super_gsx Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I've been playing Renegade since 2003 (When I got the CnC Collection box-set) under the SN "supergsx". I never took it very seriously like some people did, and I was never in a clan or anything. But I was pretty good at it, and it was my favorite game. So, I'm not just some newbie. I've literally been waiting for an update to Renegade for 10 years and Renegade X ever since you guys went public, and have been following it all along, patiently waiting. And now it's here!! Well, mostly. There are a lot of changes to be made to perfect it. But it's already awesome! Thank you guys so much for this game. If I could, I would pay for it. I can only hope you're all as dedicated now as you have been in the last 6 years (I think), because this game has so much potential to literally replace the original! So here's my list of suggestions/complaints about it so far (not including obvious bugs): Screen Names - We should have to choose one SN and stick with it indefinitely, rather than being able to change it every time we launch the game. Settings - The settings need to be accessible in the ESC menu. Chat - The in-game chat disappears too quickly. It literally should not disappear AT ALL. And it should be available with scroll (like original Ren) inside the purchase terminals, AND if it's not too much to ask, inside the ESC menu. Voting - I love the survey/voting function, but there are problems with it. First of all, the voting time is way too short. Secondly, hardly anyone knows when a vote is going on because it's so small and up at the top of the screen. There should be some sort of alert on the screen or a sound that a vote is taking place. Thirdly, I don't know if this is actually a problem or not, but it seems like anyone can create any survey of any kind at any time, including spammy joke surveys. Then again, I find most of them to be absolutely hilarious, and maybe that's a reason to keep them. Hints - It took me a while to learn all of the new features, most of which seemed hidden. I think in-game hints might be helpful to new players. They should be toggle-able in the settings. Damage Indicators - Damage indicators aren't very obvious. Hotwire's Repair Gun - Hotwire's repair gun should look different from the standard engineer one. I always thought this. And I honestly think it needs a much longer range than the standard. If it has an increased range already, it's not enough. Sidearms - Sidearms should cost money every time you want to buy them. Making them once to buy is like making them free. Also, the machine pistol and the grenades should be purchasable sidearms, not default weapons. Purchasable Repair Gun - The repair gun should DEFINITELY be a purchasable sidearm. It will not be Hotwire's gun, and it will be expensive. This doesn't defeat the purpose of an engineer because: 1- you lose your defensive sidearm, 2- engineers have C4 and are free, 3- you still need an engineer to cover you during vehicle battles, but you can still fight when your vehicle gets destroyed. Apache/Orca - The Apache and the Orca are both extremely weak. 2 ramjet snipers can take one out with only a couple shots. Their HP is very low. They're slow and easy to hit. They have no way of engineer support. And their weapons just suck. The machine guns need more spray. Also, and probably most importantly, they go up and down EXTREMELY SLOWLY. They need to be much faster, at least vertically. Whiteout Turrets - The turrets in Whiteout are AWESOME and I love the addition of player-controlled base defenses. The only problem is that they are overpowered (not as much as some people seem to think, but they are). An addition I would also make to them is how they rebuild. I don't like the fact that they just die and then show up again randomly. I think they should be rebuildable via engineers. But unlike repairing, it wouldn't be something you can do only half-way. The engineers must stick there until they are fully rebuilt (which should take a while, like the silos). It sort of reminds me of the bridges in the RTS CnC games (and maybe those can be implemented into RenX, too!). Artillery Shells - I actually really like what you guys did with the artillery shells. The physics makes shooting them seem much more realistic and fun, and the retical is actually useful! The problem I have is that the artillery shouldn't have a limited range. At all. It's ARTILLERY. It's meant for long-range stuff. The distance it can fire should be limited only by the bullet physics. ALSO, if you're going to add that physics to the artillery, it just doesn't make sense to not add it to the tank shells. I tried to rationalize it; maybe the marty shells are much heavier, or the tank shells fire much faster... But I don't think that would account for this dramatic difference. I think if you're going to do one, you need to do all of them. Flamethrowers - I think the flamethrowers are very weak. They seem even weaker than the original Ren. Also, their range is shit. Running - I really like the addition of running. It dramatically speeds up the game and greatly improves it. There is a problem though. When people change directions while running, there's no intermediate animation. They just go from left to right without a frame in between. This makes them extremely hard to hit. They should at least slow down a bit when they do that. Maybe make a cool animation where their feet slighty slide on the ground only for a split second as they change direction. Stupid Harvesters - The harvesters are way too stupid. They should avoid obstacles, especially in Field where a war is usually brewing right in their path. Currently, they'll just push you or run you over or FLIP you over... It's very annoying. Also, the harvesters have too few HP. They're very easy to destroy. I personally think it would be a good idea if the harvesters had a gun on them, but I can see why people wouldn't like that. Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters - In Original Ren, there was a fan-made map where you could buy a harvester at the PT and go out and collect tiberium for your team. I LOVED that idea and wish to see it again. Of course it won't work on any of the maps you have so far, or any of the original maps at all. But it would be really great to see a map with lots of tiberium fields (dynamic ones) and ONLY player-controlled harvesters making money for their teams. Give them little machine guns and make a harvester limit. That will add an interesting new strategy to these hypothetical maps I'm dreaming of. Voice Communication - I know we're all nostalgic for the original commands, but in the modern day a game like this NEEDS voice coms. People say it will be filled with screaming children, so just create a block function. It's not going to be terrible anyway, once the storm dies down... I mean, we're not playing some gay deathmatch FPS like COD or CSS. It's not about k/d ratios. People aren't going to be having flame-wars in this game. Anyway, the other team won't be able to hear you. Physics - The original game didn't have physics at all, and I don't think it needed any. RenX has ridiculous physics. I do like the way vehicles rock back and forth when they shoot and when they get shot, but I don't like how they randomly decide to have an orgy the moment one bumps into another. Once during a rush I was in a light