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Exiting from vehicles has been done wrong IMO

It would make more sense to exit the vehicle opposite to the direction you're aiming, It allows you to take cover to repair and/or shoot, it will also allow for quicker vehicle entry. Please change the way you exit vehicles.

Exiting from vehicles has been done wrong IMO

It would make more sense to exit the vehicle opposite to the direction you're aiming, It allows you to take cover to repair and/or shoot, it will also allow for quicker vehicle entry. Please change the way you exit vehicles.

I think this is a pretty slick idea. I hate getting out for a quick repair only to realize that I was dumped on the side with tanks shooting at me.


Agreed, although this would make getting out of the vehicle to shoot that PIC-railgun a lot harder, but I haven't seen anyone even attempt this besides myself.


Even better would be to set an 'exit point' on each vehicle, like Renegade had. That way you always know what direction you'll be getting out at, and you can use the strategy of getting in and out of the vehicle and firing with your infantry during vehicle reload.

Even better would be to set an 'exit point' on each vehicle, like Renegade had. That way you always know what direction you'll be getting out at, and you can use the strategy of getting in and out of the vehicle and firing with your infantry during vehicle reload.

Yeah, back left worked well in Renegade. If not that, then getting out on the opposite side of your turret's position would work too.

Even better would be to set an 'exit point' on each vehicle, like Renegade had. That way you always know what direction you'll be getting out at, and you can use the strategy of getting in and out of the vehicle and firing with your infantry during vehicle reload.

Yeah, back left worked well in Renegade. If not that, then getting out on the opposite side of your turret's position would work too.

We need this BADLY, I hate not being able to hummer/apc rush and not be able to park it in a way that it will be easier for me to get in the door while making the enemies have to go around the vehicle for that added protection.


I believe it currently exits you at whatever point your turret is facing when you press the action ("E") command. So you could just quickly turn in that direction before exiting for a rush.

Even better would be to set an 'exit point' on each vehicle, like Renegade had.


Will TotemArts consider changing to this in a future patch?

I believe it currently exits you at whatever point your turret is facing when you press the action ("E") command. So you could just quickly turn in that direction before exiting for a rush.

Now that I like even more


Looks like it tries to place you to the left, right, back and front in that order. If the placement is blocked it keeps trying. The problem with a modification like this is you have to consider what happens to passengers. If you're in an APC and facing left, you want to exit right. But what about your passengers? Do they also always exit opposite of the main turret?

Looks like it tries to place you to the left, right, back and front in that order. If the placement is blocked it keeps trying. The problem with a modification like this is you have to consider what happens to passengers. If you're in an APC and facing left, you want to exit right. But what about your passengers? Do they also always exit opposite of the main turret?

It's not the position of the turret, it's the opposite position of the camera. The turret just goes there regardless.

Posted (edited)

Attached. Extract to UDKGame\CookedPC and start your server with


I'll run this on the St0rm servers this weekend if you want to try it out :)http://www.st0rm.net/

class ExitBehindMutator extends Mutator;

function bool CanLeaveVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P)
local rotator CameraRotation;
local vector CameraPosition, ExitLocation;
if (V != None && P != None && PlayerController(V.Controller) != None)
	ExitLocation = v.ExitOffset*vect(-1,1,1);
	ExitLocation.x -= (v.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius + 2*P.GetCollisionRadius() + V.GetCollisionRadius());
	PlayerController(V.Controller).GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraPosition, CameraRotation);
	CameraRotation.Pitch = 0;
	CameraRotation.Roll = 0;
	ExitLocation = ExitLocation >> (CameraRotation - V.Rotation);
	ExitLocation += vect(0,0,100);
	v.ExitPositions[0] = ExitLocation;

return super.CanLeaveVehicle(V, P);


Edited by Guest

I enjoy the current system of being able to use the camera to force where you get out of the vehicle, compared to the unpredictable exit points in Renegade. Please don't change this.

