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Posted (edited)

I would like to play a game. The game is called “Fix It or Leave It”. (If you've ever trolled the Team Fortress 2 forums you may be familiar with it)

How to Play:

- When you reply to this post you can Fix AND Leave one Class/Vehicle/Item (CVI)

- FIX will increase the CVI's point total by 1

- LEAVE will decrease the CVI's point total by 1

- All CVI's points start at 20

- Reducing the point total to 0 will remove the CVI from the pool counting it as a balanced.

- Pushing the point total over 50 will remove the CVI from the pool counting it as a broken.

- Note that CVI's will return to the pool if there has been a significant balance change.

- You can also add a brief reason why you are either FIXing or LEAVing a CVI. If there is enough consensus I will add the reason to items that have been removed from the pool

- You can only FIX and LEAVE once per day

- You can't FIX or LEAVE the same CVI's on consecutive days

Example Post:

FIX Nod Artillery

LEAVE Soldier

"(Why I think so)"


Many classes in Renegade have similar counterparts on the opposing faction (ie: NOD/GDI Officers). For this reason FIX or LEAVE will affect both units until one deviates significantly from the other in future patches.

CVI's will be posted below

Airstrike 21

Artillery 17

Flamethrower 22

Grenadier 19

Gunner 19

MacFarland 21


Rocket Soldier 21

Stealth Black Hand 18

Tiberium Auto-Rifle 21

Edited by Guest

I don't think many posters have a valid point to be literally applying math to this sort of thing.

Most games would be destroyed if players could just adjust balance by popular vote.

I might just go in here as equalizer for the most unfavored yet unreasonably hated items. For instance:

Fix: Gunner

Leave: Airstrikes

Everyone hates airstrikes, but after last nerf they aren't random instagibs anymore, anyone voting for them is out of personal spite. Gunner on the other hand needs a wee buff, which someone above voted for in the form of nerfing rocket soldier, yet it will technically be undone by this since his context was to nerf rocket soldier and leave gunner and mine is fix gunner.

So you see where this is going? This will suck.



I see what you mean. This usually works on forums with a bit more traffic and diversity of opinion.

My intention wasn't to change the game by any means but to see the popular opinion of our forum posters and its fluctuation. I'm going to leave it up for fun and see if it picks up later.

I don't think many posters have a valid point to be literally applying math to this sort of thing.

Most games would be destroyed if players could just adjust balance by popular vote.

I might just go in here as equalizer for the most unfavored yet unreasonably hated items. For instance:

Fix: Gunner

Leave: Airstrikes

Everyone hates airstrikes, but after last nerf they aren't random instagibs anymore, anyone voting for them is out of personal spite. Gunner on the other hand needs a wee buff, which someone above voted for in the form of nerfing rocket soldier, yet it will technically be undone by this since his context was to nerf rocket soldier and leave gunner and mine is fix gunner.

So you see where this is going? This will suck.

So far, the gunner does the same amount of damage against vehicles and buildings as the original, and even has a increased splash damage. I've seen people saying that the reload time of the gunner is really long, but that doesn't make sense either. It hasn't even changed from the original. The gunner HAS been given a slight buff.

The rocket soldier instead has been given a much faster projectile speed, homing missiles and much more burst damage, and that just for a price of 225 credits.

The rocket soldier is the one OP for it's current price. The gunner isn't.

Improved Rocket Launcher / Rocket Launcher

Headshot damage in Renegade - 200*. Headshot damage in Renegade X - 180.

Bodyshot damage in Renegade - 40*. Bodyshot damage in Renegade X - 90.

Please see *NOTE. The Renegade damages are just for the direct hit impact damage, whereas the Renegade X damages are the direct hit impact damage + the direct hit explosive damage. I will edit these calculations in the future.

Damage to light armored vehicles in Renegade - 38. Damage to light armored vehicles in Renegade X - 40.

Damage to heavy armored vehicles in Renegade - 36. Damage to heavy armored vehicles in Renegade X - 40.

Slightly increased damage for both vehicle armors.

Damage to Buildings (Non-MCT) in Renegade - 1.67%. Damage to Buildings (Non-MCT) in Renegade X - 1.66%

Damage to MCT in Renegade - 1.5%. Damage to MCT in Renegade X - 3.33%.

RoF in Renegade - 1. RoF in Renegade X - 1.1.

Reload time in Renegade - 2.8 seconds. Reload time in Renegade X - 3.8 seconds.

Large increase to the reload time for Renegade X.

Reload time is a second longer.

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