Christopher Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 Feel free to tell them the wonder of Renegade X.
UncleRichardson Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 Although I don't quite get the hype surrounding Titanfall I don't think purposefully antagonizing them is a good idea. Especially since the publisher of Titanfall is the company that is graciously allowing RenegadeX to even exist.
Christopher Posted March 8, 2014 Author Posted March 8, 2014 I was actually planning on getting titanfall a minute ago but while conjuring up material to troll them with ie its just call of duty with mechs and wall jetpacking ive decided no way in hell im spending that kind of money on it. and after watching gameplay and playing it for a few hours i am certainly not missing out on anything. what a massive hype train that game is jesus people keep falling for this shit lol. i came close to falling for it even after playing it and uninstalling it our of boredom after a hour or two! god damn marketing is relentless. I love the part "why does this keep happening to me!" when he finds out the hyped game sucks yet again lol
SFJake Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 I would have been interested in that game if it wasn't EA, if it didn't cost an INSANE amount of money, if it was moddable, if it wasn't so obviously going to have tons of DLC, etc... It doesn't look that bad, though it also holds to some CoD elements for no reason at all and I find it very stupid for it. I have no idea how people can be willing to shed that much money for it though.
ErroR Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 Pretty sure this goes into the "Everything else" section. I don't know very much about titan fall except that it's on the source engine (which is easily moddable, so that means easily ripped models etc) and that's it's a fps with mechs. I'm not exactly sure if it's fair to compare every first person shooter to cod if it's generic, it's trying to do at least something different.
Valor Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 Drastically different games. Renegade X supported 32vs32 (hopefully again). Titanfall is 6v6, it's an FPS DotA. It will be a hit, I'm sure, but it's just not my thing and I have friends who play CoD and BF but won't touch Titanfall for the same reason. Previous poster is right, EA is letting Renegade X exist and the less we do to piss them off the better. And I would prefer not to have people associate Renegade X with trolls.
Christopher Posted March 8, 2014 Author Posted March 8, 2014 watch this at around 6:30 in. interesting discussion about why renegade x will never beat out crappier games because of lack of exposure. =( lol ea copyrighting their trailer oh my god jesus christ.
iran Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 So this game is made on the Source engine and was made by the people behind Call of Duty? LMAO Imagine Renegade re-imagined by the developers of Call of Duty.
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 The concept of this game is not even ripped of from Shogo M.A.D... It's an exact clone. It's like they made an exact copy of Shogo M.A.D, removed the anime, added jumpsuits, regenerating health and more modern weapons (for some, Shogo M.A.D also had futuristic weapons). Why they decided to like exactly copy a obscure 90's game, i don't know. I don't know either how they managed to get away with it without getting sued... Although the game itself does look kinda cool. Indeed, it's incredibly hyped though.
cirex Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 You can't argue with non-renegade believers. These COD people can only enjoy crap, accept it and move on, they are lost and even you cannot save them. Better stick with the nice people, uss , the die-hard oldschool Renegade players.
Drury Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 Deliberately making yourself look like a pack of elitist idiots and trolls in front of a much larger gaming community. Good grief OP and certain members posting in this thread. You've done it again.
Christopher Posted March 8, 2014 Author Posted March 8, 2014 i acknowledge that the wall climbing and mechs are cool and their guns are also interesting. they also do have a much bigger audience which makes them better. Renegade X has a surprisingly small player base. and yeah people have different taste in games and i am trolling and a lot of people may truly like titanfall over renegade x. i acknowledge that. BUT its still call of duty with mechs instead of kill streaks and jumpjets instead of going prone lololololol
Drury Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
Totem Arts Staff Nielsen Posted March 8, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 8, 2014 Thanks Christopher for showing the Titanfall forum what the RX community is like : S Please refrain from taking such a stance in the future where ever ok? PS Titanfall is really cool and very enjoyable. -Thread locked.
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