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Somehow people are selecting invisible characters. No not SBH. Completely invisible on GDI with Mendoza gun or sniper. Guys name was WacoTexas something in The Fury Pound server

The music and effects are retarded loud when you launch game - and that is often cause it crashes all the time during map change.

Both server browsers are broken. In game one will join diff one than u selected and doesnt show ping.

Out of game one crashes when you press refresh ping

Vehicles lag. Steering is clunky and horrible.

Snipers shoot too slow, reloads take forever. Same with rav.

Both apache and orca are crap, 20 round clip or something?

Colors are way too dark, in game chat is odd and makes players non responsive and dont read it.

Doors on buildings are glitchy

Purchase terminals are gloomy and odd.

PLEASE just make it like the old renegade.

Speaking of that, i think im gona go try n play the old one.

Was so excited for this to come out :( what a let down. I guess it is still beta tho.



Remember you're participating in a beta. Not only that, but the first beta. This isn't the final release of the game. Your input and bug reports will all help shape how polished the game ends up being.

If the game was gonna be perfect from the start, it wouldn't be an open beta.

Your feedback is appreciated though. :)


Open beta is the "release" though, as far as the public is concerned.

And that concerns me.

I think it would have been better keeping this closed, the state of the beta might end up pushing many people away.

But whats done is done.


Longer we kept it behind closed doors the more we were afraid of losing steam/drive/motivation, from both the devs and the fan base.

Personally I would have rather another 4-6 months.


I think it has been a great open beta. A lot of the issues only popped up once we had the large amount of players. Our Devs are very quick and very skilled and the issues will be fixed quickly.


This isnt the release see it Like a Pre Purchase , or a Demo of a game you dont call that too a Release or?

Still its Very Complete and Playable had only small Bugs till now

Btw the Server Launcher doesnt crash while Ping refresh he just freezes like 15 seconds and then responds and you see all the pings just dont rage click on it a "not Responding" Application isnt the same with " App crashed"


it has a lot of bugs, inbalance, missed things and not properly implemented stuf even though it is still so fucking awsome lol, great job you have done with this totem arts ppl, looking foward to the evolution of this beta state in to a more complete, balanced and stable build.


The problem is that companies are using the term 'beta' as a way to hype something and now people are being trained to think that betas are previews.

Rather than being something [beta] someone would actively participate in, knowing full well that the game isn't complete and they are bound to find problems , nowadays the word "beta" is being treated as demo. This is wrong!

A beta tester is person willing to test a game to find it's faults.

The problem is that companies are using the term 'beta' as a way to hype something and now people are being trained to think that betas are previews.

Rather than being something [beta] someone would actively participate in, knowing full well that the game isn't complete and they are bound to find problems , nowadays the word "beta" is being treated as demo. This is wrong!

A beta tester is person willing to test a game to find it's faults.

I remember when you had to sign with your signature to be able to test a game, had to fill out forms with bugs/balance/etc. and possible ways to fix said issue.

Now that was fun but as said above, Beta is now used as a marketing scheme and more or less kinda ruins the whole point of a beta these days which people think is more or less a demo.

Pre Order Now For Limited Time Only Boink + BETA ACCESS


I dislike how people don't know how to handle a beta. They judge games too personally based on betas.

Like, take an indie game in early alpha/beta, judge it like EA Release, then they completely rationalize it because "EA is what a beta really is", like sega does what nintendon't or something up in here. Really, EA only makes such good betas using the blood of the studios they run into the ground and then liquidate. But no, seriously, EA develops things with 200 people and for years, then they pretty much finish a game, then they could release it but instead release what they call a beta. It is really a demo for publicity and it is exactly what they are releasing and if you had any suggestions please write them on a piece of paper and roll it up and eat it because the game is finished and it's too late.

The real EA betas go on behind closed doors in places distant to the game release market with signed contracts promising not to disclose anything or they will sue you for the value of the game.


Open beta now means stress test. All it is is for the publisher to estimate how much money they need to spend on servers. The game itself is already finalized.

For example, the Titanfall "Open beta" started a month before the release. Do you think they will make any changes to the game in one month?


It's in my opinion that a stress test is a stress test, a release candidate is a release candidate, a beta is a beta, an alpha is an alpha and that the terminology shouldn't be excused if used incorrectly; Especially by big companies.

Open beta now means stress test. All it is is for the publisher to estimate how much money they need to spend on servers. The game itself is already finalized.