Attached. Extract to UDKGame\CookedPC and start your server with


Works 80% of the time. Not sure why sometimes you dont get out behind the camera..and sometimes you get out 100 feet in the air (but don't die...). Open to ideas. I'll run this on the St0rm servers this weekend if you want to try it out :)http://www.st0rm.net/

class ExitBehindMutator extends Mutator;

function bool CanLeaveVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P)
local rotator CameraRotation;
local vector CameraPosition, ExitLocation;

if (V != None && P != None && PlayerController(V.Controller) != None)
	ExitLocation = v.ExitOffset;
	ExitLocation.x -= (p.GetCollisionRadius() + v.GetCollisionRadius());
	PlayerController(V.Controller).GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraPosition, CameraRotation);
	CameraRotation.Pitch = 0;
	CameraRotation.Roll = 0;
	V.ExitPositions.Insert(0, 1);
	ExitLocation = ExitLocation >> (CameraRotation - V.Rotation);
	V.ExitPositions[0] = ExitLocation;	
return super.CanLeaveVehicle(V, P);

Great work

I enjoy the current system of being able to use the camera to force where you get out of the vehicle, compared to the unpredictable exit points in Renegade. Please don't change this.

That is not the current system...


Updated my post with a fixed version. No known issues found so far. The mod causes you to exit 180 degrees behind the camera. It's running on all St0rm servers right now so I invite everyone to come try it and share feedback.



Oh god, please don't add server-specific changes that force me to re-learn game mechanics for every new server. That's horrible.

It works just fine currently and shouldn't need to be reversed. You shouldn't be exiting your vehicle mid battle to repair often. You do need to exit the APC from the right side so that you end up inside the doorway rather than AGT food.

Oh god, please don't add server-specific changes that force me to re-learn game mechanics for every new server. That's horrible.

It works just fine currently and shouldn't need to be reversed. You shouldn't be exiting your vehicle mid battle to repair often. You do need to exit the APC from the right side so that you end up inside the doorway rather than AGT food.

If you die because you expected to be randomly exited on one of four sides, but were predictably exited, then...well sorry :)


Jumping out of the vehicle into on-coming fire is not much fun + worrying about facing somewhere to exit during the heat of a battle is crappy too.

EDIT: Having the player exit from exit points is the way it should be tbh Renegade only picks a random exit point when the designated exit point is blocked. This shouldn't be a server sided option but a release/fix in the next patch.

Jumping out of the vehicle into on-coming fire is not much fun + worrying about facing somewhere to exit during the heat of a battle is crappy too.

EDIT: Having the player exit from exit points is the way it should be tbh Renegade only picks a random exit point when the designated exit point is blocked. This shouldn't be a server sided option but a release/fix in the next patch.

Well st0rm is testing out the code so hopefully the dev team can look at it and implemented if people like it...

Jumping out of the vehicle into on-coming fire is not much fun + worrying about facing somewhere to exit during the heat of a battle is crappy too.

EDIT: Having the player exit from exit points is the way it should be tbh Renegade only picks a random exit point when the designated exit point is blocked. This shouldn't be a server sided option but a release/fix in the next patch.

It's back left corner, and if that is blocked, back right corner. I think scripts enabled it to look for alternative exit points if both happened to be blocked, but there's very little randomness to it.


Default code tries points around you. However this doesn't adjust for Z blockage, so if theres any little hill on one side, you wont be able to exit there and it will shoot you to the other side. And I mean any little hill. Like an ant hill. From the UDK:

if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Y), bFindGroundExit) )
	return true;
if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * Y), bFindGroundExit) )
	return true;

if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * X), false) )
	return true;
if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * X), false) )
	return true;
if ( !bFindGroundExit )
	return false;
if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Y), false) )
	return true;
if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * Y), false) )
	return true;
if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Z), false) )
	return true;


Too lazy to go on and test it right now, but Renegade's exit system exited you a few feet in the air to avoid the tiny hill hindrance glitching it out. It also put you a good 2 meters away from the vehicle as well. How does Renegade X's work?

