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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to announce Gz0 is recruiting Renegade players! As some of you may have read in my other post, I am AeoNELiTe from back in this game's Westwood glory days. I was an admin in FooFoo and founded =DoA=, both of which swapped first place positions with -WL-. If any of you remember me, hit me up on Steam!

Anyways, for the last several years we have had an FPS clan playing mostly Call of Duty and Battlefield series, as well as DayZ and few other games. We currently have around 120 both casual and competitive players in the clan from all over the world, so whatever your skill level you will fit right in with us. I am working with Sebqt while he develops the competitive side of Renegade, and we definitely plan to be at the top once again as the ladder becomes popular.

Our main goal is just to have fun whooping up on people and working together as a team. We like to make being in the clan akin to hanging out with a group of friends at a bar just having a good time - after all it is a video game. There are no super strict rules like attendance, language, dues, or any of that nonsense that lots of other clans get into, and we believe that a clan should be run with input from all our members whenever possible. Our awesome members are our most valuable asset, and we run the clan so they have an awesome place to play with their friends. We don't believe that being in a clan should feel like a second job.


- Mature Behavior

- Decent FPS Player

- Working Mic/Teamspeak 3

- Join Teamspeak while playing


If you think you meet these criteria then you should definitely look into joining Gz0, we have an awesome group of guys (and girls) and I promise you won't regret it! Anyone interested can message me on Steam, fill out an application on our website, or just hop on Teamspeak with us and come play! Now is the perfect time to join while the game is getting off the ground. Hope to see you all soon!

Clan Website: http://www.ground0gaming.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/groundzerogaming/

Teamspeak: voice.south.eoreality.net:19989 pw= nohacks

Steam: Aegisx5

Origin: Aegisx5


Thanks for today's teamwork! I had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to play many more matches.

Unfortunatlely I couldn't join the GZG server that was set up later (after the hackers shows up on the public one).

Edit: I guess I should have posted this in the "real" GZG thread. Oh well :)


Hey Cherno! Good playing with you too man, we were just in the process of setting up our server but it is up and running now. Hopefully we will see you online later today some time?

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