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  • Totem Arts Staff

so i desided to recored some matches of the beta tests the first 2 are just tests to see if i had the time to edit/upload so sorry about the quality ... but from the third episode onwards its much better

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

more coming on that channel ... so keep an eye out if you wonna see me fail at renegade-X


Yeah the only thing is you need a fast upload speed on your internet, or you might get some lag in game.

Either way, thanks a lot for this video, I can't get enough of Ren X.

  • Totem Arts Staff

well i can upload @ 1 to 2mb/s (actual upload speed)

think i will stick to youtube for now ... atleast i can add music and stuff

if lots of people want me to stream ill give it a go


If you can get Fobby to advertise your stream on the front page, you'll get a lot more viewers. The forums here are still mostly empty.

saterday, sunday around 8 pm ish (GMT)

Thats about 3 CST. I may join in, but I might end up needing to do something else.

Ditto. I work at night in this timezone, but I can watch that in bed or whatever. I usually do that with PA streams.


I know personally I'm loving watching these play sessions. (even watching them at my school and have had a couple people ask about the game).

Thanks for the video's :D


Well I always had a bad aim ...

I play online shooters since the beta time of counter strike (offline since the first Wolfenstein) and never improved my aim signifcant ...

must be some broken connection between my eyes and fingers :P

But thats one of the reasons I love renegade ...

you can be very usefull as engi, hotty, tank, sbh ... or snipe aircrafts ... use railguns to kill tanks ...

renegade has a playstyle for everyone!

its hard to snipe @ 30fps i usaly play @ 60+ fps popping peoples heads off like bubble wrap :P

Heheh, not saying I dont appreciate quick movements, I just have really bad motion sickness. Im weird though: as long as Im driving, I dont get sick. Once I get in the game and start whipping the camera around, Ill be fine.


I've been watching each of your videos as they come out. Sniping looks really difficult, yet you manage to pull it off. I hope there's more to come since I can't wait for the 26th :)

its hard to snipe @ 30fps i usaly play @ 60+ fps popping peoples heads off like bubble wrap :P

Heheh, not saying I dont appreciate quick movements, I just have really bad motion sickness. Im weird though: as long as Im driving, I dont get sick. Once I get in the game and start whipping the camera around, Ill be fine.

I love watching him and thegunrunn whip and snap the camera around fast and fluidly flowing it in circles and back-forth tracking. As well as going 3rd person often for sprinting and strafing and 1st person quickly every gunfight encounter and when pecking at tanks constantly going back and forth.

I would expect it be how I play, I almost wish there was a setting to auto-3rd-person whenever sprinting in order to save me a lot of keyboard micromanagement.

This game will be a fun ferrari for me to drive recklessly in.

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