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Hey Zerk,

One of the strongpoints of having people to pay (or a level system) is simple. As they sunk some time and/or money in the game, they want to get their investment out, giving a more steady fanbase.

However, as xD_Error rightly says, they cannot make a profit for this game due to official agreements with EA. A second thing is more personal. I hate pay to win games. It gives unfair advantages to rich players, making it no better than cheating to me. Same goes for a leveling system. I know that you dont refer to it as a leveling system, but improving yourself over time and/or with money is basically the same. Regardless if its per game or on a game after game scale. As I said in the linked post, I only condone a leveling system that awards special skins that give no advantage. Even better would be a system that awards you for doing amazing things, and not just for the time you play.

There wont be payment and a leveling system wont be incorperated in the first official release, if ever. So we will just have to make due with the fanbase that actually likes the game and didnt just sink money in there. It sounds much better that way.

Posted (edited)

Free to play is only good if it is not pay to win also they can't make money off the game as they said above. The only free to play system for a monetized game I could see working with out ruining the game is if you make money off banner adds on menus and loading screens as well as paid map packs but still allow players to make maps.(players would have the option to pay five bucks to remove all adds or somthing like that)

Edited by Guest

The game is already F2P. They aren't allowed to make money off of it.

Secondly, Renegade's base gameplay is designed to be complex yet easily accessible. You can join a match midway in progress and be in the same boat as the rest of your team.

It's because of that that I have to disagree with any forms of player bonuses, no matter how tiny. Everyone in the match should be equal at every stage of the game. There shouldn't be people on your team with more armor or ammo than you because they happened to be playing longer or are more "dedicated" to the game.

The game is already F2P. They aren't allowed to make money off of it.

Secondly, Renegade's base gameplay is designed to be complex yet easily accessible. You can join a match midway in progress and be in the same boat as the rest of your team.

It's because of that that I have to disagree with any forms of player bonuses, no matter how tiny. Everyone in the match should be equal at every stage of the game. There shouldn't be people on your team with more armor or ammo than you because they happened to be playing longer or are more "dedicated" to the game.

I am saying other games btw I am aware of that EA will not allow it. I just described a way that it could be done that wouldn't break a game.

Posted (edited)

Ok you guys have the idea wrong, if you have played league of legends, everyone in the game (once max level) is equal, it does not take very long to reach max level - around a week on new account. Each level a new talent point for the talent tree is released. Ranked Queue is disabled until max level (30), and there is nothing in the shop that gives an ingame advantage whatsoever, there is only the ability to purchase skins for your character, which can be vehicles characters etc in renX, the other things in the shop which are purchasable are xp boosts and in game currency to buy new characters etc, but nothing that gives you an advantage ingame.

And the purpose of talent tree is to provide multiple options suited for your needs at each tier, eg tier1 you choose between different bonus', that provides more in depth strategy.

Edited by Guest

Also with an investment backing the development of a new title that is basically renX but the design of characters vehicles slightly changed to avoid copyright, and witht he implementation of the above features, it could be a huge hit, the gameplay is just too fun! Something for the renX team to consider!

Ok you guys have the idea wrong, if you have played league of legends, everyone in the game (once max level) is equal, it does not take very long to reach max level - around a week on new account. Each level a new talent point for the talent tree is released. Ranked Queue is disabled until max level (30), and there is nothing in the shop that gives an ingame advantage whatsoever, there is only the ability to purchase skins for your character, which can be vehicles characters etc in renX, the other things in the shop which are purchasable are xp boosts and in game currency to buy new characters etc, but nothing that gives you an advantage ingame.

And the purpose of talent tree is to provide multiple options suited for your needs at each tier, eg tier1 you choose between different bonus', that provides more in depth strategy.

The bonus is exactly what a lot of people will hate. Now I can switch easily between characters without problems, but what if I have a sniper account? I would have a relative disadvantage if I would switch to anything other than a sniper. Or switching to a tank maybe?.