tank and it literally flew about 20 feet in the air because I was bumped. I also think it's a bit ridiculous how a ramjet shot sends players flying across the map, while a headshot from a regular sniper makes them not move at all and just reach for their face (not a bad animation, but inconsistent). Beacon Timers - Revert the beacons back to the way they were. Don't worry about the completely unrealistic nature of a nuke just disappearing right above your head. Stopping them with such short notice is very exciting, and the way you do it, when the timer starts people just give up and run away, hopeless to watch the loss of their building. The whole idea of stopping beacons is unrealistic anyway (don't they have GPS in the future?). I do have a solution for this, which I would LOVE to see implemented into the game. How about when the beacon is disarmed with the nuke right above your head, the nuke shell just slams into the ground and stops (insert tiny fart sound), like it was a dud? I think that's funny. You could even have it kill the people who disarmed it, just by hitting them. As for the ion cannon, there should be a similarly funny animation. I can't think of what it would be. Perhaps a small explosion with confetti? Maybe that's a bit too silly. Anyway, you could have kept it the way it was while making funny animations. Airstrikes OP - Airstrikes should not be able to destroy heavy vehicles. Perhaps a buggy/humvee. But not an APC. Not a tank. That's just awful. In fact, I don't think they should be able to kill heavy units, like Havoc. How shitty is it that someone without using any skill whatsoever can kill your 1000-credit player and you can't really do anything about it? Really shitty. Airstrikes should kill engineers and low-armor vehicles, and only damage the heavier vehicles and infantry. Also, I think there should be a longer waiting time for airstrikes. McFarland OP - He is too cheap and too strong. Enough said. ... I think that's all I can think of for now. Surely there's more, but this was already getting really long, so... Yeah. Quote
SeriousPan Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I don't think McFarland is too strong. He's weak at range and can be sniped fairly easily. He is a tad cheap but people claim he's a good counter measure to early NOD game plays. But I think a bit of a price increase couldn't hurt. Quote
TotemAatz Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I've been playing Renegade since 2003 (When I got the CnC Collection box-set) under the SN "supergsx". I never took it very seriously like some people did, and I was never in a clan or anything. But I was pretty good at it, and it was my favorite game. So, I'm not just some newbie. I've literally been waiting for an update to Renegade for 10 years and Renegade X ever since you guys went public, and have been following it all along, patiently waiting. And now it's here!! Well, mostly. There are a lot of changes to be made to perfect it. But it's already awesome! Thank you guys so much for this game. If I could, I would pay for it. I can only hope you're all as dedicated now as you have been in the last 6 years (I think), because this game has so much potential to literally replace the original!So here's my list of suggestions/complaints about it so far (not including obvious bugs): Screen Names - We should have to choose one SN and stick with it indefinitely, rather than being able to change it every time we launch the game. Run steam and it will use steam nick, run the launcher if you don't use steam to set the nick you want. I don't see a issue here. Settings - The settings need to be accessible in the ESC menu. Will come. Chat - The in-game chat disappears too quickly. It literally should not disappear AT ALL. And it should be available with scroll (like original Ren) inside the purchase terminals, AND if it's not too much to ask, inside the ESC menu. Cheat needs options, possible like a time slider or always on. Voting - I love the survey/voting function, but there are problems with it. First of all, the voting time is way too short. Secondly, hardly anyone knows when a vote is going on because it's so small and up at the top of the screen. There should be some sort of alert on the screen or a sound that a vote is taking place. Thirdly, I don't know if this is actually a problem or not, but it seems like anyone can create any survey of any kind at any time, including spammy joke surveys. Then again, I find most of them to be absolutely hilarious, and maybe that's a reason to keep them. Yeah I've seen people trolling with this just making stupid comments, there should only be kick options and map change options with increased time and notification. Hints - It took me a while to learn all of the new features, most of which seemed hidden. I think in-game hints might be helpful to new players. They should be toggle-able in the settings. Yes, there should be a few hints, there are however few videos to explain everything out there. Damage Indicators - Damage indicators aren't very obvious. Been talked about and needs fixing, especially they need to add the HP damage close to the reticle and red directional circle from where you get hit. Hotwire's Repair Gun - Hotwire's repair gun should look different from the standard engineer one. I always thought this. And I honestly think it needs a much longer range than the standard. If it has an increased range already, it's not enough. Gun is perfectly fine, no issue here at all with it. Sidearms - Sidearms should cost money every time you want to buy them. Making them once to buy is like making them free. Also, the machine pistol and the grenades should be purchasable sidearms, not default weapons. Its a bug, all purchasable guns will get removed upon death. Purchasable Repair Gun - The repair gun should DEFINITELY be a purchasable sidearm. It will not be Hotwire's gun, and it will be expensive. This doesn't defeat the purpose of an engineer because: 1- you lose your defensive sidearm, 2- engineers have C4 and are free, 3- you still need an engineer to cover you during vehicle battles, but you can still fight when your vehicle gets destroyed. Nononono, defiantly not. Terrible idea. Apache/Orca - The Apache and the Orca are both extremely weak. 2 ramjet snipers can take one out with only a couple shots. Their HP is very low. They're slow and easy to hit. They have no way of engineer support. And their weapons just suck. The machine guns need more spray. Also, and probably most importantly, they go up and down EXTREMELY SLOWLY. They need to be much faster, at least vertically. Pretty much paper planes. Whiteout Turrets - The turrets in Whiteout are AWESOME and I love the addition of player-controlled base defenses. The only problem is that they are overpowered (not as much as some people seem to think, but they are). An addition I would also make to them is how they rebuild. I don't like the fact that they just die and then show up again randomly. I think they should be rebuildable via engineers. But unlike repairing, it wouldn't be something you can do only half-way. The engineers must stick there until they are fully rebuilt (which should take a while, like the silos). It sort of reminds me of the bridges in the RTS CnC games (and maybe those can be implemented into RenX, too!). Engies and engies only should be able to fix them, yes. Artillery Shells - I actually really like what you guys did with the artillery shells. The physics makes shooting them seem much more realistic and fun, and the retical is actually useful! The problem I have is that the artillery shouldn't have a limited range. At all. It's ARTILLERY. It's meant for long-range stuff. The distance it can fire should be limited only by the bullet physics. ALSO, if you're going to add that physics to the artillery, it just doesn't make sense to not add it to the tank shells. I tried to rationalize it; maybe the marty shells are much heavier, or the tank shells fire much faster... But I don't think that would account for this dramatic difference. I think if you're going to do one, you need to do all of them. I find arty pretty balanced, they should not be able to deal massive damage cross map without having anything to retaliate with. Flamethrowers - I think the flamethrowers are very weak. They seem even weaker than the original Ren. Also, their range is shit. Flamers straight up suck, some more ticks or increased damage should do it. Running - I really like the addition of running. It dramatically speeds up the game and greatly improves it. There is a problem though. When people change directions while running, there's no intermediate animation. They just go from left to right without a frame in between. This makes them extremely hard to hit. They should at least slow down a bit when they do that. Maybe make a cool animation where their feet slighty slide on the ground only for a split second as they change direction. Cant say i noticed this. Stupid Harvesters - The harvesters are way too stupid. They should avoid obstacles, especially in Field where a war is usually brewing right in their path. Currently, they'll just push you or run you over or FLIP you over... It's very annoying. Also, the harvesters have too few HP. They're very easy to destroy. I personally think it would be a good idea if the harvesters had a gun on them, but I can see why people wouldn't like that. They always been stupid, but i still think you should be able to make the harvester stuck in poles etc. to keep the enemy from getting free points on it when dominating the tib fields. Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters - In Original Ren, there was a fan-made map where you could buy a harvester at the PT and go out and collect tiberium for your team. I LOVED that idea and wish to see it again. Of course it won't work on any of the maps you have so far, or any of the original maps at all. But it would be really great to see a map with lots of tiberium fields (dynamic ones) and ONLY player-controlled harvesters making money for their teams. Give them little machine guns and make a harvester limit. That will add an interesting new strategy to these hypothetical maps I'm dreaming of. No, players should not be taken off the field to drive harvesters, ever. Voice Communication - I know we're all nostalgic for the original commands, but in the modern day a game like this NEEDS voice coms. People say it will be filled with screaming children, so just create a block function. It's not going to be terrible anyway, once the storm dies down... I mean, we're not playing some gay deathmatch FPS like COD or CSS. It's not about k/d ratios. People aren't going to be having flame-wars in this game. Anyway, the other team won't be able to hear you. Yupp Physics - The original game didn't have physics at all, and I don't think it needed any. RenX has ridiculous physics. I do like the way vehicles rock back and forth when they shoot and when they get shot, but I don't like how they randomly decide to have an orgy the moment one bumps into another. Once during a rush I was in a light tank and it literally flew about 20 feet in the air because I was bumped. I also think it's a bit ridiculous how a ramjet shot sends players flying across the map, while a headshot from a regular sniper makes them not move at all and just reach for their face (not a bad animation, but inconsistent). Physics is great and adds so much more to the game, i love flying all over the place when i get blown up, i love how tanks feel big and heavy when you fire it. Beacon Timers - Revert the beacons back to the way they were. Don't worry about the completely unrealistic nature of a nuke just disappearing right above your head. Stopping them with such short notice is very exciting, and the way you do it, when the timer starts people just give up and run away, hopeless to watch the loss of their building. The whole idea of stopping beacons is unrealistic anyway (don't they have GPS in the future?). I do have a solution for this, which I would LOVE to see implemented into the game. How about when the beacon is disarmed with the nuke right above your head, the nuke shell just slams into the ground and stops (insert tiny fart sound), like it was a dud? I think that's funny. You could even have it kill the people who disarmed it, just by hitting them. As for the ion cannon, there should be a similarly funny animation. I can't think of what it would be. Perhaps a small explosion with confetti? Maybe that's a bit too silly. Anyway, you could have kept it the way it was while making funny animations. Beacons need longer timer and need to make a sound when it is being deployed. Airstrikes OP - Airstrikes should not be able to destroy heavy vehicles. Perhaps a buggy/humvee. But not an APC. Not a tank. That's just awful. In fact, I don't think they should be able to kill heavy units, like Havoc. How shitty is it that someone without using any skill whatsoever can kill your 1000-credit player and you can't really do anything about it? Really shitty. Airstrikes should kill engineers and low-armor vehicles, and only damage the heavier vehicles and infantry. Also, I think there should be a longer waiting time for airstrikes. Horrible thing IMO, pretty shit considering it can take out all enemy tanks for 700creds. McFarland OP - He is too cheap and too strong. Enough said. Don't really play him but after playing vs him i cant say i find him OP. ... I think that's all I can think of for now. Surely there's more, but this was already getting really long, so... Yeah. Quote
SFJake Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Why is buying a repair gun such a terrible idea? I need to repair, either pay 300 credits for a side repair gun (random price, I do think it should be pricey) or waste 1000 credits losing your precious characters just to get an engineer. (+350 if you want a tech) Heck I played with weapon drops all the time and everybody could get a repair gun. Game was fine. Why are people against mechanics that just makes things more versatile? I don't care about the competitive side of things by the way, they can disable whatever they want for those matches. But such things can just make matches more interesting. Player harvesters was an idea thrown around. I think it has potential, but its hard to say. I hate the OP airstrikes (oh lets walk around there and *boom* 1000 credit character lost, no ref, are you kidding me, it wasn't a sniper, it wasn't anything, it was just the remnant of an airstrike I never knew was even hitting this place because I wasn't even there). I could name a thousand situations where airstrikes piss me off. McFarland needs a cost increase. I hope he doesn't just get nerfed, though. Love the char, but price is definitely too low. The orca & apache are too weak right now. Beacons definitely needs to be possible to be disarmed up to the last milli-second, don't care how it looks. They can add visual effect (like nuke explodes in the sky and ion just gets sucked back up) later down the road. Too much to talk about from the first post, just sharing my point of view on a few points. Quote