For example, the Titanfall "Open beta" started a month before the release. Do you think they will make any changes to the game in one month?

Closed beta is invite only, Open beta anyone can join. And yes Yes Titanfall could make changes to the game in 1 month if anything game breaking was found.

The problem is that companies are using the term 'beta' as a way to hype something and now people are being trained to think that betas are previews.

Rather than being something [beta] someone would actively participate in, knowing full well that the game isn't complete and they are bound to find problems , nowadays the word "beta" is being treated as demo. This is wrong!

A beta tester is person willing to test a game to find it's faults.

I remember when you had to sign with your signature to be able to test a game, had to fill out forms with bugs/balance/etc. and possible ways to fix said issue.

Now that was fun but as said above, Beta is now used as a marketing scheme and more or less kinda ruins the whole point of a beta these days which people think is more or less a demo.

Pre Order Now For Limited Time Only Boink + BETA ACCESS

I kind of wish the open beta was like this now, it would be easier to report issues and stop turning people off who are thinking this is a finished product.


There are some launch issues, but this is an open beta. Overall, as a new player to the Renegade series, I think the game is great and a lot of fun to play. Thanks for all of the hardwork the developers have put in, and will continue to put into, developing this game.

Once the server issues are ironed out the game will be superb.

Remember you're participating in a beta. Not only that, but the first beta. This isn't the final release of the game. Your input and bug reports will all help shape how polished the game ends up being.

If the game was gonna be perfect from the start, it wouldn't be an open beta.

Your feedback is appreciated though. :)

A good point that people need to keep in mind. That being said, I agree with this whole list. Still, most of them are just aesthetics bugs & discrepancies. I'd assume the devs are focusing on stability & crashes, server/client netcode, gameplay and balance issues primarily during this phase (I hope, anyway). But it's important to list everything I suppose. No doubt the game needs work but it's also one hell of a first impression and still quite an impressive feat :)

Anyway. Peace!


The game seems largely feature-complete to me. All the units appear to be in, the basic game largely works quite well, there's no reason to be worried about "pre-orders" getting cancelled because people have come to expect that "beta=demo", so I think releasing as "open beta" was completely reasonable at this time. Anyone who would give it a try and go "this is sort of broken in some ways! Well, never trying that again!" probably doesn't have the critical thinking skills necessary to make for a fantastic member of the game community.

Similarly, I'm of the mind that the kind of people who see "open beta" and don't realize it means "there'll probably be a bunch of problems! That's the whole point!", much less whine or complain about said problems in an non-constructive manner, probably aren't exactly going to be much of a sterling audience/playerbase anyway. Particularly when the product in question is, you know, totally free.


The thing that made RENEGADE awesome, was its values - damage values and health and speed of vehicles...and so on.

It is so diff, its not even like the same game. Although I guess it isnt.

over 100,000 downloads?... and between 200 and 500 players online at a time...Wish it held back til next year if needed :( I was really looking forward to this game. Think im gona buy a copy of the old one and hit up that community.

Wish this was just an EXACT copy of the old game.

More issues, have had proxy mines somehow glitched so they couldnt be disarmed.

Super glitchy in map areas with vehicles, getting stuck, jammed, and so on.

Some characters do so much damage to the internal master control panel. its retarded.


can gdi aquire stealth via the surprise crates? ive changed class to some kinda minigun user i hadnt tried/seen yet when i was nod black hand, gutted id lost my stealth.

also i think its q funny that the doors give a brief beep sound like the superweapon beacons do, i get paranoid and walk around till i catch on its the door opening/closing making 2 beeps.

Somehow people are selecting invisible characters. No not SBH. Completely invisible on GDI with Mendoza gun or sniper. Guys name was WacoTexas something in The Fury Pound server

The music and effects are retarded loud when you launch game - and that is often cause it crashes all the time during map change.

Both server browsers are broken. In game one will join diff one than u selected and doesnt show ping.

Out of game one crashes when you press refresh ping

Vehicles lag. Steering is clunky and horrible.

Snipers shoot too slow, reloads take forever. Same with rav.

Both apache and orca are crap, 20 round clip or something?

Colors are way too dark, in game chat is odd and makes players non responsive and dont read it.

Doors on buildings are glitchy

Purchase terminals are gloomy and odd.

PLEASE just make it like the old renegade.

Speaking of that, i think im gona go try n play the old one.

Was so excited for this to come out :( what a let down. I guess it is still beta tho.



The team has done an excellent job!

Stop whining, stop it! (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)

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