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Server Connectability Issues


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Hi all,

I'm attempting to run a server from my work where we have 100MBit symmetrical line but I'm running into some issues. My server is not able to be connected to, why would this be?

Here is a link for my log: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=1dNhTXRj

System is running Win7 64-bit with i7 3770, 8GB RAM, Intel network controller.

Any help is appreciated!

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Here's my server.bat file contents. I changed the admin password however, my actual password has no special characters.


Edit: Reinstalled .net 4.5 and same issues remain. Could this problem be completely due to the port I'm trying to host on being closed? Unfortunately at work I cannot open ports so what are some common ports that are typically open that I would be able to host on without conflicting with existing services on our LAN?

Edit_2: How would a 30Mbit down, 4Mbit up connection fare with hosting a server?

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