TotemAatz Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 If everyone could buy a Repair gun it would make the two made for fixing stuff useless in most of their aspects, pay 350 to put down mines? have havocs running around repairing tanks because they got more of a HP advantage? Nah, if you could pick it up from a kill, yes, go ahead, but simply let everyone buy it, ahhh hiel naw Quote
SFJake Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 We're talking about the repair gun, not the advanced one. A havoc repairing vehicles in an emergency works, but really, you want that big sniper pointed at the enemy, and you want an hotwire repairing, since they repair much faster and thats a much better use of a player. Engineers are still good in that they are free compared to an expensive repair gun, and hot/techs have a repair gun thats so much better its not funny. So thats why I don't see the issue, personally. Quote
Volcom Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I've been playing Renegade since 2003 (When I got the CnC Collection box-set) under the SN "supergsx". I never took it very seriously like some people did, and I was never in a clan or anything. But I was pretty good at it, and it was my favorite game. So, I'm not just some newbie. I've literally been waiting for an update to Renegade for 10 years and Renegade X ever since you guys went public, and have been following it all along, patiently waiting. And now it's here!! Well, mostly. There are a lot of changes to be made to perfect it. But it's already awesome! Thank you guys so much for this game. If I could, I would pay for it. I can only hope you're all as dedicated now as you have been in the last 6 years (I think), because this game has so much potential to literally replace the original!So here's my list of suggestions/complaints about it so far (not including obvious bugs): Screen Names - We should have to choose one SN and stick with it indefinitely, rather than being able to change it every time we launch the game. As said before use steam for now. Their will be a login system in future launches Settings - The settings need to be accessible in the ESC menu. Will be there in future launches Chat - The in-game chat disappears too quickly. It literally should not disappear AT ALL. And it should be available with scroll (like original Ren) inside the purchase terminals, AND if it's not too much to ask, inside the ESC menu. Already noted. Voting - I love the survey/voting function, but there are problems with it. First of all, the voting time is way too short. Secondly, hardly anyone knows when a vote is going on because it's so small and up at the top of the screen. There should be some sort of alert on the screen or a sound that a vote is taking place. Thirdly, I don't know if this is actually a problem or not, but it seems like anyone can create any survey of any kind at any time, including spammy joke surveys. Then again, I find most of them to be absolutely hilarious, and maybe that's a reason to keep them. That's a quick fix. I Don't think time needs to be changed. Just the font colour and maybe a sound when a vote is launced. Hints - It took me a while to learn all of the new features, most of which seemed hidden. I think in-game hints might be helpful to new players. They should be toggle-able in the settings. There is a video out that covers the basics, but maybe we could add hints in the Scrimmage mode. Damage Indicators - Damage indicators aren't very obvious. Being Worked on Already Hotwire's Repair Gun - Hotwire's repair gun should look different from the standard engineer one. I always thought this. And I honestly think it needs a much longer range than the standard. If it has an increased range already, it's not enough. Yea this issue is already known. Sidearms - Sidearms should cost money every time you want to buy them. Making them once to buy is like making them free. Also, the machine pistol and the grenades should be purchasable sidearms, not default weapons. Yea it is a bug. It will be fixed in the next patch. Purchasable Repair Gun - The repair gun should DEFINITELY be a purchasable sidearm. It will not be Hotwire's gun, and it will be expensive. This doesn't defeat the purpose of an engineer because: 1- you lose your defensive sidearm, 2- engineers have C4 and are free, 3- you still need an engineer to cover you during vehicle battles, but you can still fight when your vehicle gets destroyed. Hasn't really been discussed. May come with future tech buildings. Apache/Orca - The Apache and the Orca are both extremely weak. 2 ramjet snipers can take one out with only a couple shots. Their HP is very low. They're slow and easy to hit. They have no way of engineer support. And their weapons just suck. The machine guns need more spray. Also, and probably most importantly, they go up and down EXTREMELY SLOWLY. They need to be much faster, at least vertically. Use the speed boost. Also their armor may be weak but they do a lot of damage. Just need to get used to them. Whiteout Turrets - The turrets in Whiteout are AWESOME and I love the addition of player-controlled base defenses. The only problem is that they are overpowered (not as much as some people seem to think, but they are). An addition I would also make to them is how they rebuild. I don't like the fact that they just die and then show up again randomly. I think they should be rebuildable via engineers. But unlike repairing, it wouldn't be something you can do only half-way. The engineers must stick there until they are fully rebuilt (which should take a while, like the silos). It sort of reminds me of the bridges in the RTS CnC games (and maybe those can be implemented into RenX, too!). Yea they aren't supposed to respawn. Should be fixed by next update. Artillery Shells - I actually really like what you guys did with the artillery shells. The physics makes shooting them seem much more realistic and fun, and the retical is actually useful! The problem I have is that the artillery shouldn't have a limited range. At all. It's ARTILLERY. It's meant for long-range stuff. The distance it can fire should be limited only by the bullet physics. ALSO, if you're going to add that physics to the artillery, it just doesn't make sense to not add it to the tank shells. I tried to rationalize it; maybe the marty shells are much heavier, or the tank shells fire much faster... But I don't think that would account for this dramatic difference. I think if you're going to do one, you need to do all of them. Personally I think they are fine. Flamethrowers - I think the flamethrowers are very weak. They seem even weaker than the original Ren. Also, their range is shit. Well for a free class I think they do quite a bit of damage. Aim for the head Running - I really like the addition of running. It dramatically speeds up the game and greatly improves it. There is a problem though. When people change directions while running, there's no intermediate animation. They just go from left to right without a frame in between. This makes them extremely hard to hit. They should at least slow down a bit when they do that. Maybe make a cool animation where their feet slighty slide on the ground only for a split second as they change direction. I think it is good as is, in original Renegade you could strafe left and right much easier to dodge shots, so the sprint helps in this game. Stupid Harvesters - The harvesters are way too stupid. They should avoid obstacles, especially in Field where a war is usually brewing right in their path. Currently, they'll just push you or run you over or FLIP you over... It's very annoying. Also, the harvesters have too few HP. They're very easy to destroy. I personally think it would be a good idea if the harvesters had a gun on them, but I can see why people wouldn't like that. The Harvester physics are unlikely to change. Part of Unreal engine. Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters - In Original Ren, there was a fan-made map where you could buy a harvester at the PT and go out and collect tiberium for your team. I LOVED that idea and wish to see it again. Of course it won't work on any of the maps you have so far, or any of the original maps at all. But it would be really great to see a map with lots of tiberium fields (dynamic ones) and ONLY player-controlled harvesters making money for their teams. Give them little machine guns and make a harvester limit. That will add an interesting new strategy to these hypothetical maps I'm dreaming of. Drivable harvesters have been talked about, so you never know Voice Communication - I know we're all nostalgic for the original commands, but in the modern day a game like this NEEDS voice coms. People say it will be filled with screaming children, so just create a block function. It's not going to be terrible anyway, once the storm dies down... I mean, we're not playing some gay deathmatch FPS like COD or CSS. It's not about k/d ratios. People aren't going to be having flame-wars in this game. Anyway, the other team won't be able to hear you. Most communities already have Teamspeak. Teamspeak 3 is free so I it should be pretty simple to just run that instead. Physics - The original game didn't have physics at all, and I don't think it needed any. RenX has ridiculous physics. I do like the way vehicles rock back and forth when they shoot and when they get shot, but I don't like how they randomly decide to have an orgy the moment one bumps into another. Once during a rush I was in a light tank and it literally flew about 20 feet in the air because I was bumped. I also think it's a bit ridiculous how a ramjet shot sends players flying across the map, while a headshot from a regular sniper makes them not move at all and just reach for their face (not a bad animation, but inconsistent). I think the physics make the game unique. Beacon Timers - Revert the beacons back to the way they were. Don't worry about the completely unrealistic nature of a nuke just disappearing right above your head. Stopping them with such short notice is very exciting, and the way you do it, when the timer starts people just give up and run away, hopeless to watch the loss of their building. The whole idea of stopping beacons is unrealistic anyway (don't they have GPS in the future?). I do have a solution for this, which I would LOVE to see implemented into the game. How about when the beacon is disarmed with the nuke right above your head, the nuke shell just slams into the ground and stops (insert tiny fart sound), like it was a dud? I think that's funny. You could even have it kill the people who disarmed it, just by hitting them. As for the ion cannon, there should be a similarly funny animation. I can't think of what it would be. Perhaps a small explosion with confetti? Maybe that's a bit too silly. Anyway, you could have kept it the way it was while making funny animations. Well you already get an additional 5 seconds to repair the beacon when compared to renegade, plus you can sprint in Renegade X. I think maybe the timer could be changed so it ends when the beacon can't be disarmed. That should make it more clear Airstrikes OP - Airstrikes should not be able to destroy heavy vehicles. Perhaps a buggy/humvee. But not an APC. Not a tank. That's just awful. In fact, I don't think they should be able to kill heavy units, like Havoc. How shitty is it that someone without using any skill whatsoever can kill your 1000-credit player and you can't really do anything about it? Really shitty. Airstrikes should kill engineers and low-armor vehicles, and only damage the heavier vehicles and infantry. Also, I think there should be a longer waiting time for airstrikes. Already dealt with in next patch. McFarland OP - He is too cheap and too strong. Enough said. He has weak armour and health though. Should be easy to kill. ... I think that's all I can think of for now. Surely there's more, but this was already getting really long, so... Yeah. Quote
TotemAatz Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 We're talking about the repair gun, not the advanced one. A havoc repairing vehicles in an emergency works, but really, you want that big sniper pointed at the enemy, and you want an hotwire repairing, since they repair much faster and thats a much better use of a player.Engineers are still good in that they are free compared to an expensive repair gun, and hot/techs have a repair gun thats so much better its not funny. So thats why I don't see the issue, personally. I'm just scared they manage to make something like a super engineer with volt gun or PIC and massive HP bonus compared to the engineer repairing tank while putting down beams of doom at the enemy tanks every now and then. Idk, might work and might not. Quote
super_gsx Posted March 3, 2014 Author Posted March 3, 2014 Thanks everyone for responding to my long-ass post. As for the thing you all seem to be talking about - purchasable repair guns... I hadn't thought of it in the mindframe of tech buildings. That could be an opportunity... But then again, for all the maps that don't already have said tech buildings. In the old Ren, almost every server had weapon drops, and since so many engineers were always dying, just about everyone had a repair gun. Which brings me to another point I totally forgot about: Weapon Drops - They should be optional for servers. There was nothing I loved better than an SBH with a ramjet rifle, or GDI launching nukes. I know it's insane, and that's why it shouldn't be mandatory. Just optional for the crazy servers. It'd be fun to play like that every once in a while. ... But back to the repair guns. Ideas on them. Tech buildings, maybe. That doesn't really solve my problem though. I want everyone to be able to have a repair gun. How about this. We make them 350 credits. That way you have a choice between a Hotty/Tech OR your character of choice with a shitty sidearm repair gun and no defensive sidearm. One choice is defensive, the other is offensive. OR we can give these sidearm repair guns limited ammo or less powerful than the engineer gun. As for the fear of super-engineers with volt-guns... I'd say that engineers are very vulnerable. They're the most commonly sniped characters in the game. When you're repairing a tank, you're putting your life on the line to help someone else. That's when you're vulnerable to airstrikes and snipers and tank shells, etc. If you're going to spend 1350 credits just to have slightly higher HP but still be in that vulnerable position, you're wasting your money. In the end, you could do it just like I said to do the weapon drops. Make it a server option. Quote
