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Just wanted to pop in and say hi, My friend showed me the trailer and i couldnt believe my eyes..hope theres still a bunch of the oldschool players around? Ive been dying to play past few yrs and wondering if anybody still played anymore.. I will be back at it asap! Thanks for keeping it alive guys SonOfAslumlord


Hello, and welcome back! If you want to brush up on your Ren skills before launch there are still servers and people playing most of the day. However, westwood online is now managed by a different company and requires a $10 fee to register; that is if you are interested in online play.

See you server-side.

Hello, and welcome back! If you want to brush up on your Ren skills before launch there are still servers and people playing most of the day. However, westwood online is now managed by a different company and requires a $10 fee to register; that is if you are interested in online play.

See you server-side.

As I know WOL is run by Xwis now and thus you just can log in as always.


Yeah fobby, wish i couldve been around more the past few yrs.. barely have time to play iphone games anymore. Been so out of the loop almost shat myself when i saw the trailer. Looks amazing! I will be playing some weekends and any chance I get.. Great work man this is gonna spark some old flames in me Thanks Bud


Hi guys first post, to the Devs this looks amazing thank-you! I remember playing and enjoying the original Renegade despite the reviews etc, and yes it had bugs but i loved it! So seeing the trailer for this prompted me to register here and follow the progress! Cya around the forums :)


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