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I notice a small problem on the dark maps like Field and Messa II .

Silos have this little flag .

The flag turns in the colour of the team thats controll the silo.

GDI flags are yellow and NOD flags are red, to inform the player which site took controll of the silo.

But on the dark maps the flag is always iluminated by the red light and seems to be red.

So you have to look twice.

My proposal:

The light which is current red should have the colour of the team which controlls the silo.

- neutral: blue light

- GDI: yellow light

- Nod: red light


Played some time today and when i 'targeted' the silo it showed up red or green. (at least i think it was red and green, white for neutral :P) So it does show who controls it!

Or is that something only i see? :P


The silo is teamed when it is under control. All you need to do is point your weapon at it and it will show up as either GDI, Nod or Neutral.

To make it even more simple:

-If it's green, your team owns it.

-If it's red, the enemy owns it.

-If it's grey, it's neutral.

And make an indicator on the HUD that shows who controls the silo so you don't have to check at a purchase terminal to see.

Submitted this as a bug because I believed it was big enough to deserve the attention.

Generally, this is an easy add to add a icon to see if a building is alive or dead (obv. silo would show up dead to one team or another or both) amongst the other many building icons on bottom of ingame user interface.

Hope its noticed and implemented, easy beneficial add imo.

EDIT: Razor, sometimes under siege you can't even get to the silo to see. The only surefire way to check, is the secondary weapons tab of the purchase terminal. That is AWEFULLY ambiguous place to look, an actual UI icon amongst other base structures would be better, instead of only smart and/or veteran players knowing via an obscure trick. (also, the hover-over targetting was added this patch, before only engineers aiming at the silo MCT could see the targetting hud while anyone else aiming at any part of it just saw it like it was inert ground)


i think a hud icon would be too much ...

it should take more efford to keep it!

people schould have to check the silo every once in a while or at least the PT

but you easy can see it if you monitor the cashflow for 2 seconds

but an EVA message would be nice ... "Techbuilding lost"


Well, i said you have to lock twice. In the heat of the battle you dont have this time, so its strange to see a red flag over the silo, although the building is captured by GDI.

EDIT: Razor, sometimes under siege you can't even get to the silo to see. The only surefire way to check, is the secondary weapons tab of the purchase terminal. That is AWEFULLY ambiguous place to look, an actual UI icon amongst other base structures would be better, instead of only smart and/or veteran players knowing via an obscure trick. (also, the hover-over targetting was added this patch, before only engineers aiming at the silo MCT could see the targetting hud while anyone else aiming at any part of it just saw it like it was inert ground)

A HUD update for tech buildings is being worked on.

Also, you don't need to get close to the silo to check it. Afaik, there are 3 ways to check if you have the silo.

1. Target it with a weapon. Repair guns and C4 have infinite target range, so you can equip one of them and be able to target the silo to check if it's yours or not even if you're completely on the opposite side of the map.

2. Check the weapons tab. Tiberium weapons means you own a silo.

3. Watch your credits. If they go up by more than 2 credits/second then you own a silo.

A HUD update for tech buildings is being worked on.

Also, you don't need to get close to the silo to check it. Afaik, there are 3 ways to check if you have the silo.

1. Target it with a weapon. Repair guns and C4 have infinite target range, so you can equip one of them and be able to target the silo to check if it's yours or not even if you're completely on the opposite side of the map.

2. Check the weapons tab. Tiberium weapons means you own a silo.

3. Watch your credits. If they go up by more than 2 credits/second then you own a silo.

That update is nice to know. Wasn't saying it wasn't, just saying it's nice. Quality of life.

However, you never had games where new players couldn't tell or wouldn't bother with them? It is hard to tell if new players entirely comprehend what a tech building even is. I swear sometimes I see teammates shooting an enemy owned silo in the field, meaning the red outline on the hud actually confuses MORE than before since it makes players shoot it thinking it can be killed.

Also, have you never been siege camped hard enough that walking around outside your base structures gets you sniped from tunnels the ground standing on shelled and airstrikes rained upon thou? You can't just peak to see if the silo is yours or not, you can't even see what color the grass is outside without it costing you the value of the class you purchased as well as your k/d ratio.

Between all the other things, a hud is the easiest way to make the silo actually worked on. Otherwise, and even afterwards, new players are going to ignore it like they don't know better.


IMO, think that the thing the tech building is improving should be visually augmented on the HUD to show it's being buffed.

Owning a silo, for example, would make your credits at the bottom of your HUD be a different color (green?) and possibly have a small +1 or something next to them to indicate you're getting more.

IMO, think that the thing the tech building is improving should be visually augmented on the HUD to show it's being buffed.

Owning a silo, for example, would make your credits at the bottom of your HUD be a different color (green?) and possibly have a small +1 or something next to them to indicate you're getting more.

I think you could leave the credits the same color and just make the '+1' green. I like this way because then you don't know if the other team has it or not.

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