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Stealth is completely broken. lol

All vehicles regardless of type need to be able to see cloaked objects from at least some distance from themselves.(If im in a mammoth tank, a stank could bump into me and would not show up at all apart from dust tracks under its treads. not even a glimmer. If im manning a turret, a stank could drive past me right next to me again not showing up even a little bit. totally broken.)


Swimming, Sprinting, Jumping, Being shot at, should all make the SBH visible via its stealth effect

if an sbh runs past you on most maps the bloom is so high that looking for extremely faint shiny blue textures just isnt happening. they can swim and remain totally cloaked (seriously? standing in rain and being completely submerged in water is totally different.), they can jump dance and prance about as much as they want and will not effect their cloak even a little. i can shoot them and it will not effect their level of cloak.

that coupled with lots of players deliberately switching to nod every game and abusing the shit out of this is just saddening.

Guest Gliven

It's actually not that hard to see a SBH...If you cant see a stank when its bumping into you. Then maybe you should check your video settings.


I've played SBH a lot. I'm actually pretty good as a solo SBH and I agree that SBH should not be able to jump, get shot, fall, and sprint without showing up. That's part of what being "stealthy" is. In fact I've conducted myself mostly with the notion that sprinting did reveal you and haven't done it when around enemies. Stealth as an advantage needs to be offset with certain restraints. Those restraints make it so it takes care, planning, and a bit of daring to sneak around unseen. Not just running around willy nilly.

Oh and the stank vs mammoth thing. I ran full frontal into a mammoth earlier on an Islands match and was unnoticed. It was right when the mammoth was crossing one of the shallows. Due to this mammoth's apparent inability to notice me (probably just thought the vehicle glitched) I was able to roll into the GDI base and nuke their WF. No way should a stank be completely invisible from point blank. That's just broken.


Sounds like you need a large dose of git gud, mate.

More than once I've run over a Stank because the idiot believes he is completely invisible, they do show if they are close enough to you, the thing is that when you drive a mammoth your attention is everywhere but on your surroundings, hence why they can barely see the god damn air strikes incoming most of the time.

And regarding SBH, it just sounds like you are shit at spotting their ass, most of the time is the same deal with STanks, the average SBH thinks he is hot shit and tries to go past you, more than once I've killed or spot one becaues they think they can go in circles around me, bunch of fags.


When in a vehicle you actually really can only start to see a stank when its litterally already bumping you. This will be fixed in the first patch.

Guest Gliven

I just tested in game....I found it very easy to notice a stank from far away. GDI base entrance to GDI tib field. The dust kick up is a big give away. Plus if you happen to be looking at them, your reticle turns red. I was in an APC and i could regularly spot a stank about 2-3 vehicles lengths away, shimmer and all. Do you have a color vision deficiency affecting blue–green colours?


"The dust kick up is a big give away. Plus if you happen to be looking at them, your reticle turns red. I"

-> Both this issues will be fixed in the patch. So it became to hard to see a stank cause the cloaking effect wasent visible enough but that should be fixed in the patch aswell.

I just tested in game....I found it very easy to notice a stank from far away. GDI base entrance to GDI tib field. The dust kick up is a big give away. Plus if you happen to be looking at them, your reticle turns red. I was in an APC and i could regularly spot a stank about 2-3 vehicles lengths away, shimmer and all. Do you have a color vision deficiency affecting blue–green colours?

The dust kickup doesn't always seem to happen. I don't thin relying on your reticle being red (a glitch) is a valid "strategy". It's actually bug abuse the same as planting beacons in places people can't disarm them.

"The dust kick up is a big give away. Plus if you happen to be looking at them, your reticle turns red. I"

-> Both this issues will be fixed in the patch. So it became to hard to see a stank cause the cloaking effect wasent visible enough but that should be fixed in the patch aswell.

That's good to know.

Guest Gliven

I never said it was a "strategy". I was just pointing out that its not impossible to find stealth units. You did see the part where i said shimmer and all right? not just reticle detection. Also, after you play as Nod for a few matches on every map. You tend to know where stank/sbh will want to "hide" or chill out while advancing to GDI base. It is always a good idea to just shoot at the area to make sure no one is there.

Guest Gliven

Also I'm glad that it isn't intended and its a glitch being fixed. There has been many a time as a SBH that I have been shot by an MlRS from the across the map because they locked onto me by chance. I think the dust kick up is realistic, but this isn't a realistic game, so I don't care either way if its staying or going for the stank. If it was only noticeable at a set distance that would be cool. But like I said. It is just visual fluff that affects game play, so if it has to go, then that's cool.

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