i did not post the location of this, already got away from the location when i took the screenshots :P

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  • 9 months later...
Havent thought about that :P Normal people wont exploit this and play normally, the people who do should get kicked. Now server admins know this could happen :P

And i did not post the location of this, already got away from the location when i took the screenshots :P

Google search led me here after todays match:

Hotty used a bug to get in Nod base by using a mountain bug on goldrush. I didnt know how it works and still dont know. Thing is, I agree that NORMAL people wont abuse bugs but yet again, someone named EatyourGreensKids on TmX US server found it a legit thing to climb a mountain, jump in the water and kill the ref. Following an attempt on the strip (I prevented him doing that)

Discussion enseud, with him calling me wanker and having my panties in a knot ... As if bugs and glitches are intentional game design, he defended his aproach by calling us names and stuff.

I strongly feel that we should discourage these type of players.

I know he's American (US server, his ping being below 30, mine being above 100 from the EU) and boy do I love American bashing. I tried to restrain the bashing.

I suggest the following:

Since we cant (IP/playername/steam) ban people from the game yet, to enjoy the game more with people who dont abuse bugs, maybe we can get a TmX/EKT server with password lock and passwords only distributed to those who are known not so abuse bugs/glitches. The more core or mature players, so to speak.

Being caugh cheating or bugabusing leads to the exclusion from that "Elite" or "Core" community by simply changing that password.

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seems a bit harsh, but do think something needs to be done. hopefully in beta 4 there will be some sort of ID get gets sent from the client machine so we can ban easier, yes yes wont stop the hardcore douches but will stop the script kiddies with dynamic ips.

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We could force Steam to be used -> unique ID problem solved. I dont think it will happen soon or ever or whatever, but i wonder if this really would be so bad. If someone does not want to have Steam installed at this time and age they might have something to hide or fight for some kind of ideology. And if a few are against Steam fro some reason i wonder if we really should make that our problem and if all other players should be penalized by that by not having as good as it could be (with Steam-ID bansystem) cheatprotection.

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I mostly don't run steam either when playing renx cause why should i. But if a game needs steam I just run steam.

I personally refuse to implement our own insecure unique Id just for the steam boycotters. And I refuse to believe that this number would matter. Using steam would be a way to support security on the servers. If someone does not want to participate in that cause I guess they don't like renx enough to play anyway.

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