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Hi there,

First of all, I would like to express my deepest grattitude to all the devs of Ren X for bringing C&C back to life. I really appreciate the hard work and zeal, guys, because I've played C&C: Renegade for like 8 years, being one of my dearest games of all times.

I really loved Ren X so far, yet one problem keeps me from enjoying it fully. I bought a really good laptop last November, the specs are:

Core i5-4200M Processor (3M Cache, up to 3.20 GHz)

8GB RAM @1600 MHz

GPU nVidia Geforce GT755M DDR5 2GB

Windows 8.1

I'm able to run new games (like Thief 4, Deus Ex:Human Revolution) at very high settings and 1920x1080 resolution with no problem, but Ren X on 1280x720 and medium settings has REALLY low fps (maximum 30 in interiors, 15-20 in exteriors in average), which is really strange. Is this because of Ren X being in beta phase? I had the same problems with Black Dawn standalone. It seems strange to me that such old engine would be much more demanding than 2013/2014 games. Thanks for your help and advice in advance. (yes, I have got all the drivers updated).


I would like to second this post. I am also getting low framerates even on lowest settings in both the multiplayer and black dawn. My hardware is not the newest but I'm quite sure its not outdated yet.


Phenom II X3 @3.4 Ghz


Radeon HD 6770

Windows 7


I was getting terrible frame rates as well on AMD Phenom II 6 core processor overclocked to 3.1 gHz and HD 5850 graphics card. I noticed however that the game seems to be fairly CPU intensive. Perhaps there is room for optimization, game is in beta after all.

Anyway for me, a quick vacuuming of the CPU cooler, along with changing some of the settings and closing down unnecessary applications from background did the trick. I would assume that vacuuming had the biggest effect but if someone wants to try the settings I got this to work on I'll pos them:

-native reso (fullscreen)

-no AA

-texture filtering: low

-all the details on advanced page 1 on medium

-everything checked on advanced page 4

Smooth 60fps with this on 32 player game online.


that's odd ... im playing on a much inferior card than urs : the gt630M (also a laptop as u can see)

settings are everything shadow is off , lightings options are on but the postprocess , no AA , max details/mesh/texture

same res as u ... and i get 60 fps in tunnels , 40~50 when no much stuff goin on and 30 when hell gates open :o

are u sure u runnin latest drivers ...and for newer nvidia card like urs optimus may have chosen to play the game on the integrated ... make sure it is running on ur gfx card not the cpu .


pretty much the same deal as the op

Phenom II @ 4.0Ghz, 2600NB, 8GB dd3 1600 AMD 6780 @ 1600x900

no matter what settings I do even dropping everything to medium it runs like a 3 legged dog

windows 8.1


One thing you might try is going into the Nividia control panel and set it to use your GPU instead of auto select. This is the first game where I have had to manually set it to use the GPU. As for the other cards you guys might look and see if it has something similar to it.

Posted (edited)

+1 for all post's

-Intel i7-4700

-GeForce GT750


And my game have 15 fps on minimal(!!!) performance...

One thing you might try is going into the Nividia control panel and set it to use your GPU instead of auto select. This is the first game where I have had to manually set it to use the GPU. As for the other cards you guys might look and see if it has something similar to it.

hmm...i trying now, maybe this helping

Yes, it's work! Thanks man! :cool:

Edited by Guest
One thing you might try is going into the Nividia control panel and set it to use your GPU instead of auto select. This is the first game where I have had to manually set it to use the GPU. As for the other cards you guys might look and see if it has something similar to it.

This is correct. My laptop with Optimus required me to select discrete explicitly.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


Thank you guys...ehh, I really feel ashamed right now. Such obvious thing as default graphics processor wouldn't even cross my mind. Sorry about that, I'm getting beautiful cca 50 FPS with maxxed out settings. Someone should let the public know somehow that Windows tend to launch Ren X with integrated videocard instead of GPU.


I have an AMD card so the Nvidia solution doesn't apply to me, even setting up performance settings for the UDK.exe directly doesn't work. The game refuses to use 3D acceleration..



My game runs at 60-70 FPS inside the buildings, and 40-50 outside with 16-32 players, in running some test to have a full panorama on what is going on, and for the GPU Load and temp, download OPENHARDWARE MONITOR to check the maximum and minimum values fo your card so u'll notice that GPU runs at 100%

my specs:

Windows 7 SP1 X64


AMD Phenom II (4) X64 Black edition 3.4Ghz

AMD HD7770 GHZ edition

1080p gameplay

AMD 13.12 Drivers




Everything on TAB 2/3/4 is OFF


Any info or solutions from the devs for AMD users? It seems to be the trend that AMD GPUs are having problems with getting decent frames.


after a bit of tweaking I got it to behave a lot better

http://cl.ly/UAKF/Config.zip everything ultra -nodof -nomotionblur -nossao -fxaa 3

*extract to C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config

or where ever you have it installed

70-90fps 1600x900 6870

*for x64 systems only

note after installing this config changing options from the game menu will override my change

open UDKSystemSettings.ini and set any changes their (resolution vsync ect ect)

Which are the lines that disable ssao and set fxaa to 3 ?

in udksystemsettings.ini



and in udkmenu.ini



ListAA=No AA //0

ListAA=MSAA 2x //1

ListAA=MSAA 4x //2

ListAA=MSAA 8x //3

ListAA=MSAA 16x //4

ListAA=Nvidia FXAA 1 //5

ListAA=Nvidia FXAA 2 //6

ListAA=Nvidia FXAA 3 //7

ListAA=Nvidia FXAA 4 //8

ListAA=Nvidia FXAA 5 //9

ListAA=AMD MLAA 1 // 10


so //7 = FXAA 3 (yes this works on amd cards)

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