SFJake Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I mentioned weapon drops because they actually said it was coming back later! So thats some good news for you. I'm not sure how exactly they're going to do it, though. I'd like an option on top of it to disable ramjet-sniper-pic-railgun pickups for stealth. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 A purchaseable repairgun... What? I'm not even going to discuss this. Just NO. Orca's and apaches are fine, but ramjets should do less damage to them indeed, for the rest they're just fine. Adding driveable harvesters would flood the economy system, this really would not be a good idea, as cool as it is though. Keeping harvesters as stupid as they are right now is actually quite important, really. Only thing it did when the enemy had the field was pushing allied tanks straight into their death, with the harvester dying staight after. So yeah... Mines need a bigger trigger radius, you need to be pretty damn close to them if you want to make them blow up. Quote
Volcom Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Yea but I feel if every character had a repair gun it would throw off the balance of the game. Quote
SFJake Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 So do weapon drops, doesn't stop it from being great... Quote
HeroKerr Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Yea but I feel if every character had a repair gun it would throw off the balance of the game. Just like giving all basic infantry a shotgun eh? Quote
Antisymmetric Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 I think purchasable repair guns are simply a no go, there's just no way you could balance it. That being said in the future new tech buildings are supposed to provide your team with purchasable mechanic and health kits; which to my understanding act as dropable health packs for vehicles and infantry respectively. This isn't your repair gun but would function like what your going for I think. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 I don't like weapon drops in Renegade at all. Not even weapon spawners. So that's a no from me about the purchasable repair gun. Quote
Raker57 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 I think some people are being too close minded about the player controlled harvesters. You say it'll flood the economy system, but that's thinking of it in a very single-minded kind of way. You just have to get creative with it. As stated before, dynamic tiberium fields is one way of controlling the income. Another way is to make them very pricey if you make them purchasable. I believe they were $3,000 in the original C&C. Last but not least, you could just make them spawn as they do now, one at a time, but they wouldn't be AI controlled. They would just sit there waiting for a pilot, like all the other vehicles do. Player controlled harvesters could be a server side option. There are plenty of people who would actually enjoy resource collection, and this would eliminate retarded harvesters who run into poles or just sit there the whole game because they fell off their track. It would make game play smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Finally, harvesters would be able take evasive action instead of being sitting ducks. It would be a valuable support role. Obviously you'd have trolling team mates now and then who would purposely be A holes with the harvester, but that's what the "vote to kick" option is for. I hope the devs would seriously consider this. Quote
Raker57 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 A final option could be for the harvester to be AI controlled until a player entered the vehicle. If the player jumped out, it would become AI controlled again and return to the closest point on it's track. Quote
Volcom Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Yea but I feel if every character had a repair gun it would throw off the balance of the game. Just like giving all basic infantry a shotgun eh? Way to be a dick. The Tech and Engy were given shotgunners and stayed because it was popular. And they were not my choice to begin with. These servers are done my way. Quote
super_gsx Posted March 4, 2014 Author Posted March 4, 2014 Okay obviously I can let go of the repair gun thing. It wasn't in the original game, and I can see how it can throw off the balance. But I still think it's a cool idea. But I do have another option to fix the problem that was supposed to fix. Let's put health kits in random places in the maps. Not random, obviously. Just a few per map. Hidden places. This would be especially helpful for big maps. As for player-controlled harvesters flooding the economy, I'd say yes they absolutely will - in the maps which already exist. I'm not saying we should add PC harvesters into Fields and Mesa and Whiteout and stuff. Absolutely not! That would be awful. I'm saying we should develop specific maps which allow for PC harvesters. I really love the idea of differently colored tiberium and teams using their harvesters to fight over the more valuable stuff. Let's say the PC harvesters make less credits than the real ones. I don't know how much less. This is a concept that needs some research and development. Perhaps do some experimentation with PC harvesters in regular maps (where you can only own one)... Obviously there'd need to be a harvy limit for any map. It's still a very interesting concept that I don't want to just let go of because it's not canon Renegade. Quote
wolfrikku Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 How about this. We make them 350 credits. That way you have a choice between a Hotty/Tech OR your character of choice with a shitty sidearm repair gun and no defensive sidearm. One choice is defensive, the other is offensive. I say if you make the repair gun something everyone can buy, the person gives up their side arm. Since going engie/hotty/tech makes you give up your primary weapon. But I think it would also have to repair slower then the normal engie's repair gun. Let's put health kits in random places in the maps. Not random, obviously. Just a few per map. Hidden places. This would be especially helpful for big maps. They do it's the random death crates but they can refill everything for you character health and ammo. Quote
Antisymmetric Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 A final option could be for the harvester to be AI controlled until a player entered the vehicle. If the player jumped out, it would become AI controlled again and return to the closest point on it's track. That could actually not just be for fun but very beneficial, the harvester gets stuck, and bumped around all the time from what Ive seen. I feel like this would solve that problem, just jump in correct the harvesters course then off to whatever you were doing. Quote
HeroKerr Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Yea but I feel if every character had a repair gun it would throw off the balance of the game. Just like giving all basic infantry a shotgun eh? Way to be a dick. The Tech and Engy were given shotgunners and stayed because it was popular. And they were not my choice to begin with. These servers are done my way. soserious Quote