Also the level(tier?) system would be hard to implement unless it is saved per server. Even so, lots of people want to join at any time with barely a disadvantage. If I join a server, I dont want to fight a ton of people who can rip through me with basic infantry while Im in a tank. If I fight with a normal soldier against another, I dont want to be shot to hell "because I have no ap bullets yet" or whatever. Equal units allows for all tactics alliwing for a more diverse gameplay. Specialising allows for a higher total of tactics, but is more rigid. If you join with a sniper guy, you pretty much stay a sniper. Gameplay woild get boring.

Im not going to quote your last comment and pretend that you didnt say that. There is so much wrong there, legally, morally and in terms of time to release.


The way you make it sound like it will have the biggest impact on the game, talents can be tailored to provide more strategy without making the game broken, the way you write about it is simply your own idea, it doesn't have to be that way... WoW's talents give you choice at each tier, each of them fundamentally gives a similiar option in strength but each one has a different purpose.


The problem isn't necessarily balance, it's over complexity of something that is supposed to be straight forward and simple.

You buy a character, you get that character. You buy a tank, you get that tank. You shouldn't be allowed to slightly improve upon or otherwise diversify your units and weapons simply by using them more than other people.

The problem isn't necessarily balance, it's over complexity of something that is supposed to be straight forward and simple.

You buy a character, you get that character. You buy a tank, you get that tank. You shouldn't be allowed to slightly improve upon or otherwise diversify your units and weapons simply by using them more than other people.

Also true. A strenght of Renegade is just that, you see a medium tank, a flame trooper or a minigunner, you always know what to expect. Its an RTS game made into a shooter, not an RPFPS. This is my worry about the new customisable weapons, how this will be 'balanced' in a sense.


A level-system might could be a serverside addon. But it would be bad to have one level by default on every server.

In a good game, there should not be an advantage on characters and power between a Pro and a newbie. The only difference there can be is the difference of knowledge and skills. Only if you work without a level-system, you can keep the fight fair.

A small weapon-upgrade will make it a bit harder to know what to expect, however think a bit smart and you still know it. Is your enemy rich, then they probably will have some advanced weapons, else they stick to the free ones. I think this is a good development since only having a PP+REF often cases rage-quiting. When there is nothing to buy except fake beacons, then there is no fun, having access to at least some small upgrades will give these hopeless losers some hope.

I think this is a good development since only having a PP+REF often cases rage-quiting. When there is nothing to buy except fake beacons, then there is no fun, having access to at least some small upgrades will give these hopeless losers some hope.

well, i haven't really thought about it that way. that actually would be quite a nice thing to have, if the only anti-tank character you have is a flamethrower or grenadier.

I think this is a good development since only having a PP+REF often cases rage-quiting. When there is nothing to buy except fake beacons, then there is no fun, having access to at least some small upgrades will give these hopeless losers some hope.

well, i haven't really thought about it that way. that actually would be quite a nice thing to have, if the only anti-tank character you have is a flamethrower or grenadier.

Besides the fact that ragequitting at that point is a sad display, it is a good solution. Gaining just that little upgrade every time might be all the motivation you need to stay in the game (which I do regardless). I still resent the idea a bit somehow, so how about that these only get available when the hand/bar is down? I know I know. Server side options can remedy any discussion about this. Just like the mega awesome sharksquid tripod walker with lightsaber swords, anti satellite missiles and a mounted ion cannon satellite.


I have been following the making of this game for a long time myself and I realize that the development team is not aloud to except money but is there not anyway we can compensate these hard working guys for there work? I mean come on, EA has not made a decent CnC game since Kanes Wrath, they obviously have no idea how to look after nor grow the franchise. It's bullshit that they can pump out the garbage they do, slap a CnC logo on it and then make a mint off it. And we all know EA is just going to see how well this game does and then copy it. Remember the game Tiberium Twilight that got canned?

Sorry rant over, I just think people like this Dev are truly heroes of the CnC community and I really appriciate the work that they do.

Remember the game Tiberium Twilight that got canned?

I wish it had got canned =(

You mean Tiberium, ofcourse. I think it would be another let down if released actually.

Remember the game Tiberium Twilight that got canned?

I wish it had got canned =(

You mean Tiberium, ofcourse. I think it would be another let down if released actually.

