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I'd also like a meter for loses on a given faction or at least a number for how many games played. At the moment the GDI/Nod win rate doesn't tell me much since there is nothing to put it into perspective.


Nothing can really make the leaderboard relevant. K/D ratio is meaningless and score is largely meaningless except as an indicator of time played. Win/Loss rate is basically nothing but luck of who you end up with on your team and whether you ragequit early. The whole thing should be removed IMO, no reason to encourage people to point whore/kill whore.

Nothing can really make the leaderboard relevant. K/D ratio is meaningless and score is largely meaningless except as an indicator of time played. Win/Loss rate is basically nothing but luck of who you end up with on your team and whether you ragequit early. The whole thing should be removed IMO, no reason to encourage people to point whore/kill whore.

Score Per Minute. Problem solved.


Score per minute also just encourages bad things.

Actually killing a building only gives 600 points (less if you are rushing as a team and only deal partial damage), yet pounding on a single building with arties will give thousands while 1 hotwire can outrepair 2 arties. The former is clearly a potential game-winning move while the latter is arguably directly hurting your team since if the game is 20v20 then 1 hotwire countering 2 arties = your team is fighting 18v19 and two vehicles down.

It also discourages people from playing out games to the finish when losing (can't get many points as a basic infantry without money).


This is why so many servers in Renegade added another scoring method to the game in Veteran Points. You recieved points for killing tanks/infantry/buildings and repairing buildings/tanks.

No scoring method is perfect but in terms of measuring how useful someone is to a team, the vetpoints were definitely a good indicator.

I know some servers (Black-Cell for sure) added a vet points/minute to their ranking info and that definitely was the number people looked at for a long time.

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