SFJake Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Its really funny to me how people frown about things like weapon drop and engy drops, yet they actually barely change how the game works (as seen in, you know, all the bloody wepaon drops game I played) compared to something like airstrikes that destroys about a dozen incredibly crucial part of the game. Whatever, just food for thought. I realize I don't know who is and isn't against either or both. Quote
tflst5 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 My biggest gripe right now is the fact that Hotwires and Tecs can use the better weapons. Like the tib rifle or upgraded sidearms. These classes are already powerful in their role, making them able to easily outclass many of the infantry classes too is a little too powerful. Right now it is hard to notice, but wait until more people learn the game and see the importance of these units. In the original Ren most people ran around with a tech or hotwire, now there will be even more reason to use them and less reason to use the other units. Quote
SFJake Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 The tiberium weapons might be a problem, the weapons you should be able to get here should never be power weapons, and even 200$ infantry should give more power than those. Which is why I think the Carbine for instance is perfectly fine. Quote
wolfrikku Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 My biggest gripe right now is the fact that Hotwires and Tecs can use the better weapons. Like the tib rifle or upgraded sidearms. These classes are already powerful in their role, making them able to easily outclass many of the infantry classes too is a little too powerful. Right now it is hard to notice, but wait until more people learn the game and see the importance of these units. In the original Ren most people ran around with a tech or hotwire, now there will be even more reason to use them and less reason to use the other units. The side arm weapons are bugged right now. They are only supposed to last until you die. If they worked as intend the hotwire would cost 350+the cost of the weapon each life. I also feel the tib auto rifle should have its damaged reduced since you don't have to hit your target to damage them. Quote
Severencir Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 I've been playing Renegade since 2003 (When I got the CnC Collection box-set) under the SN "supergsx". I never took it very seriously like some people did, and I was never in a clan or anything. But I was pretty good at it, and it was my favorite game. So, I'm not just some newbie. I've literally been waiting for an update to Renegade for 10 years and Renegade X ever since you guys went public, and have been following it all along, patiently waiting. And now it's here!! Well, mostly. There are a lot of changes to be made to perfect it. But it's already awesome! Thank you guys so much for this game. If I could, I would pay for it. I can only hope you're all as dedicated now as you have been in the last 6 years (I think), because this game has so much potential to literally replace the original!So here's my list of suggestions/complaints about it so far (not including obvious bugs): Screen Names - We should have to choose one SN and stick with it indefinitely, rather than being able to change it every time we launch the game. Settings - The settings need to be accessible in the ESC menu. Chat - The in-game chat disappears too quickly. It literally should not disappear AT ALL. And it should be available with scroll (like original Ren) inside the purchase terminals, AND if it's not too much to ask, inside the ESC menu. Voting - I love the survey/voting function, but there are problems with it. First of all, the voting time is way too short. Secondly, hardly anyone knows when a vote is going on because it's so small and up at the top of the screen. There should be some sort of alert on the screen or a sound that a vote is taking place. Thirdly, I don't know if this is actually a problem or not, but it seems like anyone can create any survey of any kind at any time, including spammy joke surveys. Then again, I find most of them to be absolutely hilarious, and maybe that's a reason to keep them. Hints - It took me a while to learn all of the new features, most of which seemed hidden. I think in-game hints might be helpful to new players. They should be toggle-able in the settings. Damage Indicators - Damage indicators aren't very obvious. Hotwire's Repair Gun - Hotwire's repair gun should look different from the standard engineer one. I always thought this. And I honestly think it needs a much longer range than the standard. If it has an increased range already, it's not enough. Sidearms - Sidearms should cost money every time you want to buy them. Making them once to buy is like making them free. Also, the machine pistol and the grenades should be purchasable sidearms, not default weapons. Purchasable Repair Gun - The repair gun should DEFINITELY be a purchasable sidearm. It will not be Hotwire's gun, and it will be expensive. This doesn't defeat the purpose of an engineer because: 1- you lose your defensive sidearm, 2- engineers have C4 and are free, 3- you still need an engineer to cover you during vehicle battles, but you can still fight when your vehicle gets destroyed. Apache/Orca - The Apache and the Orca are both extremely weak. 2 ramjet snipers can take one out with only a couple shots. Their HP is very low. They're slow and easy to hit. They have no way of engineer support. And their weapons just suck. The machine guns need more spray. Also, and probably most importantly, they go up and down EXTREMELY SLOWLY. They need to be much faster, at least vertically. Whiteout Turrets - The turrets in Whiteout are AWESOME and I love the addition of player-controlled base defenses. The only problem is that they are overpowered (not as much as some people seem to think, but they are). An addition I would also make to them is how they rebuild. I don't like the fact that they just die and then show up again randomly. I think they should be rebuildable via engineers. But unlike repairing, it wouldn't be something you can do only half-way. The engineers must stick there until they are fully rebuilt (which should take a while, like the silos). It sort of reminds me of the bridges in the RTS CnC games (and maybe those can be implemented into RenX, too!). Artillery Shells - I actually really like what you guys did with the artillery shells. The physics makes shooting them seem much more realistic and fun, and the retical is actually useful! The problem I have is that the artillery shouldn't have a limited range. At all. It's ARTILLERY. It's meant for long-range stuff. The distance it can fire should be limited only by the bullet physics. ALSO, if you're going to add that physics to the artillery, it just doesn't make sense to not add it to the tank shells. I tried to rationalize it; maybe the marty shells are much heavier, or the tank shells fire much faster... But I don't think that would account for this dramatic difference. I think if you're going to do one, you need to do all of them. Flamethrowers - I think the flamethrowers are very weak. They seem even weaker than the original Ren. Also, their range is shit. Running - I really like the addition of running. It dramatically speeds up the game and greatly improves it. There is a problem though. When people change directions while running, there's no intermediate animation. They just go from left to right without a frame in between. This makes them extremely hard to hit. They should at least slow down a bit when they do that. Maybe make a cool animation where their feet slighty slide on the ground only for a split second as they change direction. Stupid Harvesters - The harvesters are way too stupid. They should avoid obstacles, especially in Field where a war is usually brewing right in their path. Currently, they'll just push you or run you over or FLIP you over... It's very annoying. Also, the harvesters have too few HP. They're very easy to destroy. I personally think it would be a good idea if the harvesters had a gun on them, but I can see why people wouldn't like that. Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters - In Original Ren, there was a fan-made map where you could buy a harvester at the PT and go out and collect tiberium for your team. I LOVED that idea and wish to see it again. Of course it won't work on any of the maps you have so far, or any of the original maps at all. But it would be really great to see a map with lots of tiberium fields (dynamic ones) and ONLY player-controlled harvesters making money for their teams. Give them little machine guns and make a harvester limit. That will add an interesting new strategy to these hypothetical maps I'm dreaming of. Voice Communication - I know we're all nostalgic for the original commands, but in the modern day a game like this NEEDS voice coms. People say it will be filled with screaming children, so just create a block function. It's not going to be terrible anyway, once the storm dies down... I mean, we're not playing some gay deathmatch FPS like COD or CSS. It's not about k/d ratios. People aren't going to be having flame-wars in this game. Anyway, the other team won't be able to hear you. Physics - The original game didn't have physics at all, and I don't think it needed any. RenX has ridiculous physics. I do like the way vehicles rock back and forth when they shoot and when they get shot, but I don't like how they randomly decide to have an orgy the moment one bumps into another. Once during a rush I was in a light tank and it literally flew about 20 feet in the air because I was bumped. I also think it's a bit ridiculous how a ramjet shot sends players flying across the map, while a headshot from a regular sniper makes them not move at all and just reach for their face (not a bad animation, but inconsistent). Beacon Timers - Revert the beacons back to the way they were. Don't worry about the completely unrealistic nature of a nuke just disappearing right above your head. Stopping them with such short notice is very exciting, and the way you do it, when the timer starts people just give up and run away, hopeless to watch the loss of their building. The whole idea of stopping beacons is unrealistic anyway (don't they have GPS in the future?). I do have a solution for this, which I would LOVE to see implemented into the game. How about when the beacon is disarmed with the nuke right above your head, the nuke shell just slams into the ground and stops (insert tiny fart sound), like it was a dud? I think that's funny. You could even have it kill the people who disarmed it, just by hitting them. As for the ion cannon, there should be a similarly funny animation. I can't think of what it would be. Perhaps a small explosion with confetti? Maybe that's a bit too silly. Anyway, you could have kept it the way it was while making funny animations. Airstrikes OP - Airstrikes should not be able to destroy heavy vehicles. Perhaps a buggy/humvee. But not an APC. Not a tank. That's just awful. In fact, I don't think they should be able to kill heavy units, like Havoc. How shitty is it that someone without using any skill whatsoever can kill your 1000-credit player and you can't really do anything about it? Really shitty. Airstrikes should kill engineers and low-armor vehicles, and only damage the heavier vehicles and infantry. Also, I think there should be a longer waiting time for airstrikes. McFarland OP - He is too cheap and too strong. Enough said. ... I think that's all I can think of for now. Surely there's more, but this was already getting really long, so... Yeah. Screen Names: i agree, but it might be dificult-impossible to manage properly if it's anything like the original renegade... only real solution would be to make it steam only or something Settings: again i agree, but that would also cause problems with changing, say graphics settings, and forcing the game to reload half of it's self... maybe only include lower impact settings like key bindings, audio and such Chat: first half agree completely, second half... tilde Voting: yes Hints: yes Damage Indicators: maybe optional, i can see the use, but i don't want this game to look like an rpg shooter... no offense to valkyrie chronicle players Hotwire's Repair Gun: skin: sure, not too important though range: no, it would be way overpowered if there was less threat to the life of the hotwire while in a firefight Sidearms: yes Purchasable Repair Gun: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no... major strategy changes and imbalances as well as risk/loss preventions... just no... Apache/Orca: if the armor was higher with original renegade-esque firepower/maneuverability, it would be very overpowered, (done it on cloud-zone many times) firepower/range/reload needs rework, verticle speed needs buff, otherwise love the handling of the vehicle Whiteout Turrets: full agreement Stupid Harvesters: you'll irritate some traditionalists with this one Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters: maybe fan maps only, but not core maps Voice Communication: optional only, default set to off... maybe setup as a seperate process so you can turn it off to reduce lag (like in ddo) for computers that barely cut it to play this game Physics: physics are cool Beacon Timers: i agree with another solution in a different thread Airstrikes OP: totally Quote
super_gsx Posted March 5, 2014 Author Posted March 5, 2014 Okay, another compromise to my purchasable repair gun idea. I already mentioned it, but the idea seems more feasible now. Limited ammo. Not only limited ammo, but you can only use it once. Say, it has 250 HP loaded into it. In a pinch, this could be absolutely useful as fuck. If you're Havoc with Bar destroyed and you have few credits left, and a building suddenly needs repairs, you can do it without losing your expensive character. Say it's more like a health kit than a repair gun. You just throw it at the building one time and it repairs it a little bit. Costs 350. I think that's a really good idea. A final option could be for the harvester to be AI controlled until a player entered the vehicle. If the player jumped out, it would become AI controlled again and return to the closest point on it's track. That could actually not just be for fun but very beneficial, the harvester gets stuck, and bumped around all the time from what Ive seen. I feel like this would solve that problem, just jump in correct the harvesters course then off to whatever you were doing. Exactly!!! I think it would be perfect. Quote
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