Too lazy to go on and test it right now, but Renegade's exit system exited you a few feet in the air to avoid the tiny hill hindrance glitching it out. It also put you a good 2 meters away from the vehicle as well. How does Renegade X's work?

My mod does this, you can see ExitLocation.Z += 100 as putting you higher in the air.

As for default renx, unless I overlooked it, or ExitOffset is set to a positive Z value, it doesn't do this. It just tries the next side. Thats why it almost seems random ingame.

Renegade's exit system exited you a few feet in the air

LOL hate I was just about to say

"you could try highering the players Z position on exit (sort of jumping out of the vehicle) I dunno but good luck guys :)"


Yeah, so I'd classify that as a glitch. It should be putting you a few feet in the air at the back left corner by default. I've never once heard anyone complain about how Renegade's exiting system worked, and I see no reason to change it. It was just very logical and predictable.


I didn't like how certain vehicles in C&C Renegade dropped you at the left side, but if you entered and left the vehicle again it would drop you at the right side, even though both sides provided plenty of space. You would actually have to test your drop position before you knew if you were going to land on the roof or fall off, to put it that way.

I haven't checked how this exactly works in Renegade X, but as long as there is no random factor to it, i'm more then happy.

I didn't like how certain vehicles in C&C Renegade dropped you at the left side, but if you entered and left the vehicle again it would drop you at the right side, even though both sides provided plenty of space. You would actually have to test your drop position before you knew if you were going to land on the roof or fall off, to put it that way.

I haven't checked how this exactly works in Renegade X, but as long as there is no random factor to it, i'm more then happy.

Some servers had their exit points edited for whatever reason (rencorner) in renegade. By default, it was left side in multiplayer, and only right side if that was blocked.


Agreed... I fully support adding predictable exit points like Renegade had. Will make for much more technical tank battles. Changing it to 'exiting behind the camera' doesn't do enough, and just adds other problems.

Agreed... I fully support adding predictable exit points like Renegade had. Will make for much more technical tank battles. Changing it to 'exiting behind the camera' doesn't do enough, and just adds other problems.

Not sure I follow what problems its adding, but let's assume you're right. What do you suggest?

Agreed... I fully support adding predictable exit points like Renegade had. Will make for much more technical tank battles. Changing it to 'exiting behind the camera' doesn't do enough, and just adds other problems.

Not sure I follow what problems its adding, but let's assume you're right. What do you suggest?

An apc rush on a base defense map. The driver is facing the building he's rushing, exits behind the vehicle and gets owned by base defense. I know you can just aim the other way before exiting, but wasn't that the problem to begin with?

I suggest predictable exit points, meaning what original Renegade had - when I exit any vehicle, it's ALWAYS on the back left (unless something is in the way).

Agreed... I fully support adding predictable exit points like Renegade had. Will make for much more technical tank battles. Changing it to 'exiting behind the camera' doesn't do enough, and just adds other problems.

Not sure I follow what problems its adding, but let's assume you're right. What do you suggest?

An apc rush on a base defense map. The driver is facing the building he's rushing, exits behind the vehicle and gets owned by base defense. I know you can just aim the other way before exiting, but wasn't that the problem to begin with?

I suggest predictable exit points, meaning what original Renegade had - when I exit any vehicle, it's ALWAYS on the back left (unless something is in the way).


I don't want to have to take the extra time to point in the opposite direction (then leaving myself vulnerable to any units coming from that opposite side). Back left corner is logical and predictable. It's also logical in the sense that if you turn your vehicle around to drive (to have the smaller side of the vehicle be the front, since the turret is in the back - which made hugging a wall much easier with a vehicle), you'd sacrifice your exit point and exit on the vulnerable side. It's just the best exit point there is.

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