Or he's talking about the WW-Version of TT^^


I hope, for the games sake, you have an audio option to turn that kill boink noise off. some poor voice overs (the robots and regular psycho midgets) nearly ruined Borderlands 2, but there were plenty of awesome voice overs to make up for those two, it was very addictive. Killzone's kill confirm chime not having an audio option to turn it off is one reason why most won't play it. So please allow an option to turn that noise off. One of C&C's biggest fans.

I hope, for the games sake, you have an audio option to turn that kill boink noise off. some poor voice overs (the robots and regular psycho midgets) nearly ruined Borderlands 2, but there were plenty of awesome voice overs to make up for those two, it was very addictive. Killzone's kill confirm chime not having an audio option to turn it off is one reason why most won't play it. So please allow an option to turn that noise off. One of C&C's biggest fans.

Renegade = BIONK

A solution to get rid of this boink can be found in the link below:

https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl= ... %20shooter

Another solution is to turn the sound down ;).

Note: Just my opinion, still a lot of customization can be done in the option menu, so there might be a button somewhere that will help you with your issue.


Yeah we will include an option to turn it off. Not sure if its already there but we plan to add a lot of customizable options like this, even for forst release.

I hope, for the games sake, you have an audio option to turn that kill boink noise off. some poor voice overs (the robots and regular psycho midgets) nearly ruined Borderlands 2, but there were plenty of awesome voice overs to make up for those two, it was very addictive. Killzone's kill confirm chime not having an audio option to turn it off is one reason why most won't play it. So please allow an option to turn that noise off. One of C&C's biggest fans.

Hah, what? Those are one of the most loved voices from Borderlands 2! A simple sound surely cant ruin a game so much for you, can it?

In any case, it might be possible to replace the sound with a client-side mod. Not sure how the dev-guys coded it though, so I cant tell for sure.

  • 2 weeks later...

So how does the game work in terms of rank and weapon/class unlocks? Because in other games you rank up and unlock weapons attachments etc, which in some respects gives you a slight improvement(ill refrain from using the word 'Advantage') over a standard class with default setup, is this system any different than unlocking perks per rank, or am i missing the point guys? In saying that talent trees or whatever are bad, does this mean no ranks/unlocks for your classes? Thanks


So how does the game work in terms of rank and weapon/class unlocks? Because in other games you rank up and unlock weapons attachments etc, which in some respects gives you a slight improvement(ill refrain from using the word 'Advantage') over a standard class with default setup, is this system any different than unlocking perks per rank, or am i missing the point guys? In saying that talent trees or whatever are bad, does this mean no ranks/unlocks for your classes? Thanks


there will only be a 'ranking system' in the trend of 'kill a lot of people without dying and you level up, and you lose that level if you die'. no weapon (attachment) unlocks, most likely ranks.


There's also Renegade's ecosystem still in place. You can only purchase a character/vehicle with enough credits earned. That's 2 credits per second with a Refinery active plus any additional silo captured, and a system that rewards you in credits and points for damage dealt (or repairing) and enemy units killed.

So how does the game work in terms of rank and weapon/class unlocks? Because in other games you rank up and unlock weapons attachments etc, which in some respects gives you a slight improvement(ill refrain from using the word 'Advantage') over a standard class with default setup, is this system any different than unlocking perks per rank, or am i missing the point guys? In saying that talent trees or whatever are bad, does this mean no ranks/unlocks for your classes? Thanks


To be clear, this is not in game (yet). At this point, all you can do in game is gain credits having an active refinery (2 credits a second, only 1 a second with a broken powerplant), the automatic harvester comes back from the tiberium field (aditional 300 credits) and shooting stuff/blowing stuff up (varies per gun and target). Repairing allied stuff also gives credits, repairing enemy stuff will gain negative credits and points. Friendly fire is (nearly) always off, so that doesn't matter. This is basicly what Anonymously also said in the previous post.

Credits can be used at terminals to purchase a different unit (each has a different weapon and health), a tank, a beacon or an airstrike. All units and tanks are unlocked from the start. All you need is enough credits.

Classes and ranks aren't in the initial release, and might not be in later releases. As a lot of options are left to the servers themselves, it could be added by a specific server when the modding community gets their hands on this.

I'm saying this as you seem a new to Renegade?

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