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Happened on Goldrush.

As GDI, picked up a spy crate with an SBH in it. I was seen by enemy base defences and got killed by the Obelisk.

Is this a bug or was an SBH spy simply too cheesy and it's a feature?

it has been reported that the spy gets seen by BD if the spy entered and exited a vehicle

Certainly not the case here.

Or uses refill at purchase terminal.

This on the other hand might explain it. I did buy a beacon after all, and I might have used a refill while I was at it. Don't really remember whether or not I truly did.

  • 3 weeks later...
it has been reported that the spy gets seen by BD if the spy entered and exited a vehicle

Or uses refill at purchase terminal.

Yesterday BD spotted me twice after picking up spy crates (as Nod trying to infiltrate GDI base)

Only thing I did was buying a beacon and NOT refilling, as I knew about the refill bug.

So, BD sees spies after buying a beacon? Or waiting too long? Or maybe because I've been "Reported" (Q) while picking up the spy crate?

Reporting might be interresting though


view days ago BD saw me even if i did walk straight into the base right after i did pick up the spycrate

I was sbh with beacon (tons of cash) and went for a spycrate ... I got one at the gdi bunker (field) ...

gdi did sige nod so i went straight to gdi base through the front entrance ... agt killed me on sight


i was sbh but went for a gdi spy ...

first i got in with an engi spy ... later, when i got shot, i had a rocketlauncher or something like that (spy ofcourse)

  • 5 weeks later...

This happened just minutes ago.

Goldrush again, as NOD, bought SBH, found a spy crate (havoc). I think to myself, sweet, I'll go a nuke some GDI scum. Bought a nuke, didn't refill or enter a vehicle, went to GDI base through the path near the Tib field. The ATG started shooting me. I was grievously wounded, but luckily for me there was a crate nearby. Hoping for a refill I got ANOTHER spy crate (Officer). The ATG STILL shot at me. I got spotted and that was that for me.

The only common link between all these stories is that at one point or another during that 'life' the player was SBH.


Opening the PT (Purchase Terminal) in general (not even refilling or changing/buying anything) or Entering a vehicle cancels out the effects of the Spy crate, you must die before another Spy crate will work (as long as you don't open a PT or Enter a vehicle.

I know this is not how it should be, but the Spy Crate needs to be completely revamped to be usable.

In the mean time, just hope that you are lucky enough to have a Nuke/ION already when you get a spy crate...

Opening the PT (Purchase Terminal) in general (not even refilling or changing/buying anything) or Entering a vehicle cancels out the effects of the Spy crate, you must die before another Spy crate will work (as long as you don't open a PT or Enter a vehicle.

I know this is not how it should be, but the Spy Crate needs to be completely revamped to be usable.

In the mean time, just hope that you are lucky enough to have a Nuke/ION already when you get a spy crate...

I disagree!

The spy crate is VERY usefull at the no base-defense maps.

Just the other day on walls, Nod was completely overwhelming GDI, killed the barracks and WF while Nod had it all. Sakura's on top laying suppresive sniper fire to cover the other nukes. GDI however, had a sakura spy sitting on top with us, sneakily killing the sakura's when they stood still to cover the nuke. It was realy hard to tell who was the spy as he was able to be far enough away not to see the red nametag.

But I agree with the fact that base defenses should not see the spy under ANY circumstances, unless the spy opens fire on a GDI unit WHILST BEING a spy.


@ Twig thats 100% not true what you say

I bought nuke many times as spy ans it worked absolutely fine

on the other hand (like i wrote b4) i got shot by BD right after i picked a spycrate and ran into gdi base

Buying a nuke works fine most of the time (probably always), i doubt thats changing anything ...

means even entering PT without buying something must be harmless ...

refilling might be a problem, same for enter a vehicle ...

this might be because your character gets spawned from the game

while for a nuke it does not have to spawn ... but not sure

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