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Dear Renegaders,

As a life long Renegader (played with 56k back in 2002 and recently with scripts) it is very saddening how poorly some of the newer community members are being treated. While I understand that there are going to be highly differing viewpoints, everyone still needs to be treated with respect.

From ingame to certain forum posts, if I were a new member I would feel as though the Renegade X community is rather severe and not very inviting. We need to be aware that many new players won't know what MRLS stands for or how Noobjets destroy Arties etc.

In addition, new players need to realize that Renegade is a completely different kind of game that encompasses many mechanics that are very foreign. Jumping around like a chicken with your head cut off while spewing out red and yellow assault rifle bullets and orchestrating stank rushes is the norm in Renegade land.

TL;DR Be nice to new players otherwise our community will fail to grow. Our community needs player to be a community, treat everyone with respect.


I welcome new players that want to understand how the game work and want to learn it, however most people just go out saying this game is shit because X and Y and this is when you start getting trouble. But to be fair renegade community have always been a bit hostile (at later date) and trolling if you ask me, renegadeforums just look like a shitpost forum a lot of the time, that's not to say there are lots of good stuff there too, but there needs to be a understanding that Renegade itself was a special thing that grew a niche group within it who have played it ever since and when those see new people ask for lower TTK and easier stuff or changes to core gameplay its easy for them to get tunnel visioned and focus on that rather than explain why it is and help them get past that. And im going to leave it at that note for now by saying all new players should put time and effort into learning the game and do research about the game before making posts or even playing for the first time to get a general understanding of how the game mechanics work.


I welcome new players that just want to play the game. I also welcome new players that quit the game because they don't like the game.

I will tell them to leave if they don't like the game and want to change the game according to their needs.


The only new players that aren't being treated with respect are the ones asking for it. Any noob is being welcomed graciously. The only ones that are receiving backlash are the *very few* trolls that aren't looking for anything more than an argument...


I agree, however the primary group of newcomers who post to this forum are whining about the game, and that doesn't go over well. Unfortunately the only real experience we've had on this forum with newcomers are people who are straight-up trolls who wouldn't enjoy the game anyway.

Although I do agree that the community could be much more mature towards newcomers. Just patiently explain to them how the game works, and they'll catch on.

I agree, however the primary group of newcomers who post to this forum are whining about the game, and that doesn't go over well. Unfortunately the only real experience we've had on this forum with newcomers are people who are straight-up trolls who wouldn't enjoy the game anyway.

Although I do agree that the community could be much more mature towards newcomers. Just patiently explain to them how the game works, and they'll catch on.

That I agree with, though whiners should change. They're welcomed to leave, of course.

Old Ren's community wasn't exactly the best out there but ehh...it's definitely a breath of fresh air compared to most mainstream game communities